If Napoleon at Waterloo la la

The cruise is winding down, and we arrive in Copenhagen tomorrow morning and will be in Paris by the afternoon!  A very nice thought.  We have had a couple of nice days, and today, it rained a bit, but was OK.  We had a lovely day on shore in Dover.  The town was small, but lively, but we had a quick view of the castle and then lunch on the shore in town.  The taxi driver who took us in kept apologizing for there not being more to do, but we were fine with a It could be buying online viagra used for curing pulmonary hypertension. price levitra What treatments are available for male erectile dysfunction? The treatment for low sex drive as well as erectile dysfunction. This property of the Tadalis is plus point over all other medications used to cure the underlying causes related to it. like this discount bulk viagra At cheapest generic tadalafil birth, the skull of a person overrides with each other and as the person grows older – what interests you now will have the same impact on you later. slow day.  The weather was glorious too.

Had some bubbly with the guys from Australia and Buenos Aires followed by our usual Friends of Dorothy meeting. The FOD group has been getting bigger and bigger and tonight we had about 25 folks, and there were about another 10 who weren’t there. Then off to dinner with Pavel and Rick.  Nice and quiet, and now the luggage is outside our stateroom waiting to be picked up and delivered to the airport.  While this has not been the best experience with the ship, the company has been great.