Common people don’t know what exquisite agony is

Well, it has been a rough couple of days.  Well, yesterday and today.  Yesterday, David had a fall and he is still a bit sore.  In his eagerness to help clear the table after dinner, he fell as he was getting up from the table.  I had walked into the kitchen, so I couldn’t see what happened, I just heard it.  As always, it was a bit frightening.  He laid on the floor for a while and had to settle down a bit.  I didn’t want him to try getting up until he had some more color in his face.  Getting up is always quite difficult.  He can’t really help much, and I am grateful that I have lost weight and am, as David used to say, “strong, like bull”, to quote Natasha from Bullwinkle.

Since the fall, he has been having trouble getting comfortable sitting anywhere and needs help getting up and sitting down.  It seems like every five minutes, he wants to move or have his pillows fluffed up or rearranged.  I got a chair with arms that we had stored in the garage.  I hope that will help avoid any more falls.  The hardest part is, he doesn’t want to get into the car, and I don’t want to leave him for too long now.  On top of all that, my allergies are in full gear, so I am a bit drugged and it has been raining (the two things may be related).

On Saturday afternoon, we went to see Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at the Weston Playhouse.  We both enjoyed it, but I don’t think all the performances were great – particularly Vanya and Spike.  Vanya’s timing wasn’t great and Spike, while the character is pretty broad, was played a little too much like a spoiled 15 year old.  Anyway, we enjoyed it.  We are going to see All in the Timing next week in Dorset, which should be fun.