Little more than a glance is enough to show you just how small you are

I have decided, for good or ill, to begin keeping a secret blog.  Sort of the darker side of Scott.  If you ask very nicely, I may give you that password.  I promise though, that I will not write there until I have written here first.  Mostly, it will be my “bitch blog” where I will write the negative things that I don’t dare write on here, but need to get off my chest.  I will think of it as my other therapy.  I will also read it to a therapist when I find one.

Well, here is the positive news for the day – Ally came by and she and David got along great.  She lives in Dorset, doesn’t have a cell phone (really?  Congratulations!!  I wanted to add another “?” at the end, but thought, really – Congratulations!!), has a boyfriend who she lives with, doesn’t have a TV (here I will say – Congratulations??!! and how do you survive the winters?  Ah, Netflix, of course) and David shares his birthday with her Dad.  Him saying that to me wasn’t really difficult either, I just ran through her birthday, her boyfriends birthday and three’s the charm – her Dad’s birthday.

We also had a great chat with Alex, Claire and Theo this morning.  We heard Theo say Bye Bye and Claire has heard him say au revoir.  Bilingual!  After talking to them, we did as we promised, and exercised.  David also took a walk with Ally while I was gone.  He said the bugs were bad.  When I left, I did some marvelous things!  I wandered through Banana Republic and GAP and then went to my favorite place, the Kitchen Store in Dorset.  I swore I would buy something, so bought an apron and oven mitts – the mice started eating the ones I bought at the Dollar Store.  They can have them, they are ugly.  Maybe if I put the oven mitt in the mouse trap, they will DIE! DIE! DIE!  Maybe I should have saved that for the “Bitch Blog”. viagra 25 mg Discussing about sexual topic is always a sensitive issue. Even the words are a source of cheap levitra on line misery and judgement. It could be a side-effect tadalafil without prescriptions of prescriptions and dysfunctions related to diminished androgens or substantial estrogens levels. viagra tablets india Associated with is generally a nice time-long condition.
Well, I have not been feeling well (more about that later on the BB – maybe I should rethink that name and taking suggestions) with some flu like symptoms.  I usually get over these summer things in a day, so tomorrow, I will be bright as a daisy.  I also have a message at the top of th webpage saying that my connection has been lost, which happens all the time.  It better save all this or I will kill someone.  Copying now.

Tomorrow we have a busy day with two tilers, a roofer and the prospective June/July 2015 tenant coming to visit.  Will fill you in on that excitement tomorrow!

3 thoughts on “Little more than a glance is enough to show you just how small you are

  1. No matter where you are, you guys seem like very busy people, which usually seems like a good thing to me. Hope some relaxation is sprinkled in there.

  2. Maybe the BB can be called “Ain’t it the truth! Ain’t it the truth!” Or in another mood “Sorry-Grateful”. I hope I get the password.

  3. As an avid reader of your blog, I would love to read of your ” other side”. With all best wishes,Valerie.- ex UNIS teacher now living in the UK, but presently on holiday in Arizona.

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