Of course it all depends if it rained last night

We went to Saratoga this afternoon.  Not for the ponies neither.  We had a great visit and lunch with Betsy Downes and Pat Doyle.  They are at their house in the finger lakes, and we met half way.  Well, I say half way, but, I think we traveled about half the distance that they did.  It was great to catch up, and I told David on the way back that I thought he was very engaged verbally and he actually even agreed with me.  That is not a usual occurance.

Tomorrow, they are replacing the roof on the garage.  Well, replacing the shingles on the roof of the garage.  One of many projects that I wanted to get done this summer.  Unfortunately, it is the only one, and really was at the bottom of the list, but, he could do it, and why not?  Still have to get the house mouse-proofed – my patching didn’t seem to do the trick.  I saw a little visitor last night.  I am going to call a local exterminator and see what he thinks.  Our departure is starting to breathe down my neck, and I have to begin sorting through everything here and pack up what I can so it isn’t left for the last day.  I have the aide coming an extra day next week and that should help.

One of the topics of conversation today was our plan for next year, and I thought I would share that here.  We are planning on driving from Palm Springs to Vermont next year in April, I think.  We will take our time and stop at many places along the way, and end with a week or so in Washington before heading north to Vermont.  We will start planning out route, but if anyone has any suggestions for where we should go and where we should stop, that would be great.  Another adventure with David and Scott to look forward to!

On the blog front, I have been having a problem figuring out how to have parallel blogs on this site.  I have done some research, but the process of doing it seems very involved.  It may take some time, so those of you who have asked for access, don’t think I am ignoring you, it just may have to wait until I am back in CA and able to devote some time and brainpower to getting it figured out.