Talk about a star looking like a toy

The other night in my late night swim, as I was floating in the pool looking at the stars, I noticed searchlights crisscrossing the sky above me.  It was Labor Day Weekend, and the population of Palm Springs had swelled with vacationing revelers.  I just thought how nice it was to be in Southern California with all its sun, fun and glitz.

Today, we were back to work, and we stopped by to see Blade after getting blood drawn at the lab and before seeing Dr. Loftus.  It was great to see him, and he apologized in advance for the bad mood that the good Doctor might be in.  It seems that one of Blade’s patients had a fall, and she was also a patient of Dr. Loftus, and she insisted on going to see him, and might have thrown off his schedule a bit.  When we got to the office, it was quite true.  We didn’t see the doctor until 45 minutes after our scheduled time, and he actually took a moment to complain about how the office was being run.

He did, however, say he wanted to cry because he was so impressed with David’s expressivity.  David was very pleased to hear that.  We then went home and met the new aide, Jessica.  She seems nice, and after a brief introduction and giving her some instructions, I headed out to run some errands.  Then to the gym.  Still exercising, which is great for both my mood and physically.  Now if I can just stop eating like the world is running out of food, I will be happy!  Also sent out another resume.  I figure one of them will stick one of these days, right?