When the odds are sayin’ you’ll never win

We played our first game.  We lost.  I am on the Rat Pack and we played The Green Team.  I think we at least won on originality in the name department.  I am not exactly sure what the score was, but it was something like 14 – 9.  I may be being overly generous to our team.  I am sure David will say so tomorrow when I read this to him.  I said to my fellow Rats that would should just be happy in the knowledge that we can only get better!  it was the first game, after all.

David came to the game, but skipped the opening ceremony, which was a wise move.  He would have hated the opening.  Endless speeches that nobody could hear because we were outside at a baseball field with a little speaker system.  The pot luck was an assortment of items that ranged from chips and pizza to tacos and salads.  It was nice to be able to chat with my team mates though.  Nothing else really happened for the opening, which was sad.  So many missed opportunities.  The least they could have done was have a Judy Garland impersonator sing the National Anthem!  It that was too hallowed, she could have sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”.

Donovan brought David, and I think they both had a good time.  I won’t go into a play by play, just give you some highlights.  All about me, of course.  I was up to bat 4 times, and each time made it to first base.  I did have a Charlie Brown moment in the outfield.  The ball was hit, and came lofting in my direction.  I ran to catch it, and it landed right in my glove.  Then, as if with a mind of its own, it bounced out.   While this was bad, it was by far not the worst defensive play of the game.  There was one point when a batter had some trouble running, so our Captain, Stu, was looking for a pinch runner, and turned and said, “Where’s Scott, he runs really good”.  I was right there, and I became the designated pinch runner.  After making it to home, I immediately had to pick up a bat and hit.  And, of course, run.  Oh, did I mention it was hot!  I thought I would die.  But, I didn’t.

After the game, we all headed back to the house, and I fell into the pool along with David and Donovan.  What a delight that was!  Then to bed and we watched two episodes of Homeland followed by The Good Wife.  I forgot to mention yesterday we went to the Quilt Show at the Palm Springs Convention Center.  Quite a big show, and loads of nice quilts to see.  We also bought a kit to make another quilt for here in Palm Springs.  It has a Hawaiian theme, but the colors are nice and the palm trees work well.

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