Who can help me make a real impressive show?

Softball. I don’t think I updated you all on here. We lost two games on Sunday and won one. Well, the other team forfeited, and we will take that. We only have two games this Sunday, which is a lot less daunting. We do keep on losing players though. Mostly through personal reasons – they don’t want to be on a losing team – but one with an injury. An injury he got while filling in on another team. That might be a clue that he was probably our best player. Ah, softball!

I mentioned last week that I had the phone interview for this job in the San Francisco Bay area, and next week I am flying up to meet with some folks and take a look around. David and I have been talking about it, and we both think that it would be a good step. Whatever hurdles that we find, we will be able to get over them, I think. The idea is that David would stay here in Palm Springs, and I would be traveling a lot between SFO and Palm Springs. I actually think it may be good for David to have to be more self reliant. We would make sure he had caregivers when I am not here, and we would make adjustments to living as needed.

We had Physical Therapy yesterday, and found out that it was our last visit covered by Medicare. The supplemental insurance doesn’t cover PT either. We do have a handful of Occupational Therapy visits that I am going to ask the Doctor to write an order for. That will take us through the end of this year, and we will have another round of PT and Speech starting January first. I do have to say it is strange that they lump PT and Speech in the same category. I could almost understand PT and OT, but Speech seems like it should be its own category.

On top of everything, our phone and internet went out they day before yesterday, so having to write this on the iPad. I know, I know, there are worse things that could happen. You just don’t realize how much you miss technology until it is gone. They are supposed to come and fix it tomorrow between 8am and 5pm. Gotta love Verizon! Well, actually, you don’t.