I have had my mind spun around in space

Well, I was chastised over the weekend for not writing for such a long time.  Still not in the Pickle House, but hopefully by mid June.  I met with the painter and have the floor work scheduled.  David is anxious to get up to Livermore.  Yes, I said David is anxious to get up to Livermore.  I think that he will like it.  Things are busy, but I have still been going to Palm Springs every other week.  Was down last week and we had a nice time.

David has been a little tired, but I think it is because Blade has been pushing him.  He appreciates it though.  He has graduated from the cane to a walking stick and is now spending two days completely on his own.  He gets up, makes breakfast, showers, makes lunch and light dinner and watches TV.  He also has been sitting out in the sun on his own as well.  It really is amazing that six months ago this autonomy seemed so far away.  David has been great, and as always, very positive!

Things are going great here at the theater.  I am posting a recent article that was in the regional paper.  I thought he did a good job and got the sense of what I am trying to do.  In a few weeks we have our season launch and members party.  It should be fun.  I am hoping that the community comes along and enjoys the artists that we have booked next season.  We have a couple big names – Pink Martini – and some more unusual performance – DhakhaBrakha.  I expect comments on both.  We are also hosting LA Theatre Works production of Dracula.  I will fill you in on the rest of the 40+ performances we are presenting after the 27th.

4 thoughts on “I have had my mind spun around in space

  1. Scott:

    So good to hear from you– congratulations on coming through a firestorm. We certainly have a few things in common now! Would love to share war stories.

    Great news about David. That is absolutely fantastic. Please give him my best and let me know when you are both back in New York!


  2. So good to hear about what is going on in the Shapiro-Kenison household. Scott, the ContraCosta article was fabulous. We’re so happy for you. And David, we miss you, but are so thrilled at all the progress you are making. Hugs and love to you both.


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