32.90 to 19.91 in less than a month!

Well, that may mean nothing to you, but today in Physical Therapy David beat the time he set at our first visit by quite a lot.  On our first visit, on January 8, I mentioned that David liked to be tested and have a goal, so today, he asked Caroline when we would test those goals, and she did.  She had him sit and stand, on his own, five times.  On January 8th it took 32.90 seconds to do this, and today it was 19.91, and she was impressed and so was I!  But not nearly as much as David was!! She will be testing him on the walking next week.

Today started out with Speech Therapy, and we had a good conversation with the therapist, and I wonder whether she would prefer that I not be there.  It is very hard for me not to fill in for David, but on the other hand, I am often able to move things along, and give topics for conversation.  She is going to talk to him next about Progressive Education.  Many of you may remember the powerpoint presentations that I help David create.  Well, truth be told, I created with his outline.  I threatened to try to find one for her!

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Then, another object before bed – a Korean Roof Tile, which was interesting and full of history.  It is amazing to me how advances in society happen at relatively the same time across the globe, and without influence.  Also, how little we know about history – did you know that moveable type was developed in Korea?