A brand new day!

Well, I made some well corrections to the last post.  Typos, nothing substantial.  But I found that I left out the real kicker.  The ambulance folks had been trying to call me when things started to go wrong – their delay and the problems at Rusk, but the information they had listed was our address on W 20th Street – before we moved to Washington some thirteen years ago, my phone number as our old Vermont phone number, and David’s contact person as my Mother, who died in 2007.  All this was information that I corrected when he was admitted to the hospital.  David was even able to tell the attendant that the information was wrong, but couldn’t give them the right information.

Just another example of how a day can go so wrong.  But, it is a brand new day, and he will be getting to work on physical, speech and occupational therapy today.  The nurse last night said that it would mostly be assessment, but it is the beginning.

3 thoughts on “A brand new day!

  1. Oh Scott! What an ordeal but I’m so happy David is in the hospital that you initially wanted. Hang in there, I think it may be safe to say the worst is over. Thinking of you both and sending only positive thoughts. xo Joanne

  2. Dear David and Scott

    What to say under these circumstances? I know that the UNIS community is reeling from this awful turn of events and you are both in our thoughts and prayers.

    David ….you might not be able to articulate as well as you normally do right now but, having gained a little insight into your sense of humour and irony, I can guess what you are thinking! It will take time but I am confident your chutzpah will carry you through in the end. Just focus on getting better one step at a time; don’t worry about school …. we will carry on the great work that you began over the past few months.
    While it might seem an odd thing to say right now, we’ll continue to encourage the idea of Macht mehr Spass as it’s something that is even more important now for the UNIS community.

    I know that you will both be inundated with messages so I’ll stop here for the time being …. just know that if positive vibes have any effect, your recovery will have already begun.

    My very best wishes

  3. What a horrible ordeal. Hopefully the bad is all behind you and now things will only get better. At least now David is in the place you wanted him to be in, and he will get the kind of care you wanted him to get. Please give him our love,
    Barbara and Char

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