A little idle talk of this and that

I read some more about the Macarons, and found out that one of the reasons for the size consistency is that you have to “age” the egg whites before you use them.  Basically, separate the eggs and let the whites sit for 24 hours.  I did this, and also made some mayonnaise from the yolks.  Waste not.  I will try another batch tomorrow or Monday.  I plan on bringing them to the speech group party on Thursday.

In another bit of news, I signed up for new healthcare, and I know everyone will have a different experience, but mine was so easy and I will be paying over $200 less beginning next month for much better coverage.  I mean MUCH better – lower deductible, lower co-pays and drugs at a considerably lower cost.  Go Obamacare!

Yesterday we went to the movies in the afternoon and saw Thor which we both enjoyed.  Then, we were talking about seeing Saving Mr. Banks, and unfortunately it doesn’t start playing here until next week.  When we were talking about the movie, David said something that made me believe that he has never seen Mary Poppins, so I asked, and he hasn’t.  I was hesitant, because of his aversion to animation, but I suggested that we watch it, and we did.  I loved it.  David, not so much.  To be honest, it was such an integral part of my childhood that I don’t think I could ever separate it.  I believe that I knew all the songs by heart when I was in Kindergarten.  If not them, certainly by first grade.  I am also not ashamed to say that I always cry at the end when Mr. Banks is saved.
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As a sort of cleansing after Mary, we watched Six by Sondheim, which was also great.  Liked the format of the documentary very much.  Audra, again, was marvelous.  David did suggest that whatever musical they telecast live next year, she should be the star. I agree.

Tomorrow we are going to the Gay Mens’ Chorus concert in the afternoon and next week we are pretty busy with Blade back and all the rest.  Also made two tennis lessons for David.