A sense of expectation hanging in the air

Countdown!  Two days until we are on our way to Paris and then Rome for the cruise.  Very exciting and daunting at the same time.  I am making a pledge tonight to make sure that I post more pictures and videos while we are in Europe!  Did a lot of packing today, ran to the post office and then to the storage unit.  Both journeys were not very successful.  Oh well.  I was looking for my trench coat – it will be raining in Paris, but I must have left it in Vermont.  Also, I had seen a flat rate shipping option and thought it would work, but the box is pretty small.  I may still have to take advantage of it, if I have trouble fitting everything in our bags.

We swam and exercised, but I missed my walk this morning because I slept in.  gotta break that habit, but it is so nice and cool now.  Had a light lunch and then for dinner we went to a restaurant that we haven’t been to called Workshop Kitchen + Bar.  The space is very nice, and we enjoyed the dinner.  David had pizza and I had a veggie enchilada and we started with fries, tomato salad and pate.  A little pricey, but good.  The waiter didn’t feed us this line, but I overheard him telling a table that the specialize in “small batch and local products” and they don’t serve Absolut at the bar.  I had a vision of two guys in West Hollywood making “small batch” vodka in their bathtub, but I don’t think that was what he meant.

I also want to give credit where credit is due.  For the flight to Paris and back, we are taking United.  You all may remember our problem with United on our flight back to NY after the holidays in San Francisco.  Well, they gave us vouchers, so I wanted to use them and the flights on United from Palm Springs were the best schedule, so I bit the bullet and booked.  One of the problems that we had was seat assignments, so I went online and paid the upgrade for the “Economy Plus” seats and got some good seats, except for the flight from SF to Paris.  Those seats were in the center section, so I kept checking to see if seats opened up on the window, and the other day, they did.  I went to change them online, and they wanted to charge me again for the “Economy Plus” seats, which seemed just wrong, so I called.  I explained what I wanted to do, and told the agent that I wanted something close to the front of the plane with a window and aisle – two seats across, not three.  I also asked her to make a note that David would be getting to the gate with his wheelchair, but could walk to the seat. She said that she could make the change to the seats, but I would have to request a refund in writing.  Well, I started to get my back up, and she sensed it and talked me off the ledge.  She wasn’t going to charge for change in seats, but that even though these were “Economy Plus” seats,  because David has mobility issues, we shouldn’t have to pay the additional price, and United would issue a refund of the premium I paid.  Wow!  Now lets just hope that they don’t cancel the booking or something crazy!!
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Read the blog and book tonight.  The Exodus 1947 arrived in Haifa, but the passengers are being sent to Cyprus.  There is definitely a bias in the book against the British occupation!


One thought on “A sense of expectation hanging in the air

  1. Marty and I have left un peu de vin y fromage y pane pour vous en Paris! Bon chance y Bon voyage! That is the extent of my French. Leave for home tomorrow.

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