A Speech Therapy Dialogue

OK, this morning we had a great Occupational Therapy session.  Some good movement with David’s right arm.  Nothing really useful yet, but it is getting there.  One of the exercises uses a small platform with wheels that David rolls with his right arm across a table.  Little by little.

I had an appointment with a Rheumatologist in the afternoon, and we are going to taper off the prednisone.  She thinks it is gout, but some more tests will tell.  Also, have to go have x-rays of my feet done.  I should be off the prednisone in a week.

David had a Speech Therapy session with Siobhan this afternoon, and here is a bit of the dialogue:

Siobhan: If you could meet one person, who is still alive, who would that be?

David: Hitler

Siobhan: No, a person who is still alive.

David: Oh (at this point, David can’t say the name of the person and writes a “G” on a pad of paper.)

Scott: “G”, do you mean George?

David: Yes

Siobhan: Ok, George.

Scott: George Bush????

David: No!!!! (this is accompanied by a look like I was crazy – good for him, then he writes another letter on the pad – “C”)

Siobhan: C?

Scott: Oh, I know who it is. (Scott mouths the sound C)

David: Coony. . . . Clooney

Siobhan: (laughs) Why George Clooney

David: (looks at Siobhan like she is crazy, then writes something on the pad)

Siobhan: Hot?

David: Of course.

Siobhan: OK, fair enough.  If you could meet anyone who is not alive, who would it be?

Scott: Hitler??!!

David: No. (Pause) Hemingway.

Sometimes I just don’t know where it comes from, and why Hemingway?  I mean, I get why Hemingway, but why does that come out?  There were a lot more of these questions, and he did a good job.  There was also another tangent about Hitler, and a joke about his being hot, and David shaving his mustache, but I digress.

Went to see Julie Halston, who was fabulous!!!  So funny, and anyone reading this should run, not walk to see her at Birdland where she will be on Monday nights in March.  Very funny and a great review in the Post.

Blog, more time in Paris with Julia and Paul and object number 85, Reformation Centenary Broadsheet.