All those photos up on the walls

90 years.  We had a birthday celebration in the speech group we go to every other Thursday.  It was Henri’s and Betty’s birthdays this week.  Both 90 years old.  Henri has been with his partner (now husband) Peter since 1984 and Betty’s was married to her husband for 63 years when he passed away.  Both of them are such lovely people, and Arlene had gotten photos of each of them when they were younger – Henri at 17, handsome in his uniform when he joined the Navy in the UK and Betty at 18 when she graduated from High School.  David and I argued about who Betty looked like.  I say Dinah Shore and David says Loretta Young.  One of us is very wrong!

We also had tennis today, and David does really well.  He and Bill had some nice rallies.  It is all very good.  We also started back with OT yesterday, which was great.  She gave David some more exercises to do.  One of the things that she is stressing that he look at his right hand and arm when he is doing something, even if it is being moved by his left hand.  She also did some tests on how much he neglects things that are on the right side.  One of them was a sheet of paper with various shapes on it, and he had to circle all the bells.  He got all (or most) of the bells on the left side of the paper, but missed lots on the right.  She has suggested that he also start doing word search puzzles to help with his scanning and get better at reading.  That was a first as well, and it makes perfect sense.

Otherwise, things are great here in the desert.  Nights are cool, or almost downright cold, but the days are mild and the sun is bright and warm.   Such a great time of year here, aside from the birds that keep flying into the windows.  No other news to report, yet.

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