All’s well

Today was a well deserved quiet day.  David will remain in the Special Care Unit until at least tomorrow.  They still want to watch and make sure he is not going to pass out.  He is also having some problems controlling is bladder and bowel movements, and they want to get the balance of meds right to keep that under control.  We had visits from Rachel Lobel and Mason Brown (Rachel was a student at Burke), Marjorie Ellenbogen (a UNIS colleague and friend) and Dave Sislen and Pamela Kahn (Dave was a Burke parent).  David enjoyed the visits from all, except some needed to be cut short of PT.

Tomorrow should be another quiet day, with some PT.  I am researching games that might help with David’s recovery, and am now looking for a breakthrough in the speaking.  He can repeat words or say things when prompted, but just can’t seem to come up with them on his own.
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Thanks for all the cards!  I look forward to reading them all with David when he is better!

One thought on “All’s well

  1. Hello David and Scott

    It is great to see step by step progress. Thinking of you and I will try and visit one afternoon this week but will phone ahead to make sure it fits in with your schedule.

    Some UNIS colleagues are still catching up with the news via email. Those I have been in contact with (some are still overseas) send you their best wishes


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