Am I eating for two?

Today we had a great visit with Judy and Steve from DC, and we went for brunch to Artisanal (where else?)  it was great to see them and as always, they are very interested and supportive with David’s recovery.  Also honest, and careful not to sugar coat anything.  During Brunch, as is my usual pattern, when David is done eating, he offers me what he has left, and I, being the horse that I am, take it.  It suddenly hit me at that moment, that I AM eating for maybe not two, but certainly one and a half.  Sadly, I am doing the exercise for maybe one quarter of a person, so the math just doesn’t add up.

Needless to say, when we had dinner tonight, and David had some pasta left over, I didn’t push it away, but ate it.  Fortunately, when I cook, I do cut the portions down so I don’t overeat too much.

We watched two more episodes of House of Cards (UK – we will start the US version after this is done).  We are saving The Good Wife and Enlightened for tomorrow or later this week.  I felt bad tonight, because David was trying to tell me something, but even after twenty minutes, I had no idea what he was trying to tell me.  It was something about television, and there was something about three columns and lists of numbers, but everything I tried was wrong – networks, episodes, other shows, cast members.  After much frustration for both of us, we gave up and watched an episode of Monk.  A compromise, of sorts, I suppose.

Then, the blog (again, no comments or corrections) and object number 77 The Benin Plaque: the Oba with Europeans.