And the old despair, that was often there

I got up extra early to get my walk in before we had to head to the Neurologist for our 9am appointment.  We saw Dr Young who was the Neurologist that saw David in the hospital.  Very nice guy and he looks like a cross between Adam Arkin and George Clooney – David says not so much George, more Adam.  After talking for a while, he suggested with take David off two of his medications – one for pain and depression and the other for the spasms.  We will see if they make a difference with the dizziness, but he says that they have a long life in the body, so it may take a few weeks to see a change.  Worth a try.  Dr Young was asking if we were married, and said that we we could now amend our tax returns for the past three years to file jointly according to the IRS.  David became confused, and after a few moments to figure it out, I realized that his “gaydar” wasn’t working right, and he couldn’t understand that Dr Young had a male spouse.  No offense, but I knew right away.

Anyway, we have stopped the two drugs, and he has suggested that we try Botox for the spasms in David’s right arm.  More localized way of treating the problem.  We headed home, then a walk, exercise and a swim, with some rest in between activities.  As these things happen, right after talking about tax returns, I got an email from the accountant, and pulled together a bunch of information for him, and we are off to the races.  We are amending my return from last year, and we will be filing jointly.

I cleared out some more stuff from the guest rooms, and things are coming together.  One of the things I needed to get rid of was an extra bed, and put it up on Craigslist, and I couldn’t believe how quickly it was snapped up.  Not only that, but the guy who came offered to buy one of the spare TV’s that I also wanted to get rid of.  Two birds with one stone!  A very productive day, if I do say so myself.

Had the tamales from Maria for dinner, which were great!  A bit spicy, which I loved, and David was able to handle it, so that was good.  We watched Project Runway, more Breaking Bad and then read the blog.  Also had a visit from Donovan who brought us some limes – will have to fix a cocktail tomorrow!

One thought on “And the old despair, that was often there

  1. …Suddenly ceases to be. And you wake one day, look around and say, somebody wonderful married me.

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