And why did I ever buy him those damn long pants

Meredith Baxter at NCLR Event
Meredith Baxter at NCLR Event

That should be an easy one, and not sure what the connection is, but the song is in my head. I blame my friend Anthony. The other night when David and I attended an event for NCLR here in Palm Springs, I sent some pictures and texts to him because I knew he would have loved to have been at the event. It was fun and inspiring, and I would recommend anyone who wants to to make a donation.  They are doing such great work making sure that the LGBTQ community are represented in courts across the country.  Anyway, I digress.  After the event, and later that night, he was watching the musical that this is from, and giving me a blow by blow.

We went to the event on the suggestion of Blade and Ralph, and were glad to have gone. A big, lovely home, and perfect for events.  Anyway, it was fun to get out and support a good cause.  There was a moment that the Executive Director was standing on the edge of the pool making her pitch, and she made some joke about jumping in the pool, but that she would only do it if someone would write a big check.  Blade asked if David used to have to do things like this as head of school, and I told him, yes, but the difference is, David would make someone write a check and then jump into the pool.

I was going to write that yesterday I took the day off, but then thought that made is sound a little too much like taking care of David was a job.  It really isn’t.  Don’t get me wrong, it is difficult at times, but it isn’t what you would call work.  I took a day away just to recharge and sit around and not have to worry about schedules or anything.  I checked into one of the local gay inns, which is nice, if not spectacular.  All couples, so I don’t really fit in well, and I get the feeling that they are looking at me funny.  I am probably just being paranoid.  Donovan spent the night with David and they were supposed to go to the movies and have dinner at home.  Hope it all went well, and I will find out in a little while when I get home.  But first, the gym and maybe some breakfast.

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