August 2 – Half the move done!

David was moved from the ICU to a room in the neurology floor of the hospital.  He has a very nice private room and he was settling in well when we left.  Joy came up to help with the move back to NY, which we are hoping will happen tomorrow.  Waiting for a male bed to open up. The moment liquor is going sale levitra to be a catch. It is also badly affecting your sexual levitra without prescription life. Consumption of one pill in a day tadalafil generic found to be sufficient; it must be taken by the person for treating erectile dysfunction? For a person to proper and firm erections. The capsules are made of amazing ingredients that are all helpful for boosting the sexual stamina lowest priced viagra and performance.  In any case, we are packing up the house in Vermont, and I will stay in Albany with David until we go to NY.  Hopefully, we will be on our way to NY just as Alex heads home to San Francisco!

Today David put together some three word sentences – I can’t remember what they were, I was just impressed.  As I keep saying, little steps and every day we see little bits of progress.

One thought on “August 2 – Half the move done!

  1. hello scott.
    my cousin steve ( shapiro) e-mailed your blog to me.
    david is my cousin, and while we’ve lost touch over the years….my prayers, and thoughts are with you and david. we’re all hoping for a speedy, and full recovery.
    much love to both of you.

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