August 7 – another day of progress

Today, while David thought it was February (and having just come in from the heat, I thought that might be a good idea), he was corrected, and remembered.  He also was able to count to 10 with help, and say all the days of the week.  I hate to rain on such great progress – and it IS great – but, like new parents, his speech therapist, Liat and I were probably the only ones who would have recognized what he was saying.  But the sounds were there, minus some of the consonants, but it is a start, and I see light.  He also was able to help sing Happy Birthday, and my mission is to start finding songs for him to sing.  I think that “Tiny Bubbles” will be number one on our own personal hit parade, but want to have back-up so, if you can think of anything, send them my way!

He had a visit from Harvey, Madeleine and Judy, which was great and he was thrilled to see them.  Also, gifts started arriving, which also lift his spirits.  Also, a very nice letter from the Secretary General of the UN, which was heartfelt and personal.  I was impressed.  Sometimes I forget that David is not only very important to me, but also, very important to other more important than me.  I share well.

I spoke to the Social Worker who gave me the outcome of the meeting with all his Doctors and Therapist in the morning.  They have set a goal of August 28th for his discharge from HJD.  He will be transferred when ready to a sub-acute care facility.  No set time for his stay in this facility between HJD and home, but it is one step closer.  It is nice to be one step closer though, even if it is all just in theory.  I have a list of places, but it looks like the best place for him to be is at Park Terrace in Queens.

4 thoughts on “August 7 – another day of progress

    1. I just thought of “Brush up Your Shakespeare” as I was getting up this morning. Great minds!

  1. Glad to see that David is making progress. Baby steps lead to bigger ones. I plan to be in NY in the next two weeks and would love to visit then. In the meantime, I continue to pray for the two of you.

  2. It does my heart good to read your blog. My fingers are crossed for great leaps forward.

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