August 8

Well, it is late, and heading to bed in a few, so I will make it short.  The days seem uneventful, but in reality, they are so full of little events, that they start to seem ordinary.  Today David helped dress himself, stood and did some exercises with his right leg, helped sing “Tiny Bubbles” (sans Ukulele, but we have to have somewhere to go, right?) and had visits from Jane Lang, Julie Halston and Patrick Rona.  He really is enjoying having visitors, and that is the one thing that seems very different from the David that I know and love!

Tomorrow at 2pm he is getting another crack at the swallow test, and we are keeping our fingers crossed.  Lets hope that tomorrow, he will pass and they will remove the PEG tube and he can start back to eating again.

4 thoughts on “August 8

  1. Hi-
    I’m so glad he’s doing better. Leslie Scheidt and I want to send something. Is food okay? Or is he on a special diet?
    Betsy Tipton ne Goldstein

    1. Betsy,
      He is able to swallow, but only limited foods that only the hospital supplies. I will let you know when you can send food.

  2. Thank you so much for the updates. Please let him know I’m sending showers of tiny bubbles wafting down from Boston.

  3. Great, I’m glad he is able to swallow. We will send flowers for now, food down the road. Thanks for your quick response.

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