All posts by Scott Kenison

Busy Visiting Day

We had two therapy sessions and three visitors, and David was giving me the evil eye for over scheduling him!  First there was Speech Therapy in the morning, then a surprise visit from Tony from UNIS, then off to Physical Therapy and the day ended with a visit from Elke followed by Michal, both from UNIS.  It was a very nice day, and the evil eye was only slight. I can handle it.  In the middle of this all, we had a showing by the rental agent at 1pm.

As you all know, we had our tale of woe with the owner of the apartment when we extended our lease for three months, and and the agent assured me when the original lease was signed that there would be no problem with the additional three months then when he had us over a barrel, the owner opted to screw us. The same agent asked about having an open house this Thursday, and I told him that would be impossible as we had visitors most nights until the 14th, when the movers were coming.  He immediately jumped on that to ask if we were “officially” out of the apartment on the 14th.  I said we were officially out of the apartment at the end of the month when the lease was up, we were moving out on the 14th, and he would have to continue to schedule showings with me.  He should have been decent when they had a chance.  Don’t do business with Bond New York Properties, LLC.  Traitors and assassins, as David would say.

We watched So You Think You Can Dance, had dinner, and then time for bed.  David was very tired.  Read the blog only.

Today was the first time I felt kind of blue about leaving NYC.  I stood on the balcony just soaking up the view, and tying to memorize the sights and sounds.  It has been great being here, but I am really ready to get the next chapter started in our lives.  Figure something to do, and start enjoying the sun and life in California.

Yikes! Only twelve days left!

The big move west is getting uncomfortably close.  I have a lot of loose ends to tie up.  We had dinner out tonight with Andrew and Susie, and it is the first of many over the next few days.  We went to Mandoo Bar on 32nd Street and it was a great meal.  It is a Korean restaurant that specialized in dumplings.  One of my favorite foods!

Earlier in the day, we went to have blood drawn, but on the way stopped at Cohen Optical to deal with the glasses that were made in November that had the wrong prescription.  I was anticipating trouble with getting them redone.  The clerk came back after checking the lenses saying that he would give us a big credit on the new lenses, to which I said, they could either remake the lenses correctly, or issue a full refund.  He offered to have the lenses remade.  My fear is when the come back, they still won’t be right!

Siobhan came this evening before dinner, and David had a good session with her.  Only one more session coming up.  We may try to continue with FaceTime.  I think it would work.

By the time we got home from dinner (David walked to and from the restaurant) he was ready for bed, so the blog and Gatsby.  Maybe tomorrow we will go back to Paris Reborn.

Gatsby? What Gatsby?

After we got up and ready and had breakfast, David asked what we were going to do for the day.  We decided to go to the movies.  We walked over to see the early afternoon showing of The Great Gatsby.  I liked it a lot.  I think I expected there to be more music because of the ads, but it wasn’t overloaded, and I think the blend of modern music and old was great.  I also thought the performances were great.

On the walk back home, David asked if I would start reading the book tonight, and I confessed that I had read the first chapter last night after I wrote the blog.  We had dinner, watched a Castle and a Chopped, and then the blog and Gatsby.

Pippin and Memorial

Last night I went to the theatre with Anthony.  We saw Pippin and it was much better than I thought it was going to be.  It isn’t my favorite show, but behind us were three rows of what looked like High School kids who must have done the show recently, and were very vocal in their enthusiasm for the show.  I thought I was going to go deaf, and the woman in front of me kept looking back, giving them the evil eye.  During intermission, Anthony and I were entertained by some amusing, enthusiastic theatre geek conversation.  Some crap about honoring Bob Fosse, while not being derivative and modern.   All at the same time!!  Oh, brother!  Anyway, it was good, and Andrea Martin did some things that a woman of her age shouldn’t.  Well, to be honest, a man of my age and maybe a few years younger shouldn’t too!  She looked great though, and was terrific.

During the day yesterday, we had Speech and Physical Therapies, and between had a great visit from Anne.  We sat and chatted for a while, and then picked up lunch at Second Ave Deli on 33rd Street.  Great to see her, and she was very funny with David, and he enjoyed trying to make her feel guilty for not visiting sooner.  He really didn’t mean it Anne, although, he will insist that he does, and never back down.

Anthony came by and we sat for a while again, and then set David up with dinner and ready for bed, then we went and grabbed some Pho on 32nd Street and walked up to the Music Box Theatre.  After the show, we wandered to try to find a place to get a drink, and after a few misses (we weren’t going to wait on line to get in someplace and it was a Friday night) we ended up at the Ritz on 46th Street.  Oh, the old days!  One drink, and I was ready to flee. Anthony walked me back to Fifth and 32nd, and we talked.  It was a great night.

This morning, we got up, I ran out for some coffee, and we relaxed.  Watched a Chopped (or two) and then had our call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Great to see them, and it is getting even closer!!  Then we headed down to the 9/11 Memorial.  David has been wanting to go, and it was nice to see again.  We watched an exposé on people who take advantage of their handicaps to hire themselves out as guides to help people jump lines at Disneyland, and we were able to do the same at the memorial.  We bypassed the rather long line go get in, which, I have to say is the only advantage that we have.  After seeing the memorials and looking around, we took a walk to Battery Park City, and as we approached the marina, I remembered when Wayne was in the wheelchair, we took a walk in the same place and ran into Roger Rees, who was kind enough to take pictures with us.  I still have that picture on my desk in Vermont.  It was one of the surreal Wayne moments. We didn’t run into any nominal stars on our walk today.

Then home, a nap for David, and I made meat loaf.  Tonight we watched A Good Woman with Scarlett Johannson and Helen Hunt.  It is a loose adaptation of Lady Windemere’s Fan.  I enjoyed it, and the costumes were amazing.  Then blog, Paris Reborn and Bed.

I am sure I am leaving stuff out, and will circle around and pick up the pieces.  It is one of the dangers of skipping a day in the blog!

Bonjour! C’est si bon.

First, today we went to see Dr. Karp, and David had his echocardiogram, and it all looks normal.  The doctor said that he thinks that the passing out had to do with going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  The ER Doctor said the same thing.  It seems that the act of going to the bathroom lowers your blood pressure, and he said that, combined with getting up at 4am, make a perfect storm.  His advise – wait until later to go to the bathroom, or get up more slowly.  David said he could wait.  I was pleased that he remembered who David was this time, and didn’t spend his time reading his file to find out what was going on.  We did, however, have to wait over an hour for the echocardiogram because the technician was on one of the other floors doing a test.  David was not happy about that.

Before going to the Doctor, we went to pay a visit with the folks on the 9th floor at the Hospital for Joint Diseases.  When we got off the elevator, I thought we had gotten off on the wrong floor, but it was just that the renovations had been completed.  When we turned the corner, we were back in familiar territory.  We got to see York, Liat and Steph and lots of other familiar faces.  They were all impressed with David’s progress, even though he doesn’t believe it – we actually argued about it on the way out.  Liat also noticed that I had lost weight – I have dropped a bit over 15 pounds, and falling.  My goal is to leave NY weighing under 200 lbs, and I think I can do it.

We went to get haircuts this morning, and David walked to the barber, which is on 31st between Madison and Park.  He was pretty exhausted when we got home, and I think the heat was getting to him.  It is a good walk.  I also walked with David in the chair to the Doctor and back, and also did the same tonight.

Tonight, we went the the theatre with Lynda and Cristina.  Thanks Lynda for the tickets.  We saw a strange, and, in the end, unsatisfying musical called Bunty Berman Presents.  I had such high hopes for this show, and on paper is should have been amazing.  It is a musical about the golden age of Bollywood.  Some of the performances were good, and the story was silly, but went a little over the edge at times.  I got what they were going for, but it just didn’t work.  They were writing a Bollywood musical, but in the style of a Hollywood musical of the 40’s.  The moment that worked best in the show was between the ingénue’s where they sing a song (A cappella)in Hindi that is a very sweet moment.  I was very glad to see it, in any case, and David didn’t insist on leaving, so that was good.  He often insists on leaving halfway through shows that I am in!

We walked with Lynda and Cristina from the theatre home, and it reminded me of the book we are reading now.  As we walked past the bike sharing stations on Broadway, I remember Star Jones complaining about the bikes and how mayor Bloomberg is going too far with trying to clean up NYC.  Paris Reborn talks about the factions in Paris in 1847 who are concerned that Paris will loose its character with the changes that are being made, and what is wrong with smelly, mediaeval Paris?  Some things never change, right?  We got home late, so just the blog.  David also wanted me to let you know (see title) that I am studying French.  It will be a slow process as languages are not my strong suit!

Bon nuit!

And the countdown begins

Today we got up, and got ready for Neuro feedback therapy, and Gail worked with David.  We are talking about purchasing some of the equipment so we can continue the work in Palm Springs.  We will see.

We had a great visit with Walter and Lynne, and they were both impressed with David’s progress.  David still doesn’t believe it, but we will continue to work on him.  I made a big salad for dinner for both of us, and we watched some episodes of Castle (David’s favorite show) and an episode of Chopped.
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Then the blog and Paris Reborn.  Napoleon III is just making his return from exile, and seems ready for the task of remodeling Paris.  Tomorrow we go for the echocardiogram that they recommended when we were in the emergency room last week.  David has been fine, and hope that everything looks OK.


Today was another quiet day. Our calendar is filling up, and we begin tomorrow to get busier. Looking forward to seeing friends from out of town this week.  Had Speech Therapy at RUSK and it it sad to think that we only have three more sessions with Karen.  Same with Physical Therapy with Caroline.  David’s squeeze with his right hand is getting stronger.  He doesn’t believe it, but, I have almost given up trying to convince him.

Tonight we watched So You Think You Can Dance, which we haven’t watched for a number of seasons now.  Not since we were in DC, and even for the last couple of years, we never got into it.  It was fun revisiting.  Then the blog, but no reading because it was late.

Monday, Monday

Well, it was a lovely day in NY, but we didn’t get out.  Slept very late – 10am.  Had to run out to get breakfast and coffee, then David had time in the pool with Chrisviany.  He was very happy with the work today – normally he says he doesn’t want to go back!  I made Julia’s Suprêmes de Volaille aux Champignons (Chicken Breast with mushrooms, but that looks better, no?)  It was very good, if I do say so myself.  We will see what the scale says tomorrow, but I was restrained in my eating.  I mentioned the dreaded scale yesterday after the Chinese food (which usually is very bad for my diet) and I actually lost a pound!

Then the blog, and Paris Reborn which was not so great tonight.  Will keep it going though.  Off to bed.  Night!

Flushing, Queens

Today, we were picked up by Gwen and family and headed out to Flushing for Chinese food.  We were going to go for Dim Sum, but as you can imagine, it was mobbed.  We were probably better off where we went.  It was quieter and the food was great.  Too much of it, and I dread getting on the scale tomorrow, but, will keep my fingers crossed.  Thanks to Gwen and family for the terrific outing!

When we got home, David was ready for a nap and I joined him.  He actually woke up before I did.  We watched a little of the French Open, and then geared up for Behind the Candelabra.  I am sure it took a very particular point of view, but I liked it, even if it was only based on actual facts.  My favorite part was Debbie Reynolds.  I had no idea she was in it, and it wasn’t until after her third scene that I realized it was her.  I think that Scott Thurson comes off much more sympathetically that he was in real life.  It was a sweet love story though.  Read the blog only tonight, because it was so late.

Another adventure-free day

We slept in today.  Didn’t get up until 9:30am.  It was quite cold outside, as everyone on the east coast knew, and not a great start for the first weekend of summer.  We had a great call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Just a little over a month until we can lay eyes on them in person!  Our dance card for the next three weeks is filling up quickly, and have lots of folks to see.  Things are pretty organized here, or at least as organized as they can be.  I have been on quite a diet, and loosing weight, which is certainly better than not.  This morning, when I came out after dressing, David said he thought I was looking good and much thinner.  I feel better too, which is the real purpose, right?

We did some exercising during the afternoon, and worked on the usual stuff, but also added some of the work that Maneshka got us started with.  One of the improvements that I was happy about was that he can now squeeze with his right hand.  Will continue to work on that, and hopefully it will all start to come together.

Anyway, the rest of the day was slow, and we ended the evening by having dinner – risotto and roasted fennel and broccoli – and then watching Beaches.  It was on, and couldn’t find anything else and it was good for a cry.  Then to bed, the blog, which David thought was quite good, and more of Paris Reborn.  Still interesting, and it will be fun to continue.

No adventures today

No adventures, and maybe that is a good thing.  After yesterday!  We didn’t have Speech Therapy this morning, because Karen was taking an extra long weekend.  Good for her, and well deserved!  We had our last session with Maneshka, and part of the session was going downstairs to the cafe, where David had to order a latte.  And he did fine too.  She wants me to have him order something at every meal we have out.  I think, sometimes, when he is put on the spot, he can come up with something.  Like the EMT the other morning.  Then we went home, and had some lunch before heading back over to RUSK for PT.  We didn’t take the wheelchair, and walked down to the lobby and got into a car, and then David walked from the curb up to the gym at RUSK.  The man at the desk was very impressed, and one of our neighbors, who we see walking her dog and having a cigarette in front of the building all the time, was also very impressed and told David she was so happy to see him walking.  From the look on her face, she was very sincere!  It PT we worked with a new piece of equipment that gives Davids right leg electric stimulation to make his foot flex.  Hopefully this will help with his walking and keep his foot from dragging.

Then we watched the last episode of Foyle’s War, or last episode until the next season is available.  Then bed.  I read the blog, and David told me that he did see the man’s hand who was next to him in the ER.  The one with the accident with the saw.  From the look on his face, it wasn’t pretty, and I was lucky to have avoided looking at it.  It still gives me shivers just to think about it.  He also said how much he loved me, and appreciated me.  Very nice to hear, even though I already knew it.  I started reading a new book aloud called Paris Reborn: Napoleon III, Baron Haussmann, and the Quest to Build a Modern City.  It is interesting so far, and looks like it will be full of politics and, of course, history.  It was recommended by Luba, thanks.  I thought it would be good to read as we get ready for visits to Paris.

Adventures, or should I say misadventures

At about 4:15 this morning, David made his usual trek from the bed to the bathroom.  He has done this forever, so it seemed like a normal evening.  At about 4:25 he called for me to help, which was unusual, because he normally is fine on his own at this hour.  When I got to him in the bathroom, he was in a cold sweat, and having trouble, and soon after I got there, he just went limp and passed out.  I panicked for a brief moment, and then propped his head on the sink, and ran to get my phone to call 911.  He was still out when I was on the phone with 911, and the call got disconnected, and I redialed.  While I was on the phone for the second time, he came to and started dry heaving.  They had all the information, and in about 10 minutes EMS was here and getting down to business.  The first technician walked into the bathroom and started asking David questions, and I jumped in to answer, but David was doing OK and the medic told me he would like to hear from David.  After some back and forth, and getting an IV line run, and BP check (it was shockingly low, something like 80/50) they started getting David ready for transport.  I packed a bag for the hospital and got dressed.

We went downstairs and were off to Bellevue again.  What I learned from this visit was how different the ER is during different times of the day.  When we arrived, the ER was like a drunk tank.  I would say that about 90 percent of the people there were simply sleeping off a bender.  We got there at a little before 5am and by 8am most of the drunks were being ushered out.  Some more willing than others.  The patient in the bed next to David was very chatty, and when the nurse came in to tell him it was time to go, he said the Doctor said he could stay until 11am, when he had to go to work.  She brought him breakfast, and said he could eat first, but she was calling for the police in 15 minutes.  He refused her hospitality and  began getting himself together.  The nurse’s aide had brought him a bag full of breakfast goodies earlier, so he could afford to refuse her gesture.

David, by this point, was ready to go home, and made that clear.  He actually was asking to go home when we were in the aisle waiting for a space to be freed up by one of the folks sobering up.  The shifts were about to change, and his initial Doctor thought that they would release David soon, as soon as his blood tests came back, but, alas, the shift changed, and the Doctor who came on, wanted to do some tests on his heart.  Needless to say, David would have none of that, and insisted that he go home.  I called Dr Karp, after they had spoken to him, and he said “I can’t advise you to leave the hospital, but we can do the test that they wanted to do as an outpatient”.  Once again, we were leaving Bellevue AMA (Against Medical Advice).  During all of this, and influencing my eagerness to leave, a patient joined us in our space.  He was a construction worker who had cut his hand with a saw, and I did all I could do to distract myself from the very concept of what had happened.  My imagination is my worst enemy!  It is one of the reasons I can’t see scary movies – they feed my squeamish, overactive imagination.  The superintendent on the job, who accompanied him to the hospital, was talking to he, and it was scary how much he sounded like my brothers, and it was no shock to me that at a certain point, he said he was from New Jersey.  East Brunswick, New Jersey.  It does make me glad that at a certain point I worked on loosing my NJ accent.
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We finally got sprung from the ER at about 11am, so we were there for only six hours, but it seemed like forever, and I don’t get how they nurses and doctors handle it.  My feet were killing me, not to mention my back and my hips.  Walking on those concrete floors are a killer.  Went home, and had cancelled swimming, but forgot about the cleaning lady, and about two seconds after I flopped in bed, the doorbell rang.  Thankfully, she could come back tomorrow.  Slept for a few hours, and took it easy for the rest of the day.

There was a point in the early evening when David said he was sorry to me.  This made it clear that he did understand, at least to an extent, how traumatizing it is for me to see him pass out and not know what is going on.  Getting back to the overactive imagination, and how sometimes it works in my favor.  When he passed out, you can just imagine what was going through my head.  He went limp and ashen, and was not responding to me at all.  It was what made call 911 in July.  Just the thought of loosing him was terrifying to me.  What the hell would my life be without my partner in crime?

To commit suicide in Buffalo is redundant

On Monday night, when David was working with Siobhan, I was asked to help figure something out.  We had the first letter of a place – B – and after a little while, we got Buffalo.  Then, we got that it had something to do with a musical, and finally narrowed it down to A Chorus Line, and I thought he was talking about Sheila, and her line about Arlington, VT, and he just got it mixed up.  Thanks to the iPad and internet, we came up with the quote – “I thought about killing myself, but then I realized to commit suicide in Buffalo is redundant.”  It is inspiring to me that David will think of these sorts of things, and want to share them.

Today, I had my theatre workshop, and David worked with Gail.  The afternoon was quiet, we took a nap and then the movers came to pack up and take the stuff that is going to Vermont.  The apartment is a little more open, and it is amazing how much more echo there is without the pictures on the wall in the living room!  David was a little blue, I think, because now it is all real, and we will be leaving NY.  Looking forward to getting to Palm Springs though, or so he says.

Had sushi for dinner, and then some TV and sleep.

Stepping out, with my baby

Today we had both Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy, and sandwiched between was a great visit with Jane.  She wrote a delightful poem for me and David that was heartfelt and inspiring, and I can’t wait to fulfill the future that she foresees for the two of us!  It was great to hear her talk about the wedding.  David and I were both thrilled with the day, and it was good to hear that others had as good a time as we did.  She also mentioned how great David looks, which is true, and how far he has progressed.  I hear that from almost everyone who interacts with us – Dr Blum, Maneshka, Caroline, Karen, Siobhan, Geralyn yesterday and almost all visitors.  The only person who doesn’t think that David is doing well is David.  I have always known that David was an overachiever, but honestly, it is getting irritating!

ST was great this morning and David worked very hard in PT this afternoon, but he was trying to tell me something during the session.  Something about a brace for his leg, and finally, tonight, after we got home from the theatre (more about that later) I got what he was asking, and it was shocking.  I threatened to tell it here, but the details are too crazy to even share!  I am hoping that I will bring him to a proper state of mind.

After all the therapies, we went with Joy to see “I’ll Eat You Last”. which was fabulous.  The only criticism/highlight was that Bette was really sort of just herself in many ways.  The only real difference was that she was pretty stationery.  Didn’t move off the couch for the entire 1.5 hrs.  When she did get up at the end, it was almost shocking.  Great performance, and very funny.  The audience loved it.  Bravo Bette!

Steps, large and small

Yesterday, Alex sent video of Theo’s very close to successful attempt at crawling.  We begin with small steps.  This morning, Maneshka told David that he should also work on rolling over onto his stomach and push himself up on his elbows, which is one of the PT exercises that we do.  It is amazing that the steps are the same, no matter what your age.  I can’t help but share the video.  Theo takes after his G-Dad David – the perseverance and the fascination with the mirror, but who can blame them!!

We had an appointment with Dr Blum this afternoon, and fortunately for us, the weather held out, so we didn’t have to take a car to RUSK.  Dr. Blum was very nice, as usual, and gave me all of David’s medical records to bring to California with us.  While waiting for Dr. Blum, I got a call from Dr. Karp, and he had the results for the blood tests that we had done a few weeks ago, and he found that David’s levels of homocysteine were high, and that is what may have caused the clot that caused the stroke.  He has prescribed folic acid, which can lower that number, and hopefully also clear up the clot in his leg.  Then, maybe sometime in the next six months, he will be able to stop taking the Coumadin.

After we got home, Siobhan came and had a Speech Therapy session, which went well, and then we had a visit from Geralyn.  Great to catch up with her, and she looked terrific.  Sorry it was so short, but we hope to see her in California with Marty.

Then, we had some dinner, and watched some TV – Antiques Roadshow.

I wanted to thank everyone who had sent emails or called wishing me good luck over the weekend with the One Act Festival, and also everyone who made a donation to the company, and a special thanks to Lynda who was at the performance on Sunday! Thanks.

Final Performance

The weather was miserable today, and we stayed in most of the day.  Our only outing was with Joy to see the Complete One Act Festival.  We avoided getting too wet, and David stayed through the entire performance without asking to leave once.  I knew he wanted to as soon as my play was done, but he kept quiet.  We went straight home, and ordered in dinner. Comfort, Affordability and Privacy To be able to fulfill your lady intimately. cheap levitra generic Your body produces estrogen with the ovaries and a canada viagra buy few other organs. Because of their ability to reduce risk of gynecomastia (abnormal growth of breast tissue in males) and enhance uk generic viagra recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle, use of anti estrogen supplements such as Nolvadex, Clomid has become popular amongst the learners. But, Rita was always there to support him. find out that drugshop order levitra online  We also watched the second to the last episode of Foyle’s War.  The series is coming to an end.  The war is over, Sam is working somewhere else and the same with Sergeant Milner, who is now in Brighton.  Well, I thought it was the second to the last episode, but I just read that there is another season that is not on Netflix yet.  Will have to hunt it down.

Then the blog.

Eurovision & Star Trek

Today, after our call with Alex, Claire and Theo, we had two adventures – one outside the house and the other, sitting at home.  First the call was great, and Theo was being very vocal.  I think it demands repeating, but we can’t wait to see them all again soon.  It has been too long.  After the call, we went to the movies.  We saw Star Trek, which was great.  David loved it!  Then, when we got home, Cristina had sent us the link to watch the live Eurovision Song Contest finale.  What fun that was!  Ranging from the sublime to the absurd, and everything in between.  I just wonder why the UK decided to enter Adele’s mother in the contest.  Just kidding, but she was a bit long in the tooth.  I had to run to the theatre before the winner was announced and will have to look that up.

When I got home, David was in bed, and I will be joining him shortly.  That was all that happened today, and tomorrow we are all going to see the the One Act Festival.  Last chance!

Catching up

I have two days to cover tonight, so let me start with yesterday.  It was a glorious day, and we went to the High Line to take in the sun and stroll, along with millions of other people.  We walked down to 14th Street and then along the river and strolled through the old neighborhood on W 20th Street.  It was a great day, and when we got home, the apartment was clean.  Before heading to the High Line, Gail came by to work with David on neuro feedback.  in the early evening, I went to my group at RUSK, and it was a smaller group than usual.  Some new folks and the stories were varied and some were pretty heartbreaking.  I didn’t go to the theatre last night, or tonight, but will head over tomorrow night.

This morning we had Speech and Occupational Therapy, then a break and Physical Therapy in the afternoon.  David, as I keep saying, is doing really well, and all the therapists are a little sad to know that their time with David is drawing to a close.  In Speech, we talked about the High Line and she did some drills with sentences.  The in OT, Maneshka worked on practicing some real world experience, and did some role playing for shopping.  David was able to maneuver to get what he wanted and worked with some money exchanges.  He does still have a bit of a problem with the 0’s, and how many follow a number – sometimes he can’t tell the difference between $10 and $1,000.  Practice, practice, practice.  Then we went home for a while before heading back to PT and gym.  He did a lot of walking, and Caroline did some timed exersises and he cut five seconds off two of the ones he did before.  And that was without the cane.  Very good work.  Then home again, and Siobhan was back tonight.  He was great answering trivia questions she was asking.  She was also impressed with David’s walking without the cane.

Additionally, Sildenafil medications are linked with decreased blood flow to viagra no prescription the penis. The side effects cialis external stress of the office atmosphere round them affects the internal mind. The quality of healthy erections levitra 10 mg can be maintained and sustained. Men who have experienced a best price for viagra stroke, have uncontrolled diabetes, or suffer low blood pressure should not take this drug.WARNINGS :Kamagra Polo is only men for men who are just looking for an easy-to-use device for enlargement. I haven’t mentioned this in the blog, and many folks already know, but Alex, Claire and Theo will be moving to Paris in August.  We are both very excited for them.  I haven’t mentioned it in the blog because it was nice to have something new and interesting to tell folks when we see them, but I thought I would mention it tonight.  We are going to visit in November, and again in the Spring of 2014.  I actually booked a cruise for us, that will be a lot of fun from Los Angeles to Copenhagen for our Spring trip.  It will be 29 days, and we will go through the Panama Canal, with many stops along the way.  Then we will spend a month in Paris, and head back to NY on the Queen Mary, and spend the summer in Vermont.  As I have said before, it is great the David and I have many adventures to plan and enjoy in our future!

As David was getting ready for bed tonight, he admitted that he has noticed that his speech is getting better and was pleased with his walking.  It is so great to hear him say that, because he is normally pretty impatient with himself and doesn’t always see the progress that he makes.

One Month

One month from today, we will be on a plane on our way to Palm Springs.  The representative from the moving company came today to begin work on an estimate for the move.  We have lots of things to do and people to see before we head out of town.  These next four weeks are going to fly by and I am already starting to come up against scheduling problems.

We were alone this morning, and took a walk down to the gym and did some exercising.  We will do more of that.  It is good for David to see himself walk in the mirror.  For lunch, I decided to use the pork tenderloin that was leftover from earlier in the week, and make a pork salad.  In one of my fits of energy, I decided to make mayonnaise and consulted with Julia.  It was not as difficult as I thought it would be, and tasted good.  Don’t get me wrong, my arm was close to falling off again with all the whipping. After lunch we watched a good episode of Foyle’s War.

Tonight was the opening of the One Act Festival, and it went well.  David will be coming to see it on Sunday with Joy.  The house was not bad either, but it would be nice if it were fuller.  Folks seemed to find Holy Cow funny, and I give most of the credit to Alec and Cassie.
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The other night, at the ballet, we had one of those David moments.  I went to get his wheelchair after the performance, and on my way back, I saw a couple who were chatting with David, and it became obvious to me that they must be Fieldston parents.  When I got there, the woman said her name was Goldstein, and how much she loved David, and I was the luckiest person in the world.  She was not a Fieldston mom, but a UNIS mom, or so David told me, and after a while, it dawned on me that she was the mother of Betsy, who had visited David at the Jewish Home in September or October.  It is wonderful how parents of kids whose lives David has touched, will be so open and forthcoming with their praise.  I got an email from a Burke parent whose son was graduating this year from college thanking David for the influence that he had on him.  Very nice.

Anyway, time for bed, and David was in bed when I got home, so no reading or listening.

Cooler Day

This morning we headed to Speech Therapy, and it went very well.  David really is getting better at getting works out, and was able to talk about the Ballet and opinions about Kinky Boots, which Karen saw on Sunday.

We went home and then I headed out to our final tech rehearsal.  It went well, and we open tomorrow.  Cassie and Alec, the actors in the play I am directing, are doing really well, and the play is getting tighter.  I had to leave at 2pm to take David to Physical Therapy, and he did a lot of walking without the cane, and Caroline and I both think that he actually walks better without the cane.  After some practice and more confidence, he will be walking outside without the cane.

After PT, we headed home, and David took a nap.  He didn’t want to go to the Young Stroke Survivor’s Group, so we stayed home.  We watched So You Think You Can Dance!  It has been a while, and it was fun to watch.  Then the blog and Garrison, and now David is snoring, which he will deny.