All posts by Scott Kenison

They go together like sunny weather goes with the month of May

There was no softball game this weekend, just practice, and we need it.  We still need it.  I think I mentioned this before, but one of the great things about this league is that all the games are an hour long, so not too much strain.  Or so I thought.  I found out yesterday that next Sunday we have three games!  At 4, 5 and 7pm.  Yikes!!  Fortunately we have an hour between 6 and 7 for me to get a transfusion or some major medical attention!  When I told David, he seemed genuinely concerned.  Sadly, the earlier games are with newer teams, like ours and we lead up to our 7pm game with the League Champions from last year.  That should be fun.

Us on the double decker bus
Us on the double decker bus

I had my mini vacation over the weekend.  Checked into another local hotel.  Not quite as nice as the last place, but it was nice to lay by the pool and just relax.  Except for softball yesterday. Before I left on Saturday, David and I went on a bus tour that was part of the Fall Preview for Modernism Week here in Palm Springs.   It was fun to ride around on the upper deck of the bus and peek into everyones back yards!  Learned a lot about mid-century Palm Springs architecture.  Getting up to the upper deck was easier than coming down, but David handled it very well and the bus driver was very helpful.

When we got back from the tour, David and Donovan went to see Gone Girl, and I headed off.  They both really liked it a lot.  Now I have to find a time to see it for myself.  They went on Saturday afternoon, and got to the theatre a bit late, but thought they would have only missed a few minutes, but the ticket taker sent them to the wrong theatre, and they had missed almost half the movie.  They stayed for the next showing and caught the beginning and David said that knowing the ending gave the beginning a completely different spin, so they both thought that wasn’t so bad.  Afterwards, they went to the Greek place that we both like going to.

David in Temecula
Tasting wine in Temecula

On Sunday, they took a drive to Temecula to do some wine tasting.  It is a nice drive over the mountains to Temecula, and it was a great day.  The temperatures are much more moderate now.  They had some wine and lunch at one of the wineries, and from the pictures, they had a great time.

I have written a bit about some of the folks at the Stroke Recovery Center, and Don is one of our favorites.  He doesn’t say much, but laughs a lot, and usually with perfect timing.  On Thursday, we were in the group that Cedric usually leads, but he is away for a couple weeks.  There was a new couple there, and the conversation was very good, and I think everyone was being helpful.  At a certain point, the wife mentioned that David had a really great smile and was very good-looking.  Just as he was about to say thank you, Don began laughing, and made a comment about wanting to be David’s agent for his modeling career.  David told him that he expected his first booking by the end of the month, and that he would only give Don 5%.  It’s nice that they are both embarking on new careers.

Here's to Greece
Here’s to Greece


When the odds are sayin’ you’ll never win

We played our first game.  We lost.  I am on the Rat Pack and we played The Green Team.  I think we at least won on originality in the name department.  I am not exactly sure what the score was, but it was something like 14 – 9.  I may be being overly generous to our team.  I am sure David will say so tomorrow when I read this to him.  I said to my fellow Rats that would should just be happy in the knowledge that we can only get better!  it was the first game, after all.

David came to the game, but skipped the opening ceremony, which was a wise move.  He would have hated the opening.  Endless speeches that nobody could hear because we were outside at a baseball field with a little speaker system.  The pot luck was an assortment of items that ranged from chips and pizza to tacos and salads.  It was nice to be able to chat with my team mates though.  Nothing else really happened for the opening, which was sad.  So many missed opportunities.  The least they could have done was have a Judy Garland impersonator sing the National Anthem!  It that was too hallowed, she could have sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”.

Donovan brought David, and I think they both had a good time.  I won’t go into a play by play, just give you some highlights.  All about me, of course.  I was up to bat 4 times, and each time made it to first base.  I did have a Charlie Brown moment in the outfield.  The ball was hit, and came lofting in my direction.  I ran to catch it, and it landed right in my glove.  Then, as if with a mind of its own, it bounced out.   While this was bad, it was by far not the worst defensive play of the game.  There was one point when a batter had some trouble running, so our Captain, Stu, was looking for a pinch runner, and turned and said, “Where’s Scott, he runs really good”.  I was right there, and I became the designated pinch runner.  After making it to home, I immediately had to pick up a bat and hit.  And, of course, run.  Oh, did I mention it was hot!  I thought I would die.  But, I didn’t.

After the game, we all headed back to the house, and I fell into the pool along with David and Donovan.  What a delight that was!  Then to bed and we watched two episodes of Homeland followed by The Good Wife.  I forgot to mention yesterday we went to the Quilt Show at the Palm Springs Convention Center.  Quite a big show, and loads of nice quilts to see.  We also bought a kit to make another quilt for here in Palm Springs.  It has a Hawaiian theme, but the colors are nice and the palm trees work well.

If that’s not love, what is?

Well, it has been too long, I know.  I can’t say I have been busy.  We haven’t been particularly busy, or any busier than we normally are.  I think that things have settled into a routine, and I have been getting tired earlier than usual and just heading to bed.  Then in the morning I think, “I didn’t write the blog last night!  I have to make sure I do it tonight.”  I then proceed to go to sleep the next night.  It seems sad in a way, but really, I think it is a good thing.  Being tired and falling asleep is a good thing.

On Tuesday we went to the Stroke Recovery Center for Let’s get Physical, and we arrived just on time, and the folks were throwing a ball around, and we proceeded to take our seats.  There was a particularly large group, and not all the usual suspects.  Just as we got settled, someone asked “Where is he.  He’s late.”  and Glorianne said, “He is on his way, and it is only a few minutes after.”  Almost as these words left her mouth, in walked a Rabbi, and David gave me a look of shock and disgust.  The shock was for the Rabbi but the disgust was mine exclusively.  The Rabbi was there to teach about Yom Kippur and David thought I had made some sort of terrible scheduling error. I was sure I had not, and even though I double checked the printed schedule but he still believes that it was my error.   I told him we should stay, and he practically hit me with his cane and began to get up from the chair.

We made our way, slowly, out of the room.  Past all the other clients who were all wondering where we were going and past the Rabbi asking why we were leaving.  I had no answer, and David wasn’t giving one.  Glorianne followed us out, and asked us to come to her office, and was apologizing if we were offended.  I explained that we weren’t offended, David just didn’t want to stay.  She explained that they normally don’t allow any programs that had any religious content, but the Rabbi has been coming for so long, and besides, he always brought food.  Now I understood why the turnout was so good for this session.  I explained that David wasn’t offended, he just didn’t want to hear the Rabbi explain Yom Kippur.

Yesterday, David began his personal training with Bill again.  He also exercised and we had a PT session and he was a bit exhausted by the end of the day.  I had my last softball practice last night before our first game on Sunday.  It will be at 3pm PST or 6PM EST, so if you get a chance, send good thoughts my way.  I may need them!  I hope to have some choice tidbits tomorrow, as there is also a grand opening ceremony at 1:30pm before the games start.  There is a pot luck as part of the opening, so I have been preparing a pasta salad to bring.  Only in a gay softball league are you batting, catching and cooking skills tested.

Where we two can go and try settlin’ down

A relatively quiet Sunday.  We got up, I took a run, then coffee and breakfast,  some sun and the pool.  It was in the mid 90’s today, so, for the desert, quite cool, but very nice.  David and I took a walk after getting ready for the day.  We drove to the wash and walked on the path that I often run on.  It was very nice.  Once home, I had to decide if I should go to the gym or take a hike.  I decided to take advantage of the cooler weather, and hiked for about two hours the trail at the end of Mesquite Rd.  Very lovely views, and once again, I should have taken pictures, but I didn’t.

When I got home, David was a little miffed that I was gone so long.  I finally figured out that he thought that I shouldn’t go off for so long on a Sunday.  That should be our day together.  He expressed an interest to coming to the softball practice this evening, and I was a little worried that he would be bored, so texted Donovan to see if he could come and drive David home if he had had enough.  I hadn’t heard from him by the time we left, so we drove to the fields and I settled David in with one of the other partners.  Donovan left a message and was going to come by and meet David at the park.

It was such a lovely night, and David seemed to be having a good time.  They left a little early, and I was a bit concerned when I got home and the door was locked (I had given my keys to Donovan) and no sign of David or Donovan.  I texted to find out if they had gone out for a frozen yogurt or something.  They drove up almost at the same time I finished texting.  They stopped for gas and a taco.  Not at the same place, I hope.

Softball is going well, and very glad to be doing it.  Oddly, it makes me feel happy.  Speaking of happy, tonight our pal, Julie Halston opened on Broadway in You Can’t Take it with You and the reviews, which I finished skimming a few minutes ago, are magnificent.  One of them said that James Earl Jones and Kristine Nielsen seemed to be waltzing through the show with Pharrell William’s “Happy” playing in their heads.  Julie was in rehearsal when we saw her before we left the east coast in NY, and she said it was a small part, but as usual, has made quite an impact!  I only wish we were there to see it because it sounds marvelous!  I particularly love to see a show where the actors seem to be having such a good time!

Help me stop remembering then

You know how it is.  You are sitting, minding your own business, surfing the internet (they still say surfing the internet, don’t they?) and you stumble on an old friend who it appears is only steps away, visiting the town that you now call home.  Tonight, David and I went to Wang’s in the Desert for Happy Hour with Shawn Churchman and his partner Tom.  It was great to have an evening out, and even better to meet Tom and catch up with Shawn.  Shawn and I both work for NY Gilbert & Sullivan Players, and he also worked at Edwards & Edwards for a while.

For some unexpected reason, Shawn and I have loads of people in common.  We talked about John Kissack, Michael Baron, Mary Millben and of course all the NYGASP folks (or at least the important ones).  It was kind of comical when we talked about Vermont, and he said that he had worked at the Old Castle Theatre in Bennington, and he asked if we had seen My Fair Lady.  We did, and the music director was a former boyfriend, and we laughed at the fact that he stayed with my Dad’s lady friend Judy.  Dad, you should tell Judy!  Also, the Henry Higgins was a friend of his as well.  We didn’t get a chance to talk about Stephen Nachamie who we also have in common.  It was also great to hear about his latest project, a new musical he is writing.

Now mind you, I haven’t seen Shawn since the early/mid 90’s and he is now living in Oklahoma City.  It was a nice evening, and we split and went our different ways for dinner.  I always remember after the fact, but I should have taken a picture.  David and I ended up at the Greek place that I went to a few weeks ago.  The evening was so beautiful, and it was great to sit outside and eat in the courtyard.  Earlier in the day, I did my softball shopping and am now all set to begin this next adventure.

Go back to where yer mother once came!

David laughed when I told him.  I almost laughed when I considered it.  Tonight I auditioned (I can’t bring myself to say I tried out) for a place on one of the Palm Springs Gay Softball teams.  Now, this may say more about my teammates (yes, my teammates), but I was one of the better players I think.  Not at all embarrassing.  I say I was auditioning, but really, I wanted to make sure that they weren’t too serious (or too good).  Also, to make sure that I wasn’t going to be, well, embarrassing.  The last time I played softball was sometime in the 90’s in White Plains.  I was younger then, and even then, not too embarrassing.  I think David actually came to one of our games.

When I got home, I recounted the events to David, and he laughed again when I told him now I have to go out and get all the gear.  He only looked at me askance when I said that I hit both times when I was at bat, and didn’t fumble a single ball.  Fumble, that’s the right term, right?  He  just rolled his eyes when I told him that I thought I was pretty good.  The coach looked at me pleadingly when I left and said, “you are coming back on Sunday, right?”

David is looking forward to sitting in the stands, eating a hot dog and thinking of me as his own personal Derek Jeter.  Only, I am still playing.  Or just starting to play.  Or just starting to play again.  I will post a copy of my baseball card when it is published.

Nothing much happened other than this today.  Exercise, Carla, I did some grocery shopping, went to the bank.  Typical Friday.

And do they know?

You know the saying trying my patience or testing my patience?  I think that was what David was doing to me today.  Not sure if he was really trying or testing on purpose, but it certainly felt like it.  I just typed out a little detailed tirade, but erased it, because, you don’t really need or want to hear about that.  Let’s just say that I don’t think that my temper is short, but it is being pushed to the limits.  For some reason, today, David didn’t seem to want to do anything for himself, so I found it interesting that when I read the blog tonight, he insisted that I tell the readers that while I made cereal and coffee for him yesterday (and today) that he often does that for himself.  He does try to help, but I think that is beginning to wear thin for him too and he wants to save his energy for better things.

We had Physical Therapy today, but not with Blade.  We did see Blade, and his therapist was good, I think.   All his upcoming appointments are split between two therapists other than Blade.  We get to see him while we are there, but he isn’t working with David.  It is not a bad idea, I think, to switch things up.  We also got news yesterday that Holly won’t be coming back to the Stroke Recovery Center, which is sad.  I certainly understand, because she has a lot on her plate and sometimes it is just time to retire.

We went to the movies to see My Old Lady.  About 3/4 of the way through it, David wanted to leave, but I insisted on staying through the end.  It seemed silly to throw away that much of an investment.  It wasn’t great.  It felt like a romantic comedy that took itself entirely too seriously.  None of the characters (dead or alive) seemed very likable or relatable.

Thanks for listening.

He’s sitting paying a bill

I got up this morning and took a nice run.  The evenings are getting cooler, and it is nice to get an early start before the sun gets too hot.  When I got home, made coffee and some cereal for me and David.  We are settling into a routine that I am liking.  I need to make sure that I get up early, because if I sleep in, I tend to be pretty miserable for the rest of the day.  We headed off to Speech with Mary, and when we got in the car the tire pressure light came on, and I was not pleased about having to stop and inflate the tires.  I became a bit concerned when the car was pulling to the right, so I knew it was more than just low tire pressure.

I dropped David off at the Stroke Center, and headed to the gas station to put some air in and check what was going wrong.  Also needed gas, so I thought that I would kill two birds with one stop.  Went into the station and needed another quarter for the air pump, but they didn’t have any change.  Can you imagine?  Anyway, went to the gym, because I wasn’t going to let a flat tire distract me from my plans.  Besides, the tire looked OK and when I had the tires replaced in the spring, I got the “run flat” tires, which meant that I could drive on them for up to 50 miles.  Got in a workout, which was good, but haven’t been to the gym at this time, and might avoid it in the future.  A little too social for my taste.

Had time to go home and get some quarters and stopped at another station on the way to pick David up.  Filled the tire and I could hear the hissing from the leak.  Upon closer inspection, I could see the screw that had screwed me.  Ran to pick up David, and was not looking forward to dealing with having the tire fixed.  When we got home, I called the place where we had bought the tires and he told me to come at 4pm and they would take care of it.  Took a short nap, and then off to Rancho Mirage and Ramona Tire.  Dropped off the car and he told me it would be about an hour and a half, and I headed across the highway to Koffi for a coffee.  I hadn’t been to this Koffi, but like the ones in Palm Springs.  As I approached, I thought that there would be nobody inside.  No cars parked out front and it was very hot, so I don’t think they got much foot traffic.  The place was packed.  Full of folks on their free WiFi and staying cool.  Had my coffee then decided to walk to the consignment store on the next block.  It was quite scary.  I was making up stories in my head about who the hell bought the crap that was in there.  I understood why they were trying to sell it, but the question was, why was it ordered in the first place!!???

Then back to the tire store.  The folks there were nice the first time and this time it was the same.  Very pleasant.  The guy at the desk said that they were working on my car, and just balancing the tires and it would be ready soon.  I read some magazines.  When it was my turn to check out, I pulled my wallet out, and the attendant asked me to sign one of those signature pads.  I kept waiting for him to ask for my credit card, but it didn’t happen.  He apologized for my having to wait, and said the car would be out in a minute.  It seems that since I bought the tires there, they fix them for free.  What a pleasant surprise.  When I got in the car, the driver who brought it out, also apologized for making me wait.  And I was on my way.

When I got home, David was worried that I was taking too long, and had tried to call me and I think he connected with my phone, but it was in my pocket.  Well, I was home now, so we hung up.  I told him that I didn’t feel like cooking and that we should go out, but he had to decide where we should go.  He first suggested Indian, but I wasn’t in the mood.  He settled on Thai, and we tried Thai Smile in Palm Springs.  Our first visit, and it was very nice.  David loved his Ginger Martini.  I had lettuce wraps and soup and David had drunken noodles.  Very nice.

We got home and after a little more relax, we watched the first episode of the season of Modern Family.  I still enjoy it, but I think they are starting to grasp for stories.  After that, we finished the Roosevelts.  Can I just say that I love Eleanor?  She really was the best of both Franklin and Teddy in many ways.  As some of you know, I come from a long line of Republicans, which I hate to admit, and just glad that, even if the line doesn’t stop with my generation, at least a branch of it has veered to the left. I find it amazing that sane people, who look back at history don’t see how very wrong leaning to the right is.   Well, enough of that, but can you imagine what this world would be like if there had not been a Teddy, FDR and Eleanor?  As scary as the news is, I shudder to think what it could be like.

Cheep, cheep, cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more

We had to get up early this morning to go to Speech with Arlene.  Well, by early I mean, I had to get up at 7:30 to get a run in then we were out the door by 9, after showering, etc.  This was the first visit to Arlene since the summer, and she had to do an evaluation.  David did really well, but, as usual, he thought it was nothing and that he hadn’t improved.  I, as always, can’t remember the word that came out of his mouth, but both Arlene and I looked at each other in amazement.  When I said this to David, he looked at me like I was crazy.  Yes, it wan’t like he said Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (I actually checked the spelling on that) but it was a new and unusual word (whatever it was).  She also asked him to give her words that started with a specific letter, like “a vegetable that starts with a B”, and he was able to do it all but one time.  Well, I was impressed even if he wasn’t.

Afterwards we went for a coffee and then a little drive because the cleaners were at the house, and it is always better for them to have the house to themselves.  In the afternoon I ran some errands and had the car washed.  The inside windshield was getting hard to see through with the sun.  Made a simple dinner – pasta for David and broccoli for me.  Yes, a vegetable that starts with a B.  Last night I made what I thought was a very spectacular dinner.  Eggplant Parmesan Sliders.  I even made the tomato sauce from scratch.  I didn’t make the little buns that they went on.  Maybe next time!

On the job front, I now have two resumes out there in the Palm Springs area.  The one I sent out today would actually be pretty perfect because it would tie lots of the parts of my life together.  Almost as if I got a job at the Stroke Recovery Center, but not quite.  Better, I think.  Will keep you posted on all the progress if there is any.

Tell him what I see

Today was a beautiful day.  The temperature was about 99° and the sky was perfectly blue. David thought the pool was a bit cool at 85°, but I thought it was very nice.  We didn’t do much, but went into the pool, laid out in the sun, and it was a great Sunday.  We drove to La Quinta for sushi at Okura, which was really nice.  There used to be an Okura in Palm Springs, but it closed about two years ago.  There is another Japanese place in there now, but doesn’t look as appealing, and doesn’t offer a eat all you can menu.  I felt rather stuffed when we left.

We topped off the evening by following Franklin and Eleanor as they led up to the war, and again, Eleanor was a progressive after my heart.  Franklin was just a realist and consummate politician, I guess.  They we watched the season opener for The Good Wife.  Off to a good start.
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David and I talked a little bit at dinner about work and what that all would mean, and he agrees that I should pursue it.  As I have said, we will deal with the logistics when it happens.  I think it is mentally healthy for me to start thinking about this, as difficult as it is to wrap my brain around, sometimes.

You can spray her wherever you figure the streptococci lurk

I am sure I have used that one before.  Or maybe something similar.  Who knows, and it is too late to go back and look and make sure,  If it is a repeat, you will forgive me.  I hope.  This week has been eventful and uneventful all at the same time.  I was laid low in the early part of the week.  Streptococci.  I started having a sore throat, which is the usual course when my allergies start up.  Post nasal drip causes my throat to get sore and then infected, and on Tuesday, I thought I was going to die.  Fever, achy, you know, just miserable.  Even David felt sorry for me.  I am better now.

We have been enjoying The Roosevelts thoroughly.  Teddy was at once admirable and monstrous.  A little too much testosterone running through his veins, I think.  Franklin is amazing and Eleanor is spectacular, in my humble opinion.  She was so far ahead of her time, and I think there should be a movie made about her trip through New England with “Hick”.  It could be like a depression era Thelma and Louise.  Without the driving off the cliff at the end.  I hope I didn’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t see the movie.

I also had a conversation, not an interview, with the headhunter for one of the jobs that I submitted my resume for.  Sounds like it could be a good fit, but there are lots of logistics to think about.  David says I should go through the process and do what I think is best.  I would mean spending a lot of time apart, but, I need to begin putting a life together away from caregiving.  I will sit down and list the pros and cons and then do whatever I damn well please, right?  Fortunately, this one is on the west coast, so it is pretty doable.

We had speech group this week, which was fun, as usual.  David read much better than he has in the past, and the regulars all mentioned how they noticed an improvement.  The thanked them, but said that he didn’t believe them.  We also are continuing with SongShine and the director of that program called me on Sunday to make sure that David felt comfortable, which I thought was very nice.  I suggested that I sit in front of him, so he can follow my mouth for the words, which is what we are doing.

The furniture for outside by the pool arrived.  It was not fun to put together, and I kept saying to myself that the next time I order something like this, I should pay the extra $50 to have the white glove delivery where they put it together.  It did give me a certain “Teddy” feeling, and sense of accomplishment.  We had Donovan and Pam over to inaugurate the furniture.  Pam was on the cruise with us, and we have been looking for a time to get together.  We were supposed to go to a movie night on Tuesday that she invited us to, but, I was sick.

Here! The last place I’m going is there

Well, my few days away started with a bang.  I went to CVS to pick up some wine, soda and junk food and was heading back to, the everything that you could possibly imagine, Doris Day suite, where I checked in earlier.  It really is everything that you could imagine – a portrait of Doris over the bed that looked like something that I did as a sophmore in High School.  The room is really just fine, and what I needed.  Steps from the pool and the hot tub.  I haven’t met any of my fellow guests, yet.

Back to the story.  There I was, driving back from CVS with my rations, and I took the turn onto Warm Sands Drive, and suddenly, my steering became decidedly less powered.  As I drifted across the road in front of oncoming traffic, I glided for about 50 yards, and noticed that the battery light was on, and decided to try to get out of the middle of the road.  I eased into a parking space around the corner from the hotel, and tried a few times to restart the car, to no avail.  Then I called AAA.  Maybe I should have called AA, but that’s another story.  Needless to say, I didn’t have my AAA card with me.  I had come across it in my wallet and said to myself “Self,  I should probably put this in the car so it is handy if there is a problem.”  I didn’t do that.  So, the lovely lady at AAA was trying to figure out which office I belonged to, and we tried Palm Springs (of course) then Washington, DC (our old address).  New York – no luck.  Vermont – nothing there.  Finally, after she said she would call me back and check a few places, and I had walked back to the in.  Had a soda and was on my way back to the house to get the damn card, she called and asked if we were ever living on Vermont Ave NW in DC.  Well, yes we were.  For about three weeks in what David refered to as Anne Frank’s summer cottage.

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David went to the movies with Donovan and is having dinner out with him now.  The went to see the latest Woody Allen movie.

I would never budge ’til spring

Well, David is in heaven.  We ordered an adjustable bed and now he can sit up comfortably in bed and watch TV.  I have to say, it makes me pretty happy too.  We would have an endless dance all night trying to get the pillows and the foam wedge that we go to stay in the right place.  Now, with the push of a button, we are set in seconds.

Today I dropped David off at the Stroke Recovery Center and left him there for an hour and a half.  Alone.  He looked a bit worried as I left, and when the door opened after the reading group, Glorianne told David, “see, he’s here” because I am sure he thought that I had forgotten him or had gotten lost.  He said he was a bit exhausted by speech and reading.

On Monday we went to Songshine, which is a singing program for people with Parkinson’s and Stroke survivors.  I think it will be good for David.  Some of the folks who go to the speech group at Eisenhower also participate.  A nice group, and they do a performance in the spring, which will be fun, I think.  Last year they did The Music Man, and it was very good.  A concert version and just the music, but it was good.
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We have our first appointment for Physical Therapy scheduled in two weeks, and David is excited about that.  It will be good to get back to it.  Glorianne suggested that we set a half hour aside each day to practice speech, which we started tonight.  We didn’t go for the full half hour, but it was good, and it is always good to have something like that scheduled.  At least that is what David says.  I would prefer just winging it!  And by winging it, I mean, only doing it when we feel like it.  I suppose we could skip it whenever we don’t feel like it, right?

This weekend I am taking two days off and checking in and checking out.  I made a reservation at one of the hotels in the area, and just going to lay by the pool and relax.  Maybe go and see some “cartoon” that David won’t go to see.  I say animated feature, but David insists they are “cartoons”.  Well, I think on that note, I will say goodnight and that I think I may need these two days away.

Funny, how it ain’t so funny

I remember when I was in my 20’s and living in Jersey City with Cid we spent many nights playing Joan Rivers What Becomes a semi Legend Most and laughing almost to delirium.  She was, to my mind, the funniest person I had ever heard.  The photo on the back of the album still makes me smile to this day – a family photo from the Royal Wedding of Charles and Diana with Joan photoshopped (long before that word made its way into our lexicon) on the right end, sandwiched between two Earls, appropriately adorned with a big pink hat, and holding a blender with a huge pink bow slapped on top.  As many are saying, she was a force of nature and I’m going to miss her.

Fortunately, we have a few taped episodes of Fashion Police and David and I are trying to make them last for a few more days.  We also watched the final episode of So You Think You Can Dance and couldn’t be happier for the outcome.  I loved Ricky.  All four of the finalists I liked a lot, so it was a good season, all around.

Magnesium (mg), the fourth most abundant mineral present in human body, is essential for good health and normal cheap no prescription cialis functioning of nerves. Buying the medicine is generic for cialis actually a smart choice for any driver, and you may need to do a little research to find reliable source. At pickjack you earn money by writing interesting multiple choice buy cialis questions. Benefits of Online Training: The benefits of online preparation and examination methods have restored fully the serious form getting prescription for viagra of learning and its extension occurs to go farther. On Thursday we went to the first fall session of the speech group.  It was great to see all the folks again.  We are also set with speech therapy with Mary at the Stroke Recovery Center.  David will be having a session with Alan, who is in the reading group, and will be a very good fit for David.  Holly is cutting down her time to one day, so not sure if we will be able to continue with her or not.  She isn’t back until October.  Still waiting to schedule with Blade.

I have been going to the gym pretty regularly as well as walking or running, depending on the heat.  We are supposed to have some showers over the next few days, and the temperatures are expected to be in the 90’s which will be nice.

Talk about a star looking like a toy

The other night in my late night swim, as I was floating in the pool looking at the stars, I noticed searchlights crisscrossing the sky above me.  It was Labor Day Weekend, and the population of Palm Springs had swelled with vacationing revelers.  I just thought how nice it was to be in Southern California with all its sun, fun and glitz.

Today, we were back to work, and we stopped by to see Blade after getting blood drawn at the lab and before seeing Dr. Loftus.  It was great to see him, and he apologized in advance for the bad mood that the good Doctor might be in.  It seems that one of Blade’s patients had a fall, and she was also a patient of Dr. Loftus, and she insisted on going to see him, and might have thrown off his schedule a bit.  When we got to the office, it was quite true.  We didn’t see the doctor until 45 minutes after our scheduled time, and he actually took a moment to complain about how the office was being run.

He did, however, say he wanted to cry because he was so impressed with David’s expressivity.  David was very pleased to hear that.  We then went home and met the new aide, Jessica.  She seems nice, and after a brief introduction and giving her some instructions, I headed out to run some errands.  Then to the gym.  Still exercising, which is great for both my mood and physically.  Now if I can just stop eating like the world is running out of food, I will be happy!  Also sent out another resume.  I figure one of them will stick one of these days, right?

That makes you feel brand new down to your toes

It has been a weird couple of days.  Hot, but nice, but I have been a little depressed, as you may have guessed from my past couple of blog entries, or maybe the lack of entries.  But today, the clouds seem to have lifted.  I finally got out and took a run and walk, and I think that I need to make sure that I do it every day.  I told David that he has to light a fire under me if I hesitate.  Not sure whether the exercise exorcised the demons, or if I was just feeling better and the exercise came out of that – which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Either way, I am glad to be felling better, and I am sure David is too. There are also two jobs that I saw listed on ArtSearch that look interesting, and going to send in my resume and cover letter for both of them.  The locations may be problematic, but we can cross that bridge if we get to it, and it is a good first step.  The plan was that in September, I would start to try to rejoin the workforce, and, while it is a couple days early, I thought, why not.

We are also looking at some projects to do around the house here, and hopefully get some of them started in the next couple of weeks.  We have wanted to put some sort of wall unit in the living room on the wall where the TV is, and have some ideas.  We have a design consultant coming on Tuesday morning.  We also have an appointment with the Doctor on Tuesday afternoon.  Once we see him, we will get referrals to start therapy back up.  David is anxious to get started.  I called my contact at USC and unfortunately, David isn’t ready or right for the study.  They need folks with more use of the effected arm.  She asked if he could grasp and release a ball, which he really can’t do.  She said that I should call back if he get some more movement in the hand, and we can reevaluate.  She also said she added David to their database, and if another study comes up, she will let us know.  I think I was more eager for this study than David was.  He was concerned about having to travel to LA.

But you must be ascertained that every time you are about to Buy sildenafil tablets in india. viagra viagra online This particular drug carries Tadalafil in it as the best component. The lack of desire in women can be confusing and sildenafil 50mg tablets shocking for their husbands. This caffeine intake remains associated with a number of several body functions. generic cialis australia Carla came yesterday, and will be coming every Thursday and Saturday to give me some time off, well deserved or not!  She is great, and nice with David.  Not as gossipy as Jennifer or some of the other aides.  David loves to hear the gossip about their dates, boyfriends, other clients, you name it.  Tomorrow, I may take a hike if it isn’t too hot.  it may be over 110, but, it is a dry heat, right?  It was 109 this afternoon and I survived.  Hydrate.

We went to Life Changes at the Stroke Recovery Center with Cedric, which was nice.  One of the other clients said how happy he was to see us back, and later pulled me aside and said that he was sincere and really meant how happy he was to see both of us back.  I was going to say that I give all the credit to David, but, in reality, we are a pretty good pair.  I think people see how simpatico we are, and a bit like Laurel and Hardy, we make them laugh.  On purpose, of course.  He had suffered another stroke over the summer, and seems to have been shaken by it, but he seemed in pretty good shape, or no worse than when we left, so that was good.  I also read that there is a Gala in November for the Stroke Recover Center, and David said he would like to go, which is great.  A nice way to give back to the center that has given both of us so much.  Not to mention the theme is A Night at the Copa.  Are they hoping that Barry will show up?  I can just imagine the costumes that David will want me to whip up!

Summer days drifting away

Well, not so much for us.  We just arrived last night in Palm Springs, and the summer here lasts much longer than most places.  Our trip home was great, and mostly uneventful.  We came very close to missing our connection in San Francisco.  The airline had been kind enough to make an alternate reservation for this morning, in case we missed our flight last night.  Fortunately, we just made it before they closed the doors.

Our visit in NY was great.  We saw a reading of a new musical by a good friend, which we both enjoyed very much.  It was called Long Ago Song.  A very interesting story with some great music.  I hope that it has legs, and gets produced somewhere.  That was Tuesday night, and on Wednesday we had lunch with Gwen, which was great.  So nice to catch up and share a meal.  Then we went to see A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder.  I am officially obsessed.  Such a funny and clever musical.  The performances were terrific all around.  It is also so refreshing to see a show that really relies on the music and actors rather than theatrics.  I guess you could say it is the anti-Spiderman.  It is very sad, but good for us, that tickets to the Tony award winning musical still has tickets available on the day of the performance.  Fourth row, center, at that.  I am sure they were house seats, and the house was pretty full, but I think the show has a very specific audience.  So good though, and if you have the chance, go and see it.

We had dinner with Françoise, Joe and Joy from Fieldston on Thursday at one of our old favorites, Artisanal.  For lunch on Thursday we went to meet Karen, David’s speech therapist from Rusk, but after waiting 10 minutes, I checked my email, and we were a day early.  David gave me a look that just said “typical!”  We met her the next day, and then went to visit Liat at the Hospital for Joint Diseases and got to say hi to York and Steph as well (Speech, Physical and Occupational therapists, repectively).  We also got to say hello to the great nurses who took such good care of David while he was there.  David remembered his room as well, and only shuddered a bit when we walked by!  While the folks were great, the memories were not so good.

We also had a visit from Lynda in the afternoon, and sadly missed Marjorie because of a hotel mix-up.  We followed up our busy day with dinner with Hatam, Narges and Maya.  A Persian feast followed by a lovely walk in Central Park.  We ended our visit in NYC with a delightful breakfast with Anthony, Michelle and Julie.  It was great to see them and at the end, we thought that the breakfast was a bit more like a group therapy session and promised to repeat it monthly!  If only we could.

Now, we are safe back in Palm Springs, and already I am feeling like life is easier.  As soon as we got off the plane, the warm soft air and the smell of flowers in the air were intoxicating and I felt like we were home again.  Not that Vermont isn’t home, but I didn’t get to put everything in order this summer, so hopefully next summer, it will be easier.  went to the movies to see The Hundred-Foot Journey, which we both liked a lot.  This week, I will work to get all our therapies back up and going and life will begin to have the same rhythm that we had last year.

Me doctor recommends a quiet summer by the sea

Wouldn’t it? Joy arrived yesterday and we went to dinner at my Dad’s friend Judy’s and then to the Oldcastle for My Fair Lady.  Most of the performances were very nice and the theatre is great.  My only real criticisms were with the directing, but overall, it was very nice to see.  Oh, and Freddy had something very unfortunate going on with his pants.  It looked like they were about two sizes too small.

Today, I tackled some work, and I think that things will be in OK shape by tomorrow for our departure on Tuesday.  David is still feeling some pain on his back, and hopefully that will begin to subside soon.  I am looking forward to the visit to NY and really anxious to get back to California and our routine.  I think I am beginning to sound like a broken record.
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I did get a chance, the other day, to lay in the hammock for a while.  It was nice and cool with some dappled sunlight, but couldn’t really relax for too long.  Worried about things that needed doing and if David would need me for something and I wouldn’t hear him.  Maybe more tomorrow.

Locked in the bathroom with Peyton Place

Lois is visiting from Boston, and last night we went to see A Chorus Line in Weston.  As I told them as we drove home, I am not sure if it was just nostalgia, but I teared up at many unexpected moments during the performance.  I mean at times when I shouldn’t really be crying, not the usually moving bits of the show, which there are many.  I saw A Chorus Line in 1975 and a few more times during its long run.  I owned the album in my teens and just about wore it out so it feels very familiar to me.  The performances were great and it didn’t disappoint.

We have had a nice visit with Lois, and now, the end is really looming over my head like a steel beam!  So much to do before we leave on Tuesday.  I will be up late tonight, again, responding to emails that I have let pile up.  David claims he isn’t to blame, but, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, every time he needs help getting up, it throws me off.  I don’t think I have full blown ADD, but on the spectrum, I am leaning that way, and disturbances don’t help.

Every once in a while I glance out the back window and see the hammock that seems to be calling me, but I have not had a moment to use it.  I just want to go out there, and swing in the breeze for an hour or so.  I don’t think it will happen though.  The weather is feeling decidedly fall-like and the sun has been getting lower in the sky in the afternoons.  It is amazing how quickly the sunlight changes at this time of the year.  Well, more musings tomorrow.

My destiny calls and I go

That title is twofold.  Spain and doing what needs to be done.  We have canceled our trip to Spain.  David brought it up yesterday, and I suggested that we sit on it for a day, and decide tomorrow.  Well, tomorrow is now today, so we decided.  I canceled accommodations, flights and hotels.  We are still heading to NY next week for a few days, but heading back to Palm Springs on Saturday.  We have renters in through Monday, so we will book a little two night holiday in Palm Springs.  A little honeymoon maybe.  It never seems to end with us!  Anyway, I am putting a positive spin on this, but we do have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow (along with haircuts, which may be more important!) so we can figure out if there is something wrong.  David has been complaining of some pains and has, as I said, not been his usual upbeat self.  I am hoping that it is nothing.  I have a list of his ailments ready for our visit.  We also have an appointment with Dr Loftus in Palm Springs on the first Tuesday in September, so that will be good too.

Today was supposed to rain quite heavily, like it did around NYC, but never really materialized.  It rained a bit, but nothing like a downpour.  Did some needed projects around the house while Ally was here with David.  Felt quite productive.  We watched a documentary called Pageant about the Miss Gay America.  Pageants and drag queens – how could you go wrong, right?  Then we watched The Railway Man with Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman.  As much as I want to not like Nicole because she was married to that lunatic, I can’t seem to help thinking that she is a really good actress, and gives the most subtle, understated performances.  Something about her quiet strength gets me.
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Anyway, I am looking forward to getting back to Palm Springs and starting back into our routine.  I might even get a chance to exercise again!  I know I have gained a few since we have been back in VT.  Maybe even two or three or five in the last two days.  I know I am in trouble when I crave potatoes with abandon.  I have also been drinking too much or not enough, depending on how you look at it.