Back in the swing

Today we got back to work with Speech Therapy in the morning, then off to get blood drawn, home for a bit, and then back to RUSK for Physical Therapy.  Speech went well and David really is communicating better all the time.  Karen talked a bit about a conference she went to on Friday about how the brain rebuilds pathways, and has reemphasized the importance of repeating and practicing all the time.  The lab where David has blood drawn was abuzz with activity, and not sure why.  There were just a lot of people coming and going.

When we got home, we had lunch and watched a couple of Castle’s and then walked back to RUSK for PT.  Caroline did a lot of walking with David again, and she tried a new contraption on him.  It is a track that runs along the ceiling, and David is harnessed to it, and walks without the cane.  He was doing really well with this, except he was trying to go too fast.  As Karen said, it is just important to practice, practice, practice!

Tonight we had ravioli and watched RuPaul’s Drag Race (Go Jinkx!!), then the blog and Julia.  It is now 1970 and they are on the verge of publishing the second volume.

Now that is is warmer, we are walking more, back and forth to and from RUSK, and getting to know the sights and sounds of the walk.  As we crossed 34th Street walking up Third Avenue this morning, both of us noticed that the homeless man, who I have started calling Homeless Rush, was not in his usual spot lecturing passers-by about his right wing ideology.  Wouldn’t it be nice it the corner of Third and 34th was where the real Rush were relegated?!  I also noticed a truck that often had a line of High School students at it, and couldn’t figure out what it was all about.  It looks like a food truck, but has images of cell phones and electronic devices on it, and says “Digital Device Storage” and it finally dawned on me what it was about.  I am guessing that the students at the nearby High School are not allowed to bring their cell phones into school, so someone has set up a business where they can check their phones before school, and pick them up at the end of the day.  I still can’t figure out why they can’t put their phones in their lockers, but there must be more going on that I don’t know.