Back on track

Today we got back on track with therapy.  We had Speech first, which we knew would not be a problem.  Had a great conversation with Karen and Christina about the trip and the Barnes Collection.  Karen tried to convince David that he is, indeed saying more.  Then we had Occupational Therapy with Maneshka.  I told her that David was able to move his arm, and she went to work on that immediately.

As I said, David didn’t believe me when I told him that he was moving his arm, but she did some exercises with him that made it clear that he was moving his arm up and down.  It is, as you can imagine, weak from not being used for over six month, but, that is was the work is for.  Now we have some more exercises to add to our daily routine.  She was very impressed, which, in turn, made David impressed.  I do wish that I had videotaped the session, particularly the moment when David made fun of the movement that he did have.  I almost couldn’t stop laughing.  Maybe it was the morning, but I was very prone to laughter in Speech Therapy as well, and Karen did chastise me at one moment when I laughed at something that David wrote.

Once we were done with OT, I checked with Physical Therapy to see if we could get in early so we wouldn’t have to make an additional trip in the snow.  Caroline was available, and we got to work.  David worked on the treadmill, and did some walking around the gym.  He also worked on one of the machines to get more strength on the muscles on his inner leg.  He is turning his foot out because his outer right leg is stronger than the inner.

When we were done, we headed home.  Gail came at 2pm with a surprise visitor from UNIS, Almaz (sp?), and it was a great visit.  David was able to ask what she thought of Jane, the new ED who will be coming this summer, which I was impressed with.  He did some more work with Gail, and then we had a visit from Michelle bearing gifts from Second Ave Deli.  Thanks.  Again, great to hear stories from UNIS.

After Michelle left, David was ready for a well deserved nap!  It was a busy day.  Then, dinner, an episode of House of Cards (UK), the blog, there were comments and corrections, but David just wanted to go to sleep. But no sleep before object number 82 – Miniature of a Mughal Prince.