Bring on the lovers, liars and clowns

Well, two out of three isn’t bad.  I have been enjoying seeing Chris Christie begin to go down in flames.  I think I touched on this in a previous entry, but he is just such a familiar  type to me from growing up in NJ.  All the stuff that is coming out about wheeling and dealing is so pathetic and in an odd way, adolescent.

We have been busy with therapy, etc.  We also had a new aide who came to help on Tuesday, and he was good.  David liked him, but I do have to say that his doing the speech exercises may be an issue.  He has a bit of an accent, and I think that David may pick it up!  There was a moment when he was trying to get David to say “scissors” and it was getting lost.  He is keen to work with David on physical exercise, which is great.

I have been a little out of sorts for the past two weeks, and not sure why.  Not so much because of anything physical, just my head.  Not totally here, I think.  But, the good news is, I feel like I am returning to my regular self.  Hopefully that will mean that I will begin writing more regularly.  David also had a quite emotional day on Wednesday.  During speech with Mary, he began to cry because she told him how great he is doing, and he doesn’t think that he is.  Then we went to reading group, and again, he got emotional because he is not satisfied with his progress.  I am thankful that these episodes are usually very sort lived, and he doesn’t get discouraged easily and just wants to get back to work.

Now, it really is a cement pond!
Now, it really is a cement pond!

They started the demolition work on the pool, and now we have a giant hole in the back yard. We moved one of the trees where the spa will go to the side yard, and I think it will do better there. It was a little crowded by the lemon and grapefruit trees that were more mature.  They were moving along at a pretty good pace, so hopefully his 4-5 week completion is pretty solid.  I just hope that he doesn’t work like every other contractor we have ever dealt with – come in like gangbusters and then leave a useless hole in the ground for weeks with no work!  The references I called said that he was accurate with his estimate both regarding time and cost, so I am hopeful.

David played tennis twice this week, and is still doing well.  One of the issues with his apraxia is that he has trouble understanding what the drill is that Bill is trying to work with him on, so I often have to get it started.  Once he gets going, all is fine, but changing gears takes a little work.  I think that the most rewarding times for me and David are when he is able to hit some volleys back and forth with Bill.  He keeps asking when I will be able to hit with him, but my tennis just isn’t good enough.  I am happy to get it over the net and in bounds, so making sure I hit it close enough for David to return is going to be impossible.

Made some biscuits this morning and tried the marmalade.  It tastes good, but is, as I was afraid, a little runny.  You live, you learn, as they say.

Carla and David looking at the progress at the pool
Carla and David looking at the progress at the pool