By the sharp lapel of your checkered coat

We got up VERY early this morning to get a cab to the airport.  No traffic, so we were there very quickly.  Our flight to Rome was uneventful, and when we arrived, a representative from Azamara was there, and ready to help us get to our ship, but we had to check about the luggage.  The Alitalia agent was very helpful, and told us that the bags were on their way.  To Paris!  She sent a message to United in Paris asking them to forward the bags to Rome, and they would arrange delivery.  She was sure that they would not get to us today, but she got the itinerary for the ship, and believes that they will get to us in Elba tomorrow.

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Anyway, we took a nap then went to the restaurant for dinner, and afterwards, I went to the public laundry (free, I might add) to wash yesterdays clothes so we have something for tomorrow.  The ship began rocking and rolling as soon as we left port, and they said it will last all night.  It is not so late, but I am tired, so will post this and send more details tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “By the sharp lapel of your checkered coat

  1. Clothes are so overrated. Shame you couldn’t shop in Paris or Rome. You both would look so chic!

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