Catching up

I have two days to cover tonight, so let me start with yesterday.  It was a glorious day, and we went to the High Line to take in the sun and stroll, along with millions of other people.  We walked down to 14th Street and then along the river and strolled through the old neighborhood on W 20th Street.  It was a great day, and when we got home, the apartment was clean.  Before heading to the High Line, Gail came by to work with David on neuro feedback.  in the early evening, I went to my group at RUSK, and it was a smaller group than usual.  Some new folks and the stories were varied and some were pretty heartbreaking.  I didn’t go to the theatre last night, or tonight, but will head over tomorrow night.

This morning we had Speech and Occupational Therapy, then a break and Physical Therapy in the afternoon.  David, as I keep saying, is doing really well, and all the therapists are a little sad to know that their time with David is drawing to a close.  In Speech, we talked about the High Line and she did some drills with sentences.  The in OT, Maneshka worked on practicing some real world experience, and did some role playing for shopping.  David was able to maneuver to get what he wanted and worked with some money exchanges.  He does still have a bit of a problem with the 0’s, and how many follow a number – sometimes he can’t tell the difference between $10 and $1,000.  Practice, practice, practice.  Then we went home for a while before heading back to PT and gym.  He did a lot of walking, and Caroline did some timed exersises and he cut five seconds off two of the ones he did before.  And that was without the cane.  Very good work.  Then home again, and Siobhan was back tonight.  He was great answering trivia questions she was asking.  She was also impressed with David’s walking without the cane.

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As David was getting ready for bed tonight, he admitted that he has noticed that his speech is getting better and was pleased with his walking.  It is so great to hear him say that, because he is normally pretty impatient with himself and doesn’t always see the progress that he makes.