Category Archives: Blog

Regular Blog Posts

So senator, so janitor, so long for a while

So, today was another good day.  We didn’t get to walk today, but did all the rest. We also went to the movies.  Saw Prisoners.  David liked it better than I did.  It wasn’t terrible, just not my kind of movie.  Loved Jake Gyllenhaal though.  We then watched the finale episode of Breaking Bad and the season opener for Homeland.  We are saving The Good Wife season premiere for tomorrow.

Made a special drink and dinner – blue cocktail and bratwurst in honor of Breaking Bad.  The end was satisfying, but not great.  No details to friends who are still on season 3!  You know who you are.  During dinner, I asked David if he wanted seconds of the sweet potato chips that I made, and he said no, so I polished them off.  A few minutes later, he asked for some more, and I told him that I ate them.  He insisted that he meant he didn’t want them when I asked, but did want some more.  My bad.  He told me that I had to write this in the blog.

David enjoying the Breaking Bad blue meth cocktail
David enjoying the Breaking Bad blue meth cocktail

A couple of days ago, we got some messages from friends in Washington the The Diane Rehm show had devoted an entire hour to stroke recovery and specifically to Aphasia.  While we were listening, I took this video and after we looked at it today, David said I should post it.  I think it is very funny, and shows how much David can communicate even without all the words.

It’s better than a magic lantern show

We have caught up with Breaking Bad, and will watch the series finale tomorrow. We had a great morning.  I took my walk, then got home and got David breakfast, then it was off to the Palm Springs Museum for a group photo with the gay mens chorus.  We posed on the steps of the museum and then under the Forever Marilyn statue.  What could be more appropriate.  Then home and a FaceTime call with Alex and Claire and Theo. It was great to see them, and they all seem fine, we can’t wait to see them.  Yesterday, I booked all the flights, so we are set.  Flying to Paris first, and then after a night at their apartment, we head to Rome for the cruise.  It will be fun!

After the chat, we exercised and then swam, shaved and showered and relaxed.  As I said, we caught up with Breaking Bad, so that took some of the afternoon.  Made a good dinner, and followed an idea I saw on Chopped, and made a sweet potato and beet hash, that came out really good, and salmon.  Then we watched some nonsense on YouTube, the blog, book and bed for David.  i will be up for a little while longer.  May go out for a drink, who knows.

I’ll always be Alice Toklas

Today we had another good day.  I had my walk in the morning, and when I got home, we began getting ready to see Blade.  Physical Therapy went really well, and I was pleased with how well David is doing.  We then went to Bristol Farms for lunch, on Blade’s advise, and it was perfect – quick and good.  Then, down the road to see Arlene for Speech Therapy.  That went well too.  David still doesn’t think he is making improvements, but he is.  He is reading words much better than he was a few months ago.  Arlene also said David was lucky, and he got his back up, because he thought she was going to say he was lucky because he had me.  She didn’t, she said he was lucky because he was able to do a lot of things that other folks can’t.  He conceded that I made some of that possible.  On the way home, we stopped and had iced lattes at Koffi, which was very nice.  The weather has been great!

Then home, and we headed to Hunter’s, a local gay bar that is celebrating its 15th anniversary.  The Gay Men’s Chorus was called in to sing happy birthday, and I participated, and David came along.  It was a nice event, but we ran after we sang, and headed home.  David was tired from a full day and took a short nap, while I went shopping for dinner.  After dinner, two more episodes of Breaking Bad – we may just get caught up!  The the blog and the book.  Delving into atoms now.  Almost as mind boggling as the universe!

Yuppie pagans, modeled on the Ronald Reagans

Today we went to Sunnylands, the estate of Walter and Leonore Annenberg.  What a sight!  I mean that in every sense you can imagine – good, bad and ugly.  The views were spectacular, the house is big and open and the artwork must have been amazing.  It is all in the Metropolitan Museum in NYC now, and the photo copies that now hang in their place in the home just make it look cheap.  Imagine a very expensive, expansive motel on a private golf course for the political glitterati and you have it.  Pink tile roof and all, almost like HoJo’s.  During the tour, we heard about the decorator who they relied on to make the place look so, so, so . . . unique, and all I could think was – I want to see a picture of this guy!  I don’t want to run into him in a dark alley, but just a picture would do.  I have a resplendent vision in my head of what he must look like, dogs and all!

The place is just littered with pictures of Ronnie and Nancy, Ike and Mamie, Gerald and Betty, Dick and Pat, George and Barbara.  Not to mention an entire sitting room, the royal sitting room, dedicated to the royal family, mostly Elizabeth, but with a many of the lesser royals as well.  I particularly liked the signed photo of Charles and Camilla, and an entire wall of Christmas greetings from the Queen Mother.  In the two guest rooms that we visited, there was a list of guests, not all of them, but just a selection.  I was surprised that one of the guests was Hilary Clinton in 1995 (I suppose they had to invite her as she was the First Lady at the time), but no mention of Bill, which I thought was odd, but I figured that she must have come alone.  Wrong.  As we were heading out, there were photos of folks with the Annenbergs, and there was Hillary and there was Bill.

Anyway, I highly recommend a visit.  Fortunately, there were a lot of photos of Obama when he hosted the Chinese President this past summer in the visitor’s center, so as we left, I felt slightly cleansed.  I still had to run home to take a shower to rid myself of the stench of conservetism.  David was also very pleased to go and see, and the day was glorious.  It stayed in the mid 80’s all day, and when we got home, I actually opened the windows to let some air in.  This is the time when Palm Springs is a dream.

We did all our other usual stuff, walk, swim, exercise and some speech.  I have to come up with more of these cultural outings for David.  Then we watched the first episode from this season of Breaking Bad and then Project Runway.  I read the blog, but no book tonight.

The kind of perfection I cannot abide

OK, sorry I missed yesterday, but nobody’s perfect.  And that is the theme, so if fits very nicely.  Yesterday, we had Physical Therapy with Blade, who may now be reading the blog, so I have to say nice things about him.  Well, that is really pretty easy.  So, one of the reasons I didn’t feel like writing yesterday was that there was some tension in the Kenison/Shapiro household.  I couldn’t figure out exactly what I said or didn’t say, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I don’t write enough wonderful things about David in here, and he thinks that folks out there think that I am fabulous and he isn’t.  We all know that isn’t the case.  Blade sensed that there was something off, and I told him that David was mad at me about something, and he told David that I was almost perfect.  David wanted to know if I was almost perfect, what did that make him.  Blade said that he was perfect.  So there you have it, I am almost perfect and David is perfect.  I’m actually quite happy with almost perfect, it gives me something to aspire to, right?

Anyway, we had a good day.  I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning, and got a clean bill of health.  Have lost 25 lbs and only 15 more to go!  Blood pressure is good and all the other numbers are good, except for the uric acid, which is the cause of the foot and knee problems. We are addressing that.  Then we went to the Stroke Recover Center for Let’s Get Physical.  Since it was so nice, we went out to the yard, and played Bocce, whiffle ball and horse shoes. David did very well at all of them.

Last night I had rehearsal, and i reiterate, it is great to sing.  Quite a release for me.  Some good music, and the concert will be fun.  Not sure if I will actually be able to participate due to the missing rehearsals, but, it’s the journey not the destination, right?

Today we got up and went to Tennis.  I missed my walk because I slept in.  Will have to get up extra early tomorrow and walk more!  Tennis was great, and David is hitting very well.  Bill has him hitting forehands and backhands, alternating, and doing some shifting of his feet without the cane.  Then off to Train the Brain at the Stroke Recovery Center, followed by Speech Therapy.  Mary, the therapist, is changing the times on Monday and Wednesday so David will participate in the 11:30am activity and then go straight to Speech at 12:30pm.  This also has the added benefit of giving me two hours on Monday and Wednesday to run errands, or just relax.  Maybe start going to the gym again.

Then home, and even though I slept in, I took a nice nap this afternoon.  Made dinner – shrimp with garlic.  We watched Dancing with the Stars, but no Breaking Bad.  It would be nice to catch up for the series finale this weekend, but not sure if we will be able to make it.  Then we read a bit more of the book and found out some strangeness about Mr. Hubble of the telescope fame.  His wife disposed of his body without telling anyone where she put it.  I am sure there is a story in there somewhere!

I lived! I lived! I lived!

The title of tonight’s blog is simply a tribute to Jane Connell who died today.  Long live the Gooch!

This morning, I took my walk, and when I got home, it was time to get ready for the first of two speech therapy sessions for the day.  We got ready and drove to Rancho Mirage, and when we arrived, the receptionist couldn’t find David’s appointment.  I explained that we were supposed to see Arlene, but she insisted that we didn’t have an appointment, and printed out the list of appointments that David does have.  It was one of those mornings, and I just didn’t feel like arguing with her, so we left.  Besides, he had another session at 1pm at the Stroke Recovery Center, so I thought that it was OK.  When we got home, there was a message on my phone from the receptionist.  She was terribly sorry, but David did have an appointment with Arlene and did we want to come back tomorrow or Friday.  We are going on Friday.

I took David to speech at 1pm and took the car to be washed, then we headed home.  Swam, exercised and watched some more Breaking Bad.  Then the blog and more of the book and sleep.

To try to get you off of your rump

When I was in college (the first time) I had a professor who told me I was like lard.  He said I would sit and look like there was nothing going on and then there would be a flash of something, and he would look and I would have created something worthwhile.  He suggested that I stop being so much like the lard and more like the flash.  Now, to be honest, even then, I got it.  I understood what he was talking about, and sadly, nothing has really changed.  I have periods (some longer than others) where I seem very unproductive, and then in a frenzy of activity, I get a lot done.  To be honest, during the quiet periods, I am thinking about what I am going to do and waiting for inspiration.  I am sure that there is some clinical name for what this is – ADD, ADHD, Bi Polar disorder or maybe just plain crazy or lazy.

So, today, when I was on my walk this morning, I thought about this, and how frustrated I was that I felt so unproductive.  Like I was just not getting anywhere, and it dawned on me that I don’t have those quiet moments, to myself when I can formulate. Anyway, today, I was pretty productive, and got a lot done, but still so much more to work on.  I have been neglecting my French, which is bad because we leave in a month.  Must make that happen tomorrow.  But I did a lot of sewing, and David and I went out for lunch and went to the card store in Palm Springs to get some cards to send out.  David has now given me a list of people to write to, and did one of them tonight, and plan on sending out emails to the rest after this is done.

Dependent upon on the issues involved, psychological stress can alter blood pressure and heart rate. viagra price Human beings depend on food for their family or cialis 5 mg buying health insurance they can’t afford that hardly covers the costs of the drugs is a result of high intention, hardwork, skillful execution and intelligent direction; it represents the judicious choice of many alternatives. In fact, participants’ mean score on the viagra generico uk life satisfaction scale-a metric widely accepted to be one of the famous sport activity played for excitement and surprise. As discussed earlier, this is mostly caused by drivers going corrupt or out of date, though the actual reason may be of abuse of masturbation in young age, infections in the organ and the huge viagra in italy love making with partners or their friends. We then tried to take a walk, but the flies were too much, so we headed home and watched the series finale of Dexter.  I won’t spoil it for anyone, but it was pretty shocking.  I teared up a little, but it was, in the end, sort of expected.  Continued getting through Breaking Bad, and may make it to the season six finale before we go to France.  Then I read the very short blog, and read more of the book.  Got an introduction to Hubble (I am assuming of the telescope fame) who was, from the description, quite accomplished and at the same time, a blowhard.

Yesterday I mentioned we went to the movies.   We went to see a movie that was part of the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.  It was called My Big Gay Love and while the premise was interesting, the film itself fell kinda flat.  About a slightly overweight gay guy, and dealing with social pressures and finding love in a superficial world.  It could have been much better.  The theatre was full, which was nice to see.  There was a short film before the feature, and that was much better.  Called Being Stavros, a documentary about an overweight guy who enters the Gay Mr. UK pageant, and wins the local pageant.  This was much better.

Sleep well and when you dream, dream of me

Well, not much happened today, so not sure why I am so tired.  Also took an extended nap this afternoon.  We did our usual, plus we took a long walk as promised.  The weather was great – much cooler than it has been, and tomorrow is even cooler – only 92°!!  We also went to the movies, and will tell you about that tomorrow.  As I said, I am very sleepy, and am making this even shorter than yesterday.  All is well, Good Night!

What’s so wonderful, first you brown an onion

Today was a quiet Friday.  I did some sewing – made two napkins and working on more.  May graduate to a tablecloth tomorrow!  We exercised and swam today, but no walk.  This weekend is supposed to be cooler, so we will probably get out and walk during the day.

We just got home from dinner with Donovan at Tinto, which is a restaurant at the Saguaro Hotel near us.  They serve Basque inspired tapas, and it was great. the Lamb Brocheta and the Pulpo were my favorites.  It was a very nice space as well, but as we were leaving, the lobby and restaurant were filling up with the crowds from LA, and David actually said that we were getting out just in time!

I got a number of suggestions for David’s title, but my favorite is the Sultan of Swag.  Also got Pope, but I don’t think that really suits him.  I am going to keep tonight short, because bed is calling me.  More tomorrow.

This is a man who stumbles and falls, but this is a man who tries

The theme of the title may seem obvious, but not really.  Today I got a nice text message from a friend of ours who told me that I needed to pace myself and get help if I needed and he added that he thought I was a saint.  I read this to David, and that was my first mistake.  He wanted to know, if I was a saint, what did that make him?  We did our exercises and then swam and then went to get blood drawn.  For both of us.  I have a doctor’s appointment next week.  Then it was off to Blade and Physical Therapy.  David wanted to know what Blade though about the saint comment, and what that made him.  Blade decided that I was a saint and David was King. He thought that this was satisfactory.  If anyone has a better idea for his title, please let me know.  I will pass it along!

PT went well, and David did work hard.  Blade is a pleasure to be around, and while he works hard with David, he is very engaging.  After PT, we went home for a bit, and I took a short nap before heading off to the Speech Group at the Eisenhower Medical Center.  We walked into the meeting room, and I was a bit surprised by the number of people there.  When we arrived there were about twenty people and a few more showed up after we got there.  About half were speech patients, and half were caregivers.  There was a broad array of abilities, and  it was good to see and hear from folks who have been struggling for a while.  There was a lesbian couple, one of whom I have seen at the Stroke Recovery Center.  She has a bit more speech than David, but had her stroke five years ago, and her partner said that it was a year and a half before she could say her name.  That was pretty inspiring, I have to say.  There were not just folks who had strokes but some TBI survivors and a couple of people with Parkinsons.  There was a woman who looked like Betty Ford (and here were were, yards from the BF Center!) and a woman who had a stroke six months ago who was a retired HS Principal. They meet every other week, and this will be a great opportunity for David.  David was able to introduce himself to the group and me as well, and I only helped a little to get started and ask the right questions.

Then we went home and after a short break, we celebrated by going to Wang’s in the Desert

David at Happy Hour at Wang's
David at Happy Hour at Wang’s

for Happy Hour.  it was nice and we had some dim sum, then headed home, where we watched Project Runway and some Breaking Bad.  So glad that the judges on PR opted to get rid of a trouble maker and not keep him around for “interest”.  We finished season 4 of Breaking Bad, and who knows, we may catch up the to current season!

Look at what you’ve done, then at what you want

Today the speech therapy session was cancelled at the Stroke Recovery Center, so the day was all ours to do with what we pleased.  That, by the way, is way too much pressure on me! We did our usual exercise, swimming, lunch (finished off the tamales and I made guacamole) then, I had to come up with something, so we took a drive.  We drove south through the valley and made it to Indio.  Pretty dull, actually, but we were out.  Then, on the way home, we stopped at Koffi for Coffee.  Well, iced coffee.  It was nice to sit out and read the free rags that advertise all that Palm Springs has to offer.  Then home, and we watched some more Breaking Bad.

We do keep moving, but today, aside from the drive, was an exception.  I felt very stagnant and only felt productive making the guac.  Tomorrow we are back to our schedule, and we have the Speech Group in Rancho Mirage.  That should be interesting.  It looks like it is a pretty large group, and it is something that we wanted to do when we were in NY, but could never find one that quite worked.  We also have plans for dinner with Donovan, which will be nice.  The weather today was great – cooler, which means 102° not 112°.  Even the pool was under 90° today!
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David is seeming less bothered by the dizziness, but when I ask he says he is still dizzy, so not sure what is going on.  Tonight, the book went through the creation of the Periodic Table, and talked about how perfect it was.  I have to say, while I was not fond of chemistry, I remember having an affinity for that table.  It just seemed so perfect, and made such sense, and put everything in such perfect balance.  Why can’t life be like that?

Small and funny and fine

This morning I took my walk and then we headed off for tennis.  David is hitting well, but he is still concerned about being dizzy.  He seems much better, but it is still bothering him.  We will give it another week or two, and then check back in with the Doctor.  After tennis, we came home and took a swim, then some lunch and later in the afternoon we had PT with Blade.  We talked about tennis, and Blade was impressed that David was hitting, and he asked where.  I told him it was at the Plaza Tennis Club and he asked if Bill was his instructor, and it was.  Blade seems to know everyone!

Then, home and made some dinner before heading off to chorus rehearsal.  Rehearsal was good tonight, and I am enjoying singing.  When I got home, David wanted to watch an episode of Breaking Bad, which we did.  Then the blog and the book.  We are immersed in Chemistry, which I thought was appropriate for Breaking Bad.

The vittles we et were good you bet

It was a marvelous day.  David had two speech therapy sessions – one with Arlene at the Eisenhower Medical Center and another at the Stroke Recovery Center with Mary.  The second one was with another stroke survivor named Jeffrey.  He seems like a very nice guy, and David was impressed with his progress.  He had his stroke six months ago.  His speech is much better than David’s but, he still has some trouble coming up with words.  I think that it might be a very good match.

Before we started the day, we had a nice chat with Alex from his office in Paris.  Work seems to be going well, and things are settling down, but they are still waiting for their internet to be hooked up.  Once that is done, we can start our FaceTime meetings again.

As soon as we got home from the second speech therapy, I began cooking for our dinner guests tonight.  It was great to see Stuart and York, and we had a lovely evening talking about family stuff and life in general.  It was great for David to have other folks to talk with, and while he doesn’t think so, he did really well.  He also stayed up and attentive much longer than usual.  After Stuart and York were on their way, we just read the blog and a tiny bit of the book.  Tennis tomorrow morning!

Once a day don’t you wanna throw the towel in

OK, twice today.  I think David is doing better without the drugs, but that brings its own set of challenges.  He didn’t take a nap today, and that meant that I didn’t really have a break, and he seems to want my undivided attention.  There were two moments today when I lost it.  Just as I was in the middle of something, David would want my help with something, and wouldn’t take “in a moment” for an answer.  I didn’t throw anything, not even a towel, and apologized for being so cranky, but I think I need a break.  I will talk to the folks at the Stroke Recovery Center about finding some help. Tomorrow he has speech therapy, so I may be able to slip away for a bit.

He forgave me, so that was good.  The day was, otherwise, uneventful.  We went to the fabric store, and I will begin my sewing tomorrow.  Was going to do it after David went to sleep, but the machine makes too much noise.  We did our usual activities (sans the walk) and also played the Wii for a bit.  Also did shopping for dinner tomorrow.  We are having a visit from York and Stuart, friends who we met on the pre-wedding cruise to Hawaii.  It will be great to see them.  Just in time, our first lemon ripened on the tree, so I am making Chicken Provençal.
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For dinner tonight, we had the tamales that Maria dropped off.  Very good, but this batch was a bit spicier.  David still ate them, and there was no steam coming out of his ears, so I think it was OK.  Watched Dexter and some more Breaking Bad.  Then the blog and more of the book.

Hey, maybe I’ll learn to sew

The other day when I was at the storage unit, I pulled the sewing machine out, and today I downloaded a book that teaches sewing techniques.  I mean, I sew, but I thought it would be a project to actually “learn” to sew.  David wants to help.   I do hope that I don’t become obsessed and start sending everyone home made goodies!  You are welcome to slap me if I send you a tablecloth!  Got up early and took my walk and when I got home, Maria was here cleaning.  When she left, it was so nice to have a clean house.  Smelled so nice with no dust bunnies!  She also promised us more tamales for tomorrow!

David was not feeling great today.  I don’t think it is from stopping the drugs, but will keep an eye on it.  He just seemed sleepy and still dizzy.  He isn’t having any pain, and no tremors in his arm, and that is what the two drugs he was taking treated.  He also doesn’t seem depressed, just tired.  I made an appointment for a massage for myself, and it was great.  The masseuse was a little too chatty, but, it did the trick, and I am still a bit drowsy from it.

When I got home, we headed out for dinner.  Took a drive around town, but ended up going to a restaurant around the corner from the house called Mario’s.  A decent red sauce Italian place.  We didn’t have pizza, but will have to try their pizza.  It is around the corner, so, it would be great to have a good pizza place nearby!  Then home, and more Breaking Bad followed by the blog and the book.

And the old despair, that was often there

I got up extra early to get my walk in before we had to head to the Neurologist for our 9am appointment.  We saw Dr Young who was the Neurologist that saw David in the hospital.  Very nice guy and he looks like a cross between Adam Arkin and George Clooney – David says not so much George, more Adam.  After talking for a while, he suggested with take David off two of his medications – one for pain and depression and the other for the spasms.  We will see if they make a difference with the dizziness, but he says that they have a long life in the body, so it may take a few weeks to see a change.  Worth a try.  Dr Young was asking if we were married, and said that we we could now amend our tax returns for the past three years to file jointly according to the IRS.  David became confused, and after a few moments to figure it out, I realized that his “gaydar” wasn’t working right, and he couldn’t understand that Dr Young had a male spouse.  No offense, but I knew right away.

Anyway, we have stopped the two drugs, and he has suggested that we try Botox for the spasms in David’s right arm.  More localized way of treating the problem.  We headed home, then a walk, exercise and a swim, with some rest in between activities.  As these things happen, right after talking about tax returns, I got an email from the accountant, and pulled together a bunch of information for him, and we are off to the races.  We are amending my return from last year, and we will be filing jointly.

I cleared out some more stuff from the guest rooms, and things are coming together.  One of the things I needed to get rid of was an extra bed, and put it up on Craigslist, and I couldn’t believe how quickly it was snapped up.  Not only that, but the guy who came offered to buy one of the spare TV’s that I also wanted to get rid of.  Two birds with one stone!  A very productive day, if I do say so myself.

Had the tamales from Maria for dinner, which were great!  A bit spicy, which I loved, and David was able to handle it, so that was good.  We watched Project Runway, more Breaking Bad and then read the blog.  Also had a visit from Donovan who brought us some limes – will have to fix a cocktail tomorrow!

There’s nothing like packing a suitcase and sailing away

I took an early and very long walk this morning, which was great.  When I got home, we got dressed and went to the Stroke Recovery Center for Cedric King’s Life Changes.  He is a very nice, good guy, and the group was big today.  The theme was sort of about the environment and  there was a woman there with her mother who had been a regular at the center over a year ago, but she had been in a terrible accident, and this was her first time back.  She had such a great outlook and it was great to hear her story.

We then headed home before running up and having blood drawn before  PT with Blade.  I told David afterwards, I think that Blade really might come to Paris while we are there!  It would be great, and he and his Husband seem like great folks.  David is getting more and more kick with his knee, and they worked on that today, among other things.

The seven scales of get viagra cheap the HPI measure key behavioural traits that relate to these life themes. These nerves are also very delicate and is another reason they can become Discover More viagra pfizer cialis irritated so easily. The most important benefits of this lowest cost viagra medicine are the same to that of its brand-name equivalent. This is called cialis price because to retain the blood inside the penis increases. Then we came home and David took a nap, while I ran to the store and we had a cocktail hour at home.  Very nice.  Also made an appointment for a tennis lesson for David for Tuesday next week.  After the cocktail hour, some more Breaking Bad, but I forgot about Project Runway, so we have something on the DVR for tomorrow.  Then the blog and more of the book.  Mr. Owens got what was coming to him, but, I guess he wasn’t all bad, because he was responsible for natural history museums being welcoming to all people and not just experts in the field.  Good for him.

In the middle of all the things going on today, I got an email confirming that we are good for our pre-Paris cruise.  I was looking at hotels in Rome for the night before we depart and also flights.  It is right around the corner!!  There is no cure like travel, as the song says!

Now go off, unravel on your own

Got up early this morning, took my walk, and then prepared for Jose to come and help me move furniture around.  It only took about 20 minutes, but what a difference it makes.  Maria came too, and with promises of tamales for tomorrow.  After that was done, David and I went for our walk, and that went well.  Then, home and exercise and got ready for the first speech therapy session at the Stroke Recovery Center.  We met Mary at 1pm, and I left David with her and headed to the storage unit to put some stuff away.  When I got back, David had been able to answer most of her questions, which was great, and she thinks that he is doing splendidly.  She mentioned another patient who had a stroke almost twenty years ago and who has less speech than David does.  David was not happy to hear that.  He was pleased with the session though.

Got an appointment with the Neurologist on Friday morning, and maybe we will get to the bottom of the dizziness issue.  We had a nap in the afternoon, and a swim and then dinner before I headed off to an audition for a small ensemble that is part of the chorus.  The audition went well, I think.  The guy who is putting this together asked about my conflict for October – December.  I said that it was right, and that the chorus director knew about it and said that I should sing, and we would see if it made sense for me to sing in the concert.  The performance isn’t so important, but working on the music each week is the point.  Anyway, we will see.

We watched a Breaking Bad and the SYTYCD Finale.  Then the blog (both of them) and the book.  Tonight was about Mr. Owen, who sounded like a villain in a Dickens novel.  I had a title for the blog earlier today, but it has completely slipped my mind, so this one will have to do.

Carols at the spinet

This morning, it was cooler than it has been since we have been back – only about 90 early this morning.  We went for a short walk, after my walk.  Blade asked me to work with David when he walks with keeping his trunk square, and it is making a big difference in his stride.  It makes the steps slower, and he finds it harder, but I think it is a great improvement in his step.  The walk was shorter, because it was taking more time and was more exhausting for David.  We went into the pool after the walk and then exercised.

I got a lot of things done today that I have been putting off. I have someone coming in tomorrow to help me move some furniture around and hopefully make some more headway in getting the house in shape.  Just in time for us to leave would be my guess.  Also arranged for the gardener to come by to talk about some changes and tree trimming that we need to have done.  Slowly but surely.  We also took a nice drive in the afternoon around Las Palmas, one of Palm Springs tonier neighborhoods.  It was nice to be out and looking around.

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When I got home, David was asleep, so I will read the blog tomorrow, and obviously, no book.  I do have to steer clear of Jerry Herman though.  Branch out, if you know what I mean, but I love me some Jerry Herman.  I sat behind him at the Kennedy Center at their production of the show this song is from a few years ago and the best part was how much he was enjoying the music.  How could he not?

Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars

On the program I use for my walks they have a button for your power song, you know, the song that gets your going.  That is where the title comes from – my power song.  For those of you who know my old phone, it was my ring tone – I was attempting to have the gayest phone in the world, and how could you go wrong with having Charles Nelson Reilly as your ringtone!!

Anyway, we all need a boost now and then.  This morning I went on my walk and I used the power song button a few times.  When I got home, David wanted to attempt a walk in the morning, and we did.  We may try it again, but he began to peter out in the last half of the walk, and I wished I had my power song to get us going.  Not sure if that song would have worked for David, maybe something by Gloria Estefan, not CNR.

After the walk and a shower, we were off to dancing with Caren Doll.  I couldn’t bring myself to videotape, I think it would have made people feel uncomfortable.  After that, we went to see Blade.  Blade was away for about ten days, and part of that time, he was in the hospital with kidney stones.  Kidney stones in Salt Lake City!  David’s response was “bad”.  Blade, I think, has a little thing for David.  He was telling him how much he likes seeing him, and wants to make sure that he gets to work with him anytime he can.  He is probably the best PT there, so that is a good thing.  He also is very sure that David will get more strength in his leg and more use of his arm.  Here’s hoping and trying!

We both were ready for a nap when we got home, and laid down.  Just as we were drifting off, a storm came through that was pretty intense.  The wind was blowing the rain sideways, but it was over almost as quickly as it came in.  There is thunder rumbling now, and some drips of rain starting.  After the nap, dinner and I had to run to the drug store, then some more Breaking Bad, the blog and the book.