Category Archives: Blog

Regular Blog Posts

117 Degrees!

Today we reached a hight of 117, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 119, but what are a couple of degrees between friends.  Not a great day all around.  At about 5pm, when the movers were supposed to arrive, I called, and they hadn’t left LA yet, and he said because of the heat, they would not get here until tomorrow morning.  That throws a whole new level of anxiety into the trip up north.  We can leave later, which isn’t really a terrible problem, except, it will be almost 120  Fortunately, once we get out of the valley, it will cool off, but getting out will be the hard part.

We tried to cool off in the pool, and yes, it makes a difference, but the water is now almost 95!  The AC has been working overtime, and I dread seeing the electric bill!  Our landlord in NY is also causing me angst.  He sent an email – no message, just pictures of the floor with scratches, and I am figuring that he is looking to keep a chunk of the security deposit.  His is such a pig.  Fortunately, I have at least one photo of the apartment before we moved in that shows one of the scratches.  I just don’t need this right now, and my guess is he thinks that I won’t fight him on it, but he has another thing coming.  I will wait to hear what the agent says and then get a lawyer.  The agent told me how great the apartment looked too.

Just not my day.  Tomorrow will be better, I hope.

The desert keeps on blooming

The second cactus flower
The second cactus flower

So, we had another bloom this morning.  You can see the one from last night in the picture (top), but it is closed up.  There is a third, but I think that will bloom after we are gone on Saturday. This morning we went to a session at the Stroke Recover Center with Cedric King who is a former minister and therapist.  Not sure how much patience David will have for these sorts of things.  It was good though, and the more we get out and meet folks, the better.

After that session there was the Let’s get Physical group.  Didn’t really know what to expect here, but they just set up various activities around the room – putting, ping pong, target shooting (nerd guns) and other games.  We did all, and David, of course, did the best at all of them.  In the end, we got into a circle and tossed balls, bean bags and a hula hoop around to each other.  To make it more interesting, you had to say who you were throwing the object to.  I was smart enough to only throw to people whose names I knew, and David, by the end, was getting most of the names out, which, when you think that four months ago, he often couldn’t say my name, was great!

Then, home and some lunch.  We stopped by Aspen Mills, a local bakery, for sandwiches.  Then a nap, and afterwards, off to Quilter’s Faire.  There was some southern California quilter’s event happening this weekend, and the ladies at the Shop were dressed as Betty and Wilma from the Flintstones.  This was lost on David, but not on me.  We then went to see Man of Steel.  It was a bit much, I have to say.  I liked the romantic quality of the Christopher Reeve version better.  I liked all the performances, but it was a little too action packed for my liking.  I think that they have set up for a great series though, now that they have gotten the Krypton villains out of the way.  I think that I missed seeing things through the eyes of the citizens of Metropolis.

Then a drive home with the top down of the car.  It was still 110, which was pretty brutal.  We got home, had dinner, and then to bed for some tennis and then reading.  The blog, and Paris.  It is amazing that in 1850 they were having the same back and forth about investing in infrastructure as opposed to keeping to a budget, and the conservatives didn’t understand the concept of investing in the future.  Of course, unless it is money going to the military industrial complex, then it is OK.  I will shut up now.

Cactus Flower

No, I don’t mean the movie with Goldie Hawn, although, I do love Goldie.  This morning I got up to take my walk/run and to my surprise, there was a beautiful white flower on the cactus in the front yard.  I took a picture, which was good, because now I find out that they normally only bloom for one night.  When David and I headed out for speech therapy, the flower was already closing up.  There are two more buds on the cactus, so maybe there will be another tomorrow.

The cactus flower that greeted me this morning
The cactus flower that greeted me this morning

So, we headed off to Speech Therapy at the Dolores Hope Pavilion of the Bob Hope Medical Center.  You know, the one on Bob Hope Dr, off of Frank Sinatra Dr.  Part of the same complex that houses the Betty Ford Center.  We had a very good session and I think when we get back we will begin some good work with them.  She has suggested that David work on trying to read aloud, which he did tonight before bed.  He began the blog entry from last night, with limited success.  He did get the Birds.

After that, we went to the Stroke Recovery Center and David went to the “Rap Session” and I went to the “Caring for the Caregivers” meeting.  There were two folks from the center, me and a woman who comes to the center with her son who had a stroke.  it was, as always, good to talk to folks who are going through the same things that you are.  The theme of this meeting was nutrition, and helpful.

Then we went home and watched the news about the SCOTUS decisions.  Terrific news, and the decision came down just as I was getting home from my walk/run this morning, and I have to say, I was a bit verklempt.  We went to downtown Palm Springs for the rally tonight, which was fun to see, and be a part of, but didn’t stay for too long, as it was HOT!  Supporters met under Marilyn’s skirt (see picture).  A great day for America and a great day for California and Palm Springs!

Celebrating Marriage Equality in the shadow of Marilyn Monroe
Celebrating Marriage Equality in the shadow of Marilyn Monroe

We also went to Luigi’s Barber Shop for haircuts for both of us, and David had a shave as well.

The Birds

Many of you may know about my unnatural fear of birds.  Not sure where it comes from, but David always used to tell the story about rollerblading on the westside, and conjured up the image of me hitting the pavement because I saw a bird out of the corner of my eye.  I still find myself flinching pretty regularly when there are birds around.  Yesterday, I was sitting in the living room here in Palm Springs, and I heard a thud on the window to the back yard.  I got up to look, and there was a bird laying on the chair outside the door, and it must have flown into the window.  I then noticed another bird standing on the ground next to the chair waiting.  I had seen this happen once in the apartment in NY, and the bird was just stunned, and in a few minutes, the bird came to, and flew away.  I kept checking to see if he had flown away, but alas, the bird remained.  Both birds remained for quite a while.  Finally, after over an hour, the waiting bird had flown off, and I felt a little sad about the whole thing.  Still  really freaked out about the bird – dead or alive, they are frightening to me!  I made David go out and take care of the bird before I would venture outside.  Thank God he was there to help me through my irrational phobia.

Today David had another tennis lesson, and it went well.  Then we went to the Stroke Recovery Center for their speech group.  David was pretty distressed afterwards.  There were folks there who had strokes between five and eight years ago, and David couldn’t understand why they were still dealing with speech deficits.  He gets that it is a long process, but seeing the reality is pretty daunting.  As we were leaving, he was more concerned for me, and what this will all mean for me.

Then we went to the Doctor and he is adjusting his medication because of high cholesterol, and we are keeping an eye on his INR numbers.  Then home, swimming, exercise and a walk. We walked another house down the road (I have lost count of the number).  It was hot today, or seemed hotter.  We are getting out of town just in time, the forecast has the temperature in the valley as 120 on Saturday.  But, it’s a dry heat!  120 is 120.  Yikes!!

Dancing Queen with Judy Garland (stand-in)

Well, this morning we got up to get ready for the final inspection and the H.E.R.S. Testers.  The testers came first.  This is some CA law about the ductwork in the house, and making sure there are no leaks.  I suppose it is a good thing, but I really had no idea what it was all about.  The guys were very nice and thorough and Mike told me that a lot of contractors don’t know what is all about (ours didn’t, which is why I had to arrange for this) and often they don’t even check for it for final inspections.  The inspector arrived and we went through the checklist of items that were outstanding, and even without the number on the front of the house and not a complete H.E.R.S. test, we passed our final inspection.  Mind you, this is sixteen months after we moved into the house, and according to the contractor, everything was done.  It was only when the inspector came in December to check the progress of the work that we realized that the final inspection hadn’t been done!!

Before anyone arrived, I got a surprise call from Mike Desautels, who was in Joshua Tree with a friend taking photographs.  He asked if it would be OK for them to stop by for a visit.  What a great surprise!  They were coming by at 12:30, after our first program at the Stroke Recovery Center.  A terrific visit, and David was very verbal, and even he was surprised by how much he said.

The program at the Stroke Recovery Center was a dance group.  I had no idea what to expect, but got a bit of a preview when Glorianne, the woman who did David’s evaluation said before the group that we would enjoy it, and the dance instructor was the stand-in for Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz.  Only in Palm Springs, right???  Well, she was the stand in for Judy, in every sense of the word.  She was about 95 years old, and the only thing separating her from Ms. Garland were life and drugs.  She was very perky and loved David.  She said that she hoped that he would come back.  It was quite surreal.  Folks in varying degrees of mobility getting up and having a dance party!!  David says I should have videotaped that, and next time, I think I will.  Caren Doll was quite a woman!

Otherwise, the day was less glamorous.  Swimming, exercise and walking.  Interspersed with eating and watching TV.  Tomorrow there is an early tennis lesson, so David is in bed.

One year

And I’d do it all over again.  Today was our anniversary, and we had a nice day.  I got up early and took a walk/run before David got up.  David was up pretty early, and we did our usual – exercise, swim, then a shower.  After that, I ran to Bed, Bath & Beyond to pick up a few things, while David napped.  Then we went to our favorite – Tropicale – for happy hour and David got a bit tipsy.  He only had half a drink, and was tipsy.  He is still a very cheap date!  Then home, True Blood and a little more of the renovation of Paris.

Yesterday, while it wasn’t our anniversary, was a much more exciting day.  We got up early for David to have a tennis lesson.  It went great, and even David was pleased.  The tennis pro said that he has another student who had a stroke, and now plays singles.  David of course wanted to know how long it took for him to get to that point, and he said it was two years.  David accepted that.


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In between tennis and the movie, we had a facetime chat with Claire and Theo.  Alex is in Paris getting ready for the move.  Hopefully they will have an apartment in the next week or so!  Great to chat with Claire and Theo, but it will be better when we see them in one week.  I am hoping that everything goes according to plan this week.  The movers are supposed to be here on Friday, which is cutting it close for my taste.


Today we went to get blood drawn early in the morning, and then went to one of our favorite haunts for breakfast – Bit O’ Country.  David ordered his scrambled eggs with Bacon, and asked for cheese.  He also told the waiter that he didn’t want hash browns.  Then we made a brief stop at home before heading off to the Stroke Recovery Center for David’s evaluation.  We took a tour first, and it is a nice facility with lots of activities.  I am particularly interested in having David participate in the group speech programs, and also have his spend time in the gym.  In many ways it is like a nursing facility, you know puzzles and games, but it will be good for him to interact with folks who understand what he is going through.  We really haven’t had that in any of the places where we have been.  There are some programs next week that I think he will go to.  We have to have authorization from Dr. Loftus to use the gym, but we see him on Tuesday, so will have that form done then.  We also have a speech therapy session set up for Wednesday morning.

After the visit, we stopped by the tennis center to ask about any programs they might have, and David’s instructor was there, and said that he gives a lesson to another guy who had a stroke, and see’s no reason not to give it a try.  It will just be hitting, obviously, but David is very excited about the prospect.  After we got home, I ran to the storage unit to get the tennis racket out.  It is an early lesson – 8:30am – but it will be cooler and I think it will be fun.  Will take video of that.

Tonight Donovan came over for some bubbly and he was kind enough to bring some cheese and crackers.  We had a lovely evening relaxing at home.  Then early to bed for David in preparation for tennis tomorrow!  This morning I got up very early and took a nice long walk/jog which was great.  cooler and not too many folks out.  So peaceful in the mornings, as long as you don’t run into a coyote!!

Still finding our rhythm

We went to the Doctor today – both of us had appointments.  I was in pretty good shape, and my BP was pretty low, which is great.  I think that the weight loss is paying off!  David has referrals for a Neurologist and both Physical and Speech Therapy.  Unfortunately, the PT can’t fit him in until we are back from Napa, but that is really OK.  We will continue to work on our own, and I have an appointment for the week we get back.  Will do the same for Speech, I think.  It seems silly to start something, just to leave for over a month.

We had a swim, exercised and then took a walk this evening.  We made it four houses down the block, and walked for about 45 minutes.  Then had a great dinner, and caught up on the news.  Tomorrow we have to get up early to have blood drawn and then go to the Stroke Recovery Center, and see what they have going on.  The first visit is an evaluation, and we will see what programs are right for David.

David is thrilled that I have started a list. He loves lists.  I love the fact that I crossed a lot off the list today.  A few biggies still on there, but all started, and going well.  Heading to bed now.

System down for maintenance

Really, it was!  Last night I sat down with fingers itching to write about what an exciting day we had, and when I logged into WordPress, the system was down for maintenance.  Now that I have you all interested, nothing really terribly interesting happened.  We went for our usual swims and took a walk another house further down the street.  The first day we walked one house down the block and back, next day two and yesterday we walked three houses down.

The car was ready at about 1pm, and I went to BMW to pick it up.  No charge, which was good to hear.  The top started working on its own.  I was pretty sure it was just some dirty sensor, which must have cleared itself up, and the other two things were the recall and a light lens that fell off.

We looked at the Short Fest schedule and went last night to the first LGBT series.  We particularly wanted to see the documentary about the Palm Springs HS marching in the Pride Parade.  The documentary before that one was better, made by a young woman who has a single gay father, and she went out and interviewed other children with gay parents.  It was very nice.  Both films were made by relatively young people – maybe late teens or early twenties.  Then an Israeli film followed by a Swedish film.  Unfortunately, David couldn’t read the subtitles, so those were a waste for him.  The Swedish film was the better of the two, I think.  Strange, but unexpected.  Donovan came with us, and it was a great night out.  Then dinner, and bed.
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And now for a regular Esther Williams!

Daily Routine

Well, we are readjusting to the daily routine here in glorious Palm Springs.  It took a few days to figure out when to do what.  We have appointments booked, and the car is have a few things fixed – a recall item, the rear reflector, and the top won’t go all the way down.  Hopefully all easy fixes and done today.  Being without a car would be disastrous in CA for more than a day!!

Speaking of routine and regular, my stomach is still not quite there yet.  We have a Doctor’s appointment on Thursday and an evaluation at the Stroke Recovery Center on Friday.  We will also go to a couple of screenings at the Palm Springs ShortFest.  Have been moving furniture around to make room for stuff that is coming from NY.  Hopefully it will arrive earlier than later.  I don’t want to rush to have the house ready for our departure up north.  I am beginning (late, I know) to plan the trip up the coast to San Francisco, and if anyone has a suggestion of where to stay between Santa Barbara and San Francisco, please let me know.  It is really just for the overnight, but any suggestions are welcome.

Here are some pictures and a video.  The video is straight up, not tricks.  I had to add the soundtrack, but resisted the urge to give it a disco beat.  Sorry, wanted to get this up this morning.
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David after a dip in the pool
David after a dip in the pool

Happy Landings

David Lounging by the pool
David Lounging by the pool

Well, we are here, and just finished watching Miss USA.  This being a Trump production, it pains me to watch, but David loves the beauty pageants.  Here he is in the swimsuit competition.  He is now snoring away (again, he will deny it, and I have threatened to record it, but it just seems like too much trouble).  We had a great first day and were in the pool twice.  Actually three times for me, but David joined me twice.  Donovan came to visit, we brought over the lanterns that Chrissie, Gene and Liz.  Thanks guys!  They look great, and can’t wait to break them in by the pool one night this week.  Everything looks terrific, and while none of the fruit is ripe, the lemons, grapefruit and oranges look like they will have a big harvest this year.  This morning we awoke to the sound of birds, and the sight of all the flowers in bloom in the yard.  The hummingbirds were very active!

We went to one of our favorite places for a drink and some tasty nibbles tonight – Tropicale.  So nice when the sun has dipped below the mountain, and the air becomes less lethal and more sultry.  It was only about 106 today.  The only real problem is the car.  It gets super hot, super fast in the sun.  Speaking of the car, I took it for a bath, which it needed.  Desert sand and wind do not make for a clean car!

We stopped by the storage unit to get some clothes, and then off to TJ Maxx to fill in the gaps.  I didn’t want to bring too much luggage so only packed minimally and we now have to wait for the movers.  We’ll do laundry every day so we have clean socks!

Yesterday’s travel was, looking back, OK, but during the trip, miserable.  At Newark Airport I had a run in with a TSA Officer.  I will blank out the names, but here is what I sent to the TSA:

On Saturday, June 15th, my husband and I were traveling from Newark to PSP, and the experience at security was very uncomfortable and at times, downright hostile. My husband had a severe stroke in July 2012 and has difficulty with speech and his right side is very weak. He is in a wheelchair, and we were separated after I helped him into the glass booth where he would be searched. I collected our items after they had been x-rayed, I waited patiently while Officer ___ searched David, and this took quite a while. Officer ___ left him alone in the booth and after a few minutes David began to look distressed and motioned for me to bring him his cane. I opened the door and handed him the cane, and Officer ___ began yelling at me to leave the space, which I did immediately. He then began berating me for opening the door, which had no sign or notice that only authorized personnel could enter, only a notice asking passengers to give the TSA feedback. He then called me stupid for not understanding that the door was not meant to be entered. I suggested that a sign or locking the door might be a better solution. He then began arguing with me about the lock, and threatened to have me arrested, which I would have loved, quite honestly, at this point. He said that he wasn’t finished with my Father, to which I said that he wasn’t my Father, but my husband, to which he replied “now you are going to miss your plane”. He began wandering around the area for a while, and responded to one of the other agents that they would have to wait when there were other patrons who were in wheelchairs who needed screening.
Fortunately, I gave ourselves plenty of time, so I was never nervous about missing the plane.
It is sad that folks who have a very important and difficult job to do, and my experience is that they do it well, are having their reputation ruined by one person who doesn’t know how to treat the citizens who pay their wages.
I will add to this that while I am under a lot of pressure as David’s primary caregiver, I followed Officer Yao’s instructions completely, and never lost my temper.

OH, brother!  Well, the rest of the trip was fine, except, the seats on the planes were so uncomfortable.  Not to mention I was having stomach problems which started early in the morning, and continued until our landing in Palm Springs.  I rarely use the bathroom on the airplane, and I was going about every half hour.  I feel much better today, but, traveling always wreaks havoc on my stomach!  TMI, sorry.

More tomorrow on our adventures in California!  And some of you thought that the blog would stop when we left NY!  HA!!

Moving Day

Thursday was our last day of visits from folks.  Gail had the final Neuro Therapy session, then Onelsis came, and David became quite emotional when she was leaving. Then Hatam stopped by and later, Michal stopped for a very short visit.  We were supposed to go out to dinner, but as the time got closer, David said he wasn’t feeling up to it, so I cancelled.  Sorry Nancy and Peter – next time we are in NY!

Then, a restless night of sleep for me.  The movers came at around 9am and were gone by about 1:30.  We had to cancel the 2pm Physical Therapy session, and walked over to the Roger Hotel.  Picked up some lunch, ate and then a nap.  We went to Artisinal for dinner, which was great, as usual.  Then sleep.

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David in an (almost) empty apartment
David in an (almost) empty apartment

Now, we are up, and starting to get ready for our flight at 1:59pm.  The car is coming at 11am, and we are off, so just about one and a half hours left.

Pirates and Fairies (and it’s not ALL about Gilbert & Sullivan)

So, I missed last night, because we were out late.  Tuesday started with Speech Therapy, which was our last session with Karen.  She prepared a diploma and certificate of excellence for David, which he loved.  It even has some gold stars!  We also regaled her with David’s ordering breakfast.  We walked home next, and the headed back at noon for an appointment with Dr Im (the Physiatrist).  David instructed me to ask both Karen and Dr Im some questions that I knew their answers to, but I asked anyway.  First, what do they think the timeline is for when he will get his speech and physical back to 100%.  Second, how is he doing compared to other patients, and finally, when will he be able to play the clarinet.  The answers were – I can’t say, everyone is different and I can’t say.  For the everyone is different, neither used the snowflake line, but Dr Im said that every patient, like a fingerprint, is different.  Not what David wanted to hear.

Then, we checked in to see if we could get into Physical Therapy a bit early, so we wouldn’t have to go home and come back, or worse yet, just hang out in the lobby.  Peter was able to take us.  Caroline is gone this week.  Peter was terrific, and it is good to have a different person work with David.  Karen said this morning that sometimes changes, like a new therapist, can motivate improvements, and it is good to change things up once in a while.

Then, home.  We had a visit from Jane and Henry, which was great, and I heard from Anthony and he was game to go to the Public Gala performance of The Pirates of Penzance.  He called when he was on his way to Central Park to get in line.  We got in a car to head up, and on the way, Anthony texted me that they made an announcement that there was no cutting in line and no holding spaces.  I figured we were on our way, and will see what happens when we got there.  We got out at 81st and CPW, and David in his chair and I walked to the Delacorte Theater.  Saw Anthony, and we joined him in line, trying to be nonchalant about it.  Nobody said anything.  Then, I saw about 30 people back in line, a woman talking to one of the line monitors and pointing in our direction.  I thought, well, that is that.  Garrison came to us and asked if David would be able to walk to a seat, and explained that he can’t guarantee a handicapped seat, but would do the best he could.  He went away for a bit, and then came back and asked if David would be able to walk stairs.  I said, yes, with my help.  Then he asked, and I could tell it was paining him to ask, if we had joined the line late.  I couldn’t lie, and said yes, we did.  He said that his boss told him that we would have to go to the back of the line, which at this point was rather long.  I said, we would just stay here, and keep Anthony company.  Anthony said he would give us the ticket, and I would HAVE to go in with David. David and I insisted that if, in the highly unlikely event there would be tickets left, that Anthony should go.

The next hour, or so, we talked to Anthony, and, in a strange way, enjoyed that typical NY scene – waiting in line for free tickets.  Seeing folks arrive in golf carts who had actually bought tickets to the fundraiser.  We saw Jonathan and Sheryl and Norma go by.  I told them that we weren’t going to get in, but were keeping Anthony company.  The whole time, we are talking about where we were going to go at 8pm when they announce that all the tickets have been distributed.  Anthony reminded me that we went to see a taping of Merv Griffin, not Mike Douglass and who the other guests were, besides Ethel Merman.  It was Bucky Dent (and I did remember that once he said it) and he thought it was Shelly Winters (that I didn’t remember).  We didn’t run away when there was a brief shower, and decided we would wait it out.  I kept thinking that they were waiting until the last second to distribute tickets as the seconds ticked getting closer to 8pm.  And besides, there would be no tickets, or very few.  Who pays $750 for a ticket and not show up or get someone else to show up?

Then, the line started moving.  Then it stopped about 10 people ahead of us, and I said to Anthony, that this was it, and where did we want to go for dinner?  Then someone came over to the front of the line with a stack of tickets, and I thought, OK, Anthony will get in, and we will see if there are tickets at the end of the line.  Garrison was near the front of the line, and saw us walking up with Anthony, and in an act of kindness/defiance he walked away from where they were handing out the tickets as we arrived, and Anthony pointed at us, and took three, very calmly and without hesitation.  We were on our way.  Needless to say, they were three single tickets, but David and I took the ones that were in sections near each other. We rolled up to the front of the stage, and then David and I walked up to his seat, I got him settled and then went up to mine.  I felt only slightly guilty about cutting the line.  Less so, when the two seats in front of me remained empty until about 5 minutes before the end of the first act, when two young girls came in, who had obviously just wandered by.  I am sure that everyone on the line got tickets.

Then to the seemingly endless speeches, and just as I was about to say, oh please, get on with the show already, out comes Meryl Streep, who gave a lovely, funny, heartfelt tribute to Nora Ephron, who the evening was dedicated to.  No one who spoke before her was half as effective.  I particularly liked the story about coming to a Public Gala years ago with Nora, and Meryl wished everyone at their table a bon appétit, to which Nora said, wait, I have an idea.

Now, to the show.  It was a concert version and both the chorus and all the principles had varying degrees of familiarity with the show.  Kevin Kline knew it, obviously, and played with the fact that he did with some of the folks who didn’t.  Martin Short, for instance.  There were some breezy moments (literally), with music flying for both Martin and for Eric Idle.  It was all fun, and they played along.  Anika Noni Rose as Mabel was fun and had a nice voice and Jonathan Groff’s Frederic was very appealing.  I liked the bevy of beautiful maidens, as well.  Glenn Close as Ruth was the only disappointment.  She seemed to be taking it all a bit too seriously.  At the end of the day, it was loads of fun, and I think that goes for the audience and the performers!  It is always strange seeing a show that you have done so often, and in various roles.  I felt like I wanted to sing along, which would have been disturbing for my neighbors.

During intermission, I went to check on David, and the lady sitting next to him, told me she was leaving, so I moved to be next to him.  After the show, we walked down to the stage to get the wheelchair, and while coming down the ramp around the side of the theatre, I almost ran Meryl Streep down.  Fortunately, I did not.  We then followed the crowd out the the part, bid a sad farewell to Anthony, and back home for a well deserved sleep.  After all this, you can see why there was no blog!

This morning we got up and got going at a very leisurely pace.  We didn’t have anything to do until Sheila arrived.  Before that, though, we went out walking and I did some videotaping so David could see the difference since the last video.  He is doing much better – faster and steadier – and he agrees.  Then, Sheila came, and we chatted and had a great visit.  She performed a Burmese blessing for us, and said at the end that now we were married in Burmese as well!  Nice.

Then a nap, and some dinner and off to the theatre again.  We went to see The Nance.  David wanted to leave at intermission, which just isn’t in my DNA.  There was one show that I went to in London that I left at intermission, and that was just more that awful.  So, we stayed.  It didn’t really get better.  I said to David afterwards, that I wasn’t sure exactly why, but I felt kind of offended by the show.  I mean the history was kind of interesting, but there was an element of “see how bad things used to be, you should all be happy that things are better now”.  Also, the whole idea of a Gay Republican is just offensive to me.  Sometimes it just boils down to who wants to see the story of a person who you can’t even root for or care about what happens to them.  At the end there was a light fixture that fell on the stage, and I thought it would have been better if it had fallen on him.  Sad.  Just glad we had Pirates to overshadow The Nance.

A wet day in NY!

We had another good day of good-byes in NY.  First a visit from Jonathan and Sheryl, who would have been on their way to the Public Theatre’s Gala, if it were not for the rain.  But, glad to know that the performance has been rescheduled for tomorrow.  Also got an email that they will be having a stand-by line for free tickets tomorrow, and I may go.  We will see what the day looks like.

After they were on their way, we went swimming and then had a call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Then we had a series of short visits – first Marjorie, then Siobhan came for Speech Therapy, then Lisa from UNIS, and finally, Joy and Anie came to take us to dinner, and we were off to meet Maria at A Voce for what was a terrific dinner!  I am still recovering!!  We celebrated Joy’s Birthday and our departure.  Great time was had by all.

Once home, David got ready for bed and we caught up on the blog, but didn’t read any more.  Tomorrow, if we don’t to to Central Park, we will get caught up on our reading as well!

Lots of good-byes!

Today we began the day with what we thought would be a good-bye to Onelsis, but she said that she would be coming on Tuesday.  That was supposed to be our first farewell.  We had a visit from Joanne, Ellie and Geoffrey.  It was a great visit and nice to see them all.  Joanne told David how much he has improved and, as usual, he didn’t believe it.

Our next farewell with with Sal, Susan and Jackie from UNIS.  We walked down the street to Artisinal, and had a great meal, complete with mimosas!  What a nice way to say good-bye.  When we got home, David was exhausted.  He got into bed, and I did some cooking.

Then, at 5pm, we got ready to meet Liz and Gene at Nomad on Broadway and 28th Street.  It was a beautiful restaurant, and the meal was delightful.  The waiter was very helpful, and shared some appetizers and then I have scallops, David had duck and Liz and Gene had the chicken.  The best part of the dinner was the company, and one of the best parts of the space was the ease that we were able to talk.  No loud music, tables spaced nicely and there was no din of echoed voices.  Also, we sat under the huge skylight, so there was a lot of light too.  We bid Gene and Liz a sad good-bye, and headed home.

We got settled in time for the Tony’s and I was please with the outcome.  It did remind me that I didn’t write about one of the best moments in Pippin.  For those of you who know the show, at the end, the Leading Player shuts down the production, and removes costumes and sets and leaves Pippin, Catherine and Theo on stage in work lights.  She also instructs the audio technicians to turn off their mic’s, and when Pippin begins to sing, I felt such a relief to hear his voice without amplification.  Pure and simple.  I miss that, and I realized how overly amplified the rest of the show had been.  It was a really nice moment.

David went to bed just before the best musical award was announced, and we didn’t blog or read.  Tomorrow.  Speaking of tomorrow, we have more visits tomorrow and dinner with Joy and her daughters.  Thanks Gene and Liz; Sal, Susan and Jackie; and Joanne, Ellie and Geoffrey.

New York Welcome

We had breakfast with my Dad at Chauncey’s and then back to the house to pack up and get ready for the drive home.  We left at about 11am, and made really good time.  When we got to 33rd Street and Madison, there seemed to be some construction going on in the block between Madison and Fifth.  I slowed to see what was going on, and the work looked like it was being done at the end near Fifth, so I would be able to get to the garage in the building to unload the car.  I circled around and pulled across Madison to talked to the construction guard who was stopping folks from trying to go through to explain where we were going.  She was a total B!  Would hear nothing about needing to get to the garage, and that we lived on the block and that David couldn’t walk.  It was very clear that there was an open road to the garage, but she kept on saying that there was a hole in the road and the garage was closed.  Idiot!

I parked (illegally) on Madison, got David in the wheelchair, and took him home to the apartment and settled, then went down to the garage to make sure that they were indeed open, and he was surprised that we were not allowed to come down the block.  When we walked up the the street, the B was allowing taxis to come down the block.  I walked to the car, but not before getting her name and the name and contact information for her supervisor.  I then circled around and only briefly toyed with the idea of running her down.  Once in the garage, I unloaded the car, got a cart, and went upstairs.  I gave her name and the managers name to the building manager at 325 Fifth, and asked them to let someone know that even when I presented the handicapped tag that we got in the mail while in Vermont, and pleading with her, she stood in the way and wouldn’t let us go through.  This is the problem when you give ignorant, small minded folks some power.  Reminds me of the years with George W. and Cheney!  Well, not really G. W. and D. C. were MUCH worse, and more irritating.

We all have the desire to get it all right, to bring our lives in the fast lane and look good at doing it. cialis professional no prescription But study has not successfully viagra samples established that this drug is widely available in the market and being used by a number of men having problem of impotence. The route of stress starts from the brain, goes from circulatory system and then sildenafil 50mg stops at reproductive health. Today, getting viagra in canada we are addicted to watching TV, living on fast food and doing no physical work. Glad that I got that off my chest.  When I got back upstairs, David was in bed taking a nap.  I unpacked, and soon he was up and wanting some dinner.  Made pasta, and I had a small portion.  I am afraid that the few days in Vermont have done damage to my diet.  I won’t get on the scale for a couple of days.  I want to have a chance to make up for bad behavior!

Tomorrow we have lots of dates with folks from morning to the evening, and then the Tony Awards, if I am still awake!  I read the blog and Paris Reborn.  Napoleon III has gotten married and started an affair.  All in one chapter.  Busy boy!

Happy (almost) Anniversary to us

Tonight we had dinner at the Wilburton Inn.  Georgette treated us to dinner, and when we arrived there was a surprise note with a bottle of wine from Dave and Pamela – we took the video at dinner.  it made the evening even more special, thanks Dave and Pamela.  Dinner was terrific and we watched and eavesdropped as a couple had a tasting for their wedding in August.  Such terrific memories, and as I always say, more memories to come!

Just view the medication and its healthy viagra samples facts to improve the quality of erection by improving blood flow in the penile region. With the help of sildenafil price , they don’t need to visit a physician or stand in a queue. Also make a point that you are not taking this peculiar discount viagra sale medicine with other sexual enhancer pill for getting over unpleasant sexual dysfunction condition. The condition is characterized by difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection for intercourse and it see over here levitra online prevents couples from taking full pleasure from their sexual activity. Today was another lazy day.  It rained and we only ventured out for an errand and then to dinner.  There is a new traffic pattern in Manchester, which alleviates the problem at the light in the middle of town.  They put in a traffic circle, which makes getting around that intersection much easier!  Our neighbor Ritchie stopped by to say hello, and that was about it. We will be having breakfast with my Dad tomorrow, and then getting a relatively early start.  It is supposed to be rainy tomorrow too.

The blog and Paris Reborn tonight.  Louis-Napoleon has just had his coup d’état.

Lazy Vermont day

We got a slow start this morning.  Ran to Stewarts to get breakfast provisions, and made eggs with cheese and coffee.  I had cereal.  Special K.  Trying to make up for dinner last night.  Jerry came over at around 9 with his worker Eric, who does a lot of the work around the house here.  It was great to see both of them, and Jerry was impressed with David’s progress.  We then waited to hear from the movers, and I didn’t know when they were coming, so didn’t want to leave the house for too long at any time.  We ran out for lunch, and that was it.  The movers came at around 3, and all the stuff was in the house, and we unpacked.  The table looks great in the new room out back.

We sat out on the deck for a while and watched the chipmunks running along the berm.  Everything looks great, and the iris’ are blooming and the peonies are just about to break out. Sorry that we will miss them.

After sitting and unpacking, we ran to Bennington so I could go to Staples, because in our rush to get out of NY yesterday, I forgot my phone charger.  We went to Chauncey’s for dinner, which was fine.  David ordered ravioli and I had a garden salad with chicken.  Then home, and we watched TV.  Tonight, it was the blog and back to The Great Gatsby.  It really is a terrific book and it creates such vivid visuals.

It started raining tonight, and is supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday, so not sure what we will do with ourselves.  We have a few errands tomorrow, and in the evening we are having an early anniversary dinner at the Wilbuton Inn.

Cool Vermont night

We drove up to Vermont this afternoon, and it was beautiful.  David is so thrilled to be in the house, and looking at the plants and just soaking up the atmosphere.  We went out to dinner with my Dad and Nancy to the Reluctant Panther and used one of the gift certificates that we got for our wedding.  The dinner was delicious, and I hope that I haven’t completely blown my diet!  I will just have to be more diligent tomorrow.  Maybe take a long walk.  The movers are coming tomorrow with the stuff from the apartment that we are using up here, and we have a meeting with Jerry to talk about projects for the house.

David is snug in bed, and I am going to join him shortly.  I read the blog already and another chapter in Paris Reborn.