Category Archives: Blog

Regular Blog Posts

A Lovely Night

You know, you go along and have boring days, and then, you have a night that reminds you how magical life can be.  We went to the American Ballet Theatre’s Gala tonight.  The performance was terrific, and the people watching, even better.  Even better than that was spending the night with the Deulls – especially nice to see Sara and meet Hannah.  Pictures, I am sure, will follow.  So, for the star gazing part of the evening, we saw Bebe Neuwirth as she was photographed on the red carpet, sat in front of Courtney B. Vance and Lucy Liu looked lovely.  But, of course, the best part of the evening was seeing all the reconstructed faces that should probably be condemned!  There were a couple of doozies!  Anyway, the performance was pretty spectacular, particularly Le Corsaire and a piece choreographed by Marcelo Gomes in the second half.  It was all delightful.  Then, off to the tent for dinner.  We left before dessert, but the dinner was great, and again, so great to be with friends!

Earlier in the day, we went to Occupational Therapy, and I have some video which I will work on incorporating into something special for a later date.  We also had a visit from Marjorie, which was nice, and then I ran off to a tech rehearsal.  I am dealing with canceling aides, so have to scramble for tomorrow, or miss part of the rehearsal, which is looking more and more likely.  At this point, though, I am not really needed for anything.  It is pretty much in the actors’ hands.  Opening on Wednesday!

Happy Mother’s Day

Got up this morning and had a quiet start to the day.  Decided to head out in the afternoon to the movies.  Saw Iron Man, which was fun.  David didn’t like it quite as much as I did.  Then, dinner and after that, an episode of Foyle’s War.

Tomorrow is tech for the One Act Festival, which starts on Wednesday – get your tickets!

Looking forward to more adventures!

Today was a relaxing day.  We did some speech exercises and some walking around the building.  We had a great talk with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Theo is growing, and we can’t wait to get out to California to see them all in person.  We talked a bit about plans for the Fall and looking forward to 2014.  Hard to even wrap my head around that, but, it is fun to make the plans. The sole difference among Sildamax and other sildenafil citrate based medicine which is an exact copy of the top anti-impotence medicine generic viagra on sale that was made by Pfizer. best viagra prices Remember, no pill, device or exercise can enlarge penis permanently. check out this link cheap sildenafil uk They extend the blood vessels in the penile region and ensures more blood to the penis region. In not all the case stress is a problem but isn’t super cheap cialis being addressed.  We may take the opportunity to cruise from Los Angeles to Copenhagen when we make our spring visit to Paris, and cruise back to New York for summer in Vermont.  You know, at the end of the day, we aren’t really in any rush to get places, and as long as we have a good chunk of time in Paris with Alex, Claire and Theo, why not?

This evening we headed uptown for dinner with the Berliss’.  We were joined by the O’Neill’s and had a great evening.  David was very good with the communications, and dinner was delicious.  Great curry!  Then home, and David was ready for bed, but not after the blog and Garrison.

Excitement returns!

OK, I lied.  Excitement didn’t return.  We did, however, have Speech Therapy this morning, and that was great.  We did some more singing, and David was stringing more words together.  Karen also wants him to begin practicing writing, which is a step forward.

It was a glorious day, and we took the opportunity to get haircuts.  At our favorite place – Roman’s on 31st Street between Madison and Park.  A French couple came in to ask where there was a ladies’ hairdresser nearby, and one of the customers was able to help.  It made me think of visiting Paris.  Looking forward to that in the fall!  After the haircuts, we took a roll to the park, and boy was it crowded!  Nice to see folks out.  When I was going to school on 23rd Street in the early 80’s, I don’t recall anyone hanging out in Madison Square Park, but times have changed and so has New York!

We had another visit from potential renters this evening, and I made a pork tenderloin for dinner.  Followed one of Julia’s recipes and it came out good.  I tasted only a bit, and went back to my salad, but David liked it.  We watched another episode of Foyle’s War, and he has resigned his position.  It was the end of this season, and we are on to the next.  Glad that there are two more to go before the end.

I made an appointment with the movers for Wednesday morning to come by and give me an estimate.  Only one more month to go.  Yikes!

Greetings from Dullsville!

OK, today was pretty boring.  Had rehearsal in the morning, which went well.  Then home and lunch.  The apartment was cleaned, and I hate being home when it happens – much prefer just coming home to a clean apartment.  Then a nap.

Excitement came when we had a visit from Elke from UNIS.  She brought David’s favorite, marzipan.  Then some shrimp for dinner, and a little TV.  Then last night’s blog and Garrison.

Tomorrow will be more exciting, I promise!

Morning on his own

This morning I had rehearsal followed by the theatre workshop, and before I left, I got a call from the agency that the aide had called out sick.  So, David was alone for the morning.  He did very well and when I got home, he was playing scrabble and watching TV.  All was well.  We had a visit in the afternoon with Lynda, which was great.  We stayed in the whole day, because the weather was so unpredictable – one minute pouring rain, and then sunny.

The owner of the apartment is trying to rent it for when we leave, and the agent had a showing today.  We watched an episode of Foyle’s War, then the blog and Garrison, and off to bed.


I woke up this morning and it was almost impossible to pull myself out of bed.  I had to, of course, because the aide arrived at 8am, but it was tough.  Not sure why, I didn’t go to sleep too late last night – I didn’t write a blog entry, as you may have noticed!  Thought taking a shower might help, but it didn’t and I was dragging the whole morning.  We went to Speech Therapy this morning, and David told Karen about the reunions this weekend, and then we sang a bit.  We will add that to our speech schedule.

Once we got home, I ran out and got some sushi for lunch, and then went to sleep.  Slept for three hours, which is a long nap for me, and then up.  We exercises and took a walk.  David was shakier than he has been, so we kept the walk short.  Had dinner, and watched Crazy, Stupid, Love which had it moments.  Sweet story, and a few surprises, which were nice.  Then, just some Garrison tonight – this time about a mistaken trip to Costa Rica.

Yesterday, we had Occupational Therapy in the morning, and a great visit from Debbie and Laurie who were in town for the reunion from England.  Nice to see them, and I can’t wait to try the stilton that they brought us!  In the immortal words of Julia – yum!

Nice, quiet Sunday

We went to the movies this afternoon.  The Place Beyond the Pines.  It was not at all what I expected, and really was three movies in one.  Pretty depressing.  Before going to the movies, we took a walk (sans cane) on the street.  Once we got to the sidewalk, David held my arm, but really didn’t lean on me heavily.  His gait is getting more smooth and and even.  We will continue doing this to build his stamina and security with walking outside.

We played some scrabble, and watched The World According to Dick Cheney, which I had hoped would feed my dislike for him, but it really just confirmed everything that I already knew – a very bad man who thinks that nothing he did was bad.  Not surprising that he learned at the right hand of tricky Dick Nixon.

I had rehearsal in the evening, which went well.  We have two more rehearsals this week before we head into tech and open next week.  It is looking good, just need to tighten it up a bit.  Stayed up late to watch Funny Girl, and earlier, watched a bit of Hello Dolly!.  Must have been Streisand musical night on AMC.


OK, so we got home a little while ago from two of David’s reunions.  First, we had the UNIS reunion, and David was swarmed by former students who chatted with him, and told me how much he had influenced their lives.  Once again, I found myself feeling sorry that I had to go to a school that I hated, and couldn’t wait to leave.  Just glad that I was with David and share is the reflected glow.  It was great to be there, and David was genuinely pleased to have been there and reconnected with so many people.

Then we headed to Scandinavia House for the 50th Reunion of Jamaica HS.  Also, great to see so many old friends for David.  The only drawback was David couldn’t stay longer.  He got tired after about an hour, but it was good to see him with old classmates, and hear stories.
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Then home, where we enjoyed a piece of the delicious chocolate that Lois had brought on Thursday, then blog, Garrison and bed.  At the end of the day, after so much time spent planning and working for the future, it is nice to take a moment and just revel in the past!

Look, no strings!

Today, we had a very good day.  Busy, as usual for Friday, and David was having some shoulder pain in the morning, but it ended on a high.  First, we went to Speech Therapy, where we were subjected to listening to another caregivers ideas about christianity and government.  You know, how god handed down the constitution, and how christians were persecuted because they weren’t allowed to inflict their beliefs on others.  Don’t get me started.  She wasn’t talking to us, but made sure she was loud enough for everyone in the waiting room could hear. Oh, brother.  She did have one attentive listener though.

Well, then we had a good speech therapy session, where Karen talked about some crazy project for people to be selected to colonize Mars.  I told her there was a lady in the waiting room who I was sure would love to go!  We then went to Occupational Therapy with Maneshka, and she worked on David’s sore shoulder a bit.  Then, a nice stroll home, and picked up pizza for David, and I had some spinach.  Diet is going well.

Then, in the afternoon, we went to Physical Therapy, and Caroline did some work with David that was pretty impressive.  Alright, it was very impressive, and very exciting.  David walked without the cane!  Yes, Caroline needed to be there to make sure he didn’t fall, but he really didn’t falter.  We also walked around the apartment, and by we I mean David did.  I was only there for moral support.  Here is proof:

Anyway, it was all very exciting, and great progress.  Then home, and we had a visit from Parker and his friend Chris.  We had some dinner, some TV (loved the Project Runway Season 11 Reunion) and blog, Garrison and bed.

Visits and the Dentist Finale!

David was thrilled with today’s visit to the Dentist, because it was his last!!  The crown is in place and from what I see, it is doing well.  We had to wait a while to get started, but once it started, it was done pretty quickly.  Once home, we had some lunch and then had our first visitors.

A great time with Françoise and Joe.  Nice conversation and beautiful flowers!  The baked goods were good too!  Thanks.  David thinks that Françoise should go to Fieldston reunions, and I found that comical, because David is always dragging his feet when it comes to events like that.  That being said, we are planning on attending the UNIS reunion this weekend, and he will have a good time.  He always does, but getting there is the hard part.

We also have the Jamaica HS reunion this weekend, and Lois came for a visit tonight as a precursor to the main event on Saturday evening.  David and Lois were both talking about defecting and not going, but in the end, he will go, and have a fine old time.  At least for the first 45 minutes!

David was tired at the end of the evening, and went to bed, but only after the blog and Garrison.  This one was about how a fish saved his life, or made his life possible.

Walk in the park

We took a walk to Madison Square Park to spend some more time looking at the art.  We also sat in the sun for a little bit, and then, David in his wheelchair and I went back up Madison Avenue.  I do have to say, I find it strange that almost all of the Southwest corners on Madison don’t have curb cuts, so getting the wheelchair across the street was a little bumpy.

We had a great visit from Joy this evening, had some dinner and we all watched an episode of Foyle’s War.  It was a very complex one, and I got the murderer completely wrong!  Oh, well. Also a lot going on with the regular cast’s love-lives!  We like the show.  After Joy left, we read the blog, and skipped listening, because it was late, and David was ready for sleep.

New York

Well, today was a beautiful day in NY, and I had to run across the street to CVS this evening at just the right time.  Looking down Fifth Ave to the Flatiron building with the light hitting it just right was quite spectacular.  I am starting to get sad that our time here will be up soon, but, as alway, more adventures beckon!

We had Speech and Physical Therapy today, and both went well.  We did some homework and also had a great visit from Henry and Jane.  After they left, David took a nap, and I relaxed a bit.  Then dinner and we watched Veep.  Read the blog and listened to some more Garrison Keillor.  Tonight was a cautionary tale about moving to warmer climates.  It has not put us off moving to Palm Springs!
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Two more days to go for the fundraising effort for the Complete Theatre Company.  Close, but not quite there.


I am writing early tonight, because I have got to get some sleep.  It was a busy weekend, with the hospital and all, and I haven’t been able to nap at all!  I got an appointment with Dr Karp this afternoon, so we went to HJD where his office is at 4:30pm.  He was late seeing us, and I think he picked up the pace when he heard David say “please” in exasperation.  We talked about the hospital visit, and he told David that he needs to ask for more water, and he actually asked for some tonight before heading to bed.  That was good.  We then talked about the clot and Coumadin and the pros and cons of staying on it.  The major con is having to get blood tests done every other week.  We also talked a bit about the move out west, and making sure that Dr. Loftus has all David’s records.  We were then sent to have an ultrasound done on his legs to check the clot.  It looks like it is still there, but not a total block.  We should hear from Dr. Karp tomorrow or the next day with results and recommendations.

After the ultrasound, we walked home – across 18th Street to Broadway and then up Fifth.  It

Madison Square Park Art
Rendering of Art in Madison Square Park

was a lovely evening, and there is an amazing installation at Madison Square Park.  There are these undulating walls made from woven rope in three colors – red, blue and gold.  I love stuff like that, and they are really impressive.  It is worth a visit to see, especially now with all the trees in bloom. To read more, click here.

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We also went for a swim today, which was also nice, and before that, we had occupational therapy.  I can’t tell if the other therapist are irritated or just jealous, because we always get looks when we begin laughing about something David has done or said.  Maneshka is always finding something funny about David’s reaction to things, and we are alway having a good time.  We are working, but making it fun at the same time.

I haven’t had much down time today – maybe that is why I am ready for bed.  The aide called in sick this morning and we woke up a little later than usual, so it was a rush getting out of the house, and I haven’t had a chance to check email much or return messages.  I will be taking care of some of that once I post this.  Tonight we began a series of Garrison Keillor stories that we got from Susan Willen (thanks Susan!) and I read the blog.  His story tonight was about a swan who became one of the dogs.


Bon Appétit

So, this morning David thought that our lives were just a little too dull and decided to inject some excitement.  Onelsis was here, and we were just finishing breakfast, and he complained of a pain in his lower back.  I asked if he would like to lie down and if it was the chair, and he said sure.  We tried to get him up out of the chair, and he couldn’t stand, so let him sit back down.  He was sweating a lot, and wanted to give it another try, so he got up, took two steps and passed out.  Fortunately, I was holding him so Onelsis and I lowered him to the floor.  Yes, I know, you are thinking, thank goodness we worked on getting him up from the floor, right?  We called 911, and the EMT’s were here is a jiffy, followed by another pair of NY’s Finest.  We got to Bellevue pretty quickly, and the doctor saw him soon after we arrived.

It turns out that Bellevue is now part of NYU Medical Center (not sure if there is any healthcare facility that is not part of NYU now!) so they had all his records. Everything was fine, and the Doctor thinks that he was just dehydrated.  We were there for a while – blood tests, x-ray, etc – and the Doctor wanted to keep him overnight, but he would not hear of it.  We just have to see Dr. Karp this week and make sure he drinks lots of water.  We were home by about 4pm, and I have to say, compared with our visit to Columbia Presbyterian, this was a dream.  Not overcrowded, and we weren’t waiting forever to see a Doctor.  Glad that is over though.

We just relaxed and drank water this evening.  Also ate, of course.  Then to bed, but not before finishing My Life In France.  I was feeling a bit sad as she described leaving La Pitchoune, their home in Provence, for the last time.  She was quite a woman!

This brings me to Bon Appétit and yesterday, when I finally got around to making Julia’s Chocolate Mousse.  I don’t have an electric mixer here, and thought my arm would fall off with all the whipping!  It came out very well, if I do say so myself, but, oh my God, so rich.  Could really only have a little bit, but it will keep, and we will take our time enjoying it!

Oh My God, May is almost here!!

Today was our busy day, and we had Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies.  We started in the morning with Speech, which was good.  We looked at wedding pictures, and David was able to get most of the names out, which was great.  I also showed Karen what I have been doing with the the Proloquo iPad program – putting in names, food, etc.  She also suggested that I download WordQ, which is a typing and word prediction program.  It will help, and David may be able to email from it as well.  I think that coherent emails are down the road, but, there is a road there, so I am glad.

Then we had Occupational Therapy with Maneshka, and David is very upset because she had been dating this guy, and it ended because he said she was too urban.  What a lame reason.  From what she said, I think he just isn’t as social as she is.  David made it clear that he wanted to give this guy a piece of his mind.  We worked on something that was quite scary for me, which was, how does David get up if I am not around and he falls.  The outcome was that he just couldn’t fall, unless I was there to pick him up.  He still has trouble with processes like that.  First step, roll over on your stomach, then get up on your knees.  That’s where we lost him.  He promised never to fall.

Then we walked home, David had some ravioli and I had a salad, then we both took a very short nap, and then back to RUSK.  On the way over in the morning our friend, Rush of 34th and 3rd was there, lecturing us about God and damnation.  I was glad that he was not directing it at us in particular, but all the folks passing by.  In the afternoon, he was having some lunch with, let’s say, Glenn Beck of 34th and 3rd, although, I am sure he is working another corner.  No lecturing, just planning between the two of them.

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Another nap for David, and I began cooking after Judge Judy.  Then for dinner I made a Bolognese sauce, and David had pasta, but I just had the sauce and salad.  Still working on the diet, and at the end of the blog I have decided to do my own weight watchers and list my current weight.  I will preface it by saying that my weight last week was 217, and inching towards 220, which I have to confess is not at the top of where I have been.  This morning I weighed in at 213.5.  Not bad, and if I don’t begin shoveling food into my mouth when noone is looking, I could actually get down to 175 where I should probably belong.  I’d be happy with 180, I think the last time I weighed 175 my Mother told me I looked awful, and what was I dining, I would never be skinny!

We read the blog and Julia.  The second volume is published and she is getting a little irritated by folks intruding.  Ah, fame!  I also read another chapter in a book Can you Drill a Hole through Your Head and Survive? and other unusual questions or something like that.


This morning I had a rehearsal at the theatre, and it is looking good.  A few fixes to the blocking, but both actors are good, and it will be funny.  The stage is weird – you know, off-broadway theaters.  When I got home, we had a visit from Hatam and Lidana from UNIS. Very nice visit, and pleasant conversation.  After they left, I felt really sleepy – not so tired, but sleepy, so took an unusual three hour nap.

Then got up, and ordered Indian for dinner – David asked using his new tool on the iPad.  Afterwards we watched Law & Order: SVU, The Daily Show and Foyle’s War.  We read the blog and I read a few chapters of a new book, and more about that tomorrow.  Now, heading back to bed to sleep.  ‘Night.


Tonight we went to the theatre to see Matilda.  I liked it a lot, but David was a little disappointed.  It was beautifully designed, and I loved the choreography.  The young girl who played Matilda, Milly Shapiro, was amazing along with all the children.  And don’t think that David didn’t notice the name.  It is just incredible that those kids do it every night, and do it so well.   And the headmistress was scary and funny and disgusting all rolled into one mass of ugliness.  There was one number in particular that got to me in the second act – When I Grow Up.  It was delightful, and a welcome escape from the dark halls of the school.  Anyway, I recommend it highly!  The review was in the Times for I’ll Eat You Last with Bette Midler, and so glad that I bought tickets already, because I imagine it will be impossible tomorrow.  So glad we are making sure we take advantage of being in NY while we can!

Today I had the Complete Theatre Company, and thanks to everyone who made a pledge.  We are inching out way to the goal, and I think we will make it!  When I got home, we walked to the barber to get haircuts, and David had a shave as well.  The barber was pleased to see that we walked – we always arrived in the wheelchair in the past.  Once home, we took a nap to get ready for the theatre.  We walked to and from the Shubert Theatre, and it was a nice night all around!
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Then we read the blog, but no Julia tonight.  Tomorrow.  We are getting close to the end of My Life in Paris anyway.

Back in the swing

Today we got back to work with Speech Therapy in the morning, then off to get blood drawn, home for a bit, and then back to RUSK for Physical Therapy.  Speech went well and David really is communicating better all the time.  Karen talked a bit about a conference she went to on Friday about how the brain rebuilds pathways, and has reemphasized the importance of repeating and practicing all the time.  The lab where David has blood drawn was abuzz with activity, and not sure why.  There were just a lot of people coming and going.

When we got home, we had lunch and watched a couple of Castle’s and then walked back to RUSK for PT.  Caroline did a lot of walking with David again, and she tried a new contraption on him.  It is a track that runs along the ceiling, and David is harnessed to it, and walks without the cane.  He was doing really well with this, except he was trying to go too fast.  As Karen said, it is just important to practice, practice, practice!

Tonight we had ravioli and watched RuPaul’s Drag Race (Go Jinkx!!), then the blog and Julia.  It is now 1970 and they are on the verge of publishing the second volume.

Now that is is warmer, we are walking more, back and forth to and from RUSK, and getting to know the sights and sounds of the walk.  As we crossed 34th Street walking up Third Avenue this morning, both of us noticed that the homeless man, who I have started calling Homeless Rush, was not in his usual spot lecturing passers-by about his right wing ideology.  Wouldn’t it be nice it the corner of Third and 34th was where the real Rush were relegated?!  I also noticed a truck that often had a line of High School students at it, and couldn’t figure out what it was all about.  It looks like a food truck, but has images of cell phones and electronic devices on it, and says “Digital Device Storage” and it finally dawned on me what it was about.  I am guessing that the students at the nearby High School are not allowed to bring their cell phones into school, so someone has set up a business where they can check their phones before school, and pick them up at the end of the day.  I still can’t figure out why they can’t put their phones in their lockers, but there must be more going on that I don’t know.

A slow start

Today was quiet.  We were supposed to swim, but the instructor didn’t show up, and when I spoke to her, she said she didn’t realize that this was our new scheduled day.  Now she knows.  We did some walking in the hall, and Siobhan came for speech this afternoon.  They had a good time, and she suggested that we try to do some trivia to give something to speak about.  I think that when David tries to recall names and places like that, it is good practice.  I downloaded Trivial Pursuit on the iPad, but it doesn’t really work – they use too many pictures in this version.

I read last night’s blog before sleep, and I can’t believe how long it was!  Then, Julia, and they are settling into life in Provence when they are visiting, and having visitors.

I didn’t mention this last week, but on Thursday (the night when I forgot to post the blog entry) I also completely forgot about the caregivers group at RUSK that I enjoy going to so much.  As I was drifting off to sleep on Thursday, I thought, “Oh, crap, I didn’t go to the group!!”  Another month missed!