Category Archives: Blog

Regular Blog Posts

I’d gladly give up coffee for Sanka

That title has no meaning at all, it was just stuck in my head and I had to get it out.  It rained all day, or pretty much all day.  Rain, then a bit of sun, then more rain.  It is raining now pretty heavily. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, and maybe even on Sunday.  I know, we need it badly, but, I am getting a little stir crazy. That is sad that after one day, I am restless in the house!!  David’s tan might begin to fade!! Not much happened today, except the trainer came and tennis was rained out.

We got some pictures and video from Claire and Alex of Theo, which made David very happy.  He insisted that I post one of them on the blog, and since everyone seems to like the pictures, and David is such a proud Z-Dad, here is one.
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Theo Playing

Secretive and rich, a little scary

We went to LA to visit with Chrissie on Sunday, and it was great.  A great bonus was to see her son Daniel as well.  He seems to be doing well in Santa Barbara.  We got into LA easily, and the drive home was also quick and easy, but getting around town was not so easy.  Between traffic and a wrong turn or two, it took a lot longer to get around than I expected.  We stayed at the Hotel Wilshire (not to be confused with the Wilshire Hotel, which is where we stayed the last time we were in town, and where my phone took us

David sitting by the pool at The Hotel Wilshire
David sitting by the pool at The Hotel Wilshire

when I asked for directions initially).  We made it, and, you won’t be surprised that they are both on Wilshire Boulevard, just three miles apart.  We had brunch at the Hotel Wilshire the last time we visited, and that was why we booked the room there.  There is a great view, pool and bar/restaurant on the roof.  Chrissie met us, and David climbed the flight and a half of steps to get there.  We were all impressed.  Had a nice drink (or two or three) and then got a car to take us downtown for dinner after Daniel arrived.

Chrissie was in town for a conference, and had work on Monday, so we went to the Getty Villa to take in some Etruscan, Greek and Roman art.  Really beautiful and a lovely day.  We took the scenic route back to the hotel along Sunset Boulevard.  I had read somewhere about a restaurant on Santa Monica Blvd and decided that would be my pick for dinner.  Connie & Ted’s, which is sort of a modern version of a New England seafood joint. We picked up Chrissie at around 5:45, and the traffic coming to downtown and

leaving was pretty horrendous.  LA comes by it’s bad rep for traffic honestly!!  We were an hour late for our reservation.  All I can say is, I don’t know what people would have done without GPS on their phones.  Not to mention that I could call the restaurant to let them know we would be VERY late for dinner.  Dinner was great, and it was a comfortable, casual place to eat.  We started with some oysters, and asked for a selection of west coast oysters, which were excellent.  David and Chrissie had fried clams, and I had fish and chips.  So great to see Chrissie, and David, as always, was very good at communicating.  He didn’t believe it, but we both thought he did a great job.
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The drive back to drop Chrissie off and get back to our hotel was about a quarter of the time it took to go one way earlier in the evening, so the evening ended with a lot less stress.  We were very tempted to leave with the robes that the Kimpton hotel provided for us – one leopard print and one zebra.  Would have been a nice memento of our visit!

Once back in Palm Springs, we got back to our normal routine – speech, tennis, PT, etc.  At reading group, Angie made David read, and he was very hesitant and nervous.  While he got only three words out of the paragraph, it was a very important milestone for him, and as Angie said, “practice, practice, practice”.  My one observation was that in the story they were reading, all of the clients were able to say one word easily and clearly – “Mother”.  I mentioned this to Glorianne, and she wrote the word “Father” on the board, and everyone was able to read that as well.  Just so ingrained I guess. We went to Life Changes today, and one of the regulars, Tommy, created a poem about David’s smile.  I could never recreate it, but he did refer to his teeth as petals of a flower and said that his smile was sexy.  David was thrilled, obviously.  Tommy is a pretty young stroke survivor who is probably in his thirties.  His mother was his caregiver, and she passed away recently, which was a real blow to him.  She was also a regular at the center, and I have mentioned her before in the blog.

Tonight, we had a touch and go moment when David wanted to tell me something.  He kept on pointing to me, holding his hands in front of his face like a book and tracing the letter “B” on his leg.  I just couldn’t get what he was trying to say, and he was getting so frustrated and kind of angry.  When it finally came to me, it was too little, too late.  BLOG.  He wanted to know if I had written the blog, which I hadn’t.  Now I have, and am going to sleep.  Good night.


Some things nearly so, others nearly not

Thanks to everyone who sent Birthday Wishes to David, he enjoyed reading Facebook today, and I shared lots of emails that were sent to me.  Very nice, and very appreciated, by both of us.  And that brings me to a question.  Someone can answer it for me, if you please.  I get emails from people that are really meant for David.  So I will read them to him, and then he will tell me (and often have to remind me a few days later) to respond to them.  He normally can’t go into specifics about what he wants to say, but I will usually  tell him what the gist of what I am going to write will be.  Now the person reading the email knows that my pudgy little fingers are typing the email, mostly because of the mistakes that Spellcheck and I blame each other for.  So, anyway, do I sign those emails Scott and David, just Scott or some other format?  I think that from now on I will sign them Scott (and David).  Anyway, just a weird thought that has been rattling around my head.

Oh, yes, and speaking of emails, I went to volunteer at the Braille Institute in Rancho Mirage.  Now many will ask, why aren’t you volunteering at the Stroke Center.  I thought about it, but part of the purpose of this was for me to get out and meet new people, and since I know most of the folks there, it wouldn’t make sense.  It is also a way for me to get away from it all.  Well, not all.  Now dealing with folks with vision problems.  There isn’t much of that at the SRC.  I will probably be working in their computer lab helping folks take lessons on the computers.  Kind of dull, but at my first visit yesterday, he had me take one of the lessons, and now I know how to get David’s computer to read to him. He played around with it yesterday and today, but is having trouble with the changes in navigation that the voiceover works.  I know I asked at Apple about what sort of apps were there to help with reading, because David still isn’t able to, and was never told about this built in feature.

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I keep going off on tangents, it is one of those nights.  So, we ended the evening with dinner at home – vegetable curry.  You almost got veritable curry there (see above comment about my battle with Spellcheck). Then after dinner, we went to see Bernadette Peters at the MacCallum.  It was Chita Rivera all over again.  David, who loves Bernadette, kept muttering “Bad, bad, bad”.  She wasn’t terrible, although, the balance was pretty off and she was often drowned out by her 10 piece orchestra.  Anyway, I was worried that David didn’t like the concert for his birthday, but he said he didn’t regret going and loved it.  But it was bad.  One of his favorite phrases is “bad but good”.

I’m gonna go and taste Saturday’s high life

A very busy weekend in Palm Springs.  Between modernism week, bear convergence, modernist bears and the President, there was a lot of traffic around town.  We avoided it by staying home most of the time.  We did go to the movies on Saturday and saw 12 Years a Slave.  Which I found very hard to watch.  It is like any film when you know how horrible the situation is going to be, because you know the history.  But mostly, it is the helplessness of the situation.

I have taken walks each day this weekend, and have been listening to a lot of Jerry Herman.  I think that life should be more like a Jerry Herman musical, wouldn’t that be nice?  I think it started because there was an ad on television that a production of Hello Dolly will be at the MacCallum theatre.  Starring Sally Struthers.  David said he won’t go.  Anyway, I have decided that there are a wealth of life lessons in JH musicals – Before the parade passes by, Open a new window, We need a little Christmas, etc.  Call me old-fashioned, but his songs just get me going.

Next weekend we are widening our horizons again, and spending a few days in Los Angeles.  Very exciting!  We will get to see Chrissie too, so that is the best part.  Also, we have settled on a place to stay in London when we visit in June.  Nice apartment across the park from Buckingham Palace.  I think I sense a trend here – in Paris we will be around the corner from the French President and in London, across the park from the Queen!  Being in the thick of things makes it so much easier to get around.

Planning on making cupcakes for David’s birthday.  He was a little disappointed that I am not making a cake.  The real reason is that with cupcakes, I can give them away to people and get them out of the house.  A cake is harder to force off on people.  He will like them in the end though.  I am sure of it.  Watched some skating tonight.  That’s about all there is to report.

According to the Kinsey Report

Well, I am sure that most of the folks who read this will not be pleased, but it was in the high 80’s today and is supposed to go up into the 90’s over the weekend.  Sorry.  Today we had speech, which didn’t happen because the therapist didn’t show up, or was late.  We also went to Life Changes with Cedric at the Stroke Center.  The husband of one of the two sisters was getting out of the ICU today.  We also had a new couple join.  They look relatively young, around my age, and seem very nice.  The whole thing is new to them, and as I am writing and thinking about this, how weird is it that I feel like an expert at it.

Today was one of those days.  The ones where I reassess how things are going and think about where we will be in a year, five years, ten years.  David had tennis with Bill, and that went really well.  It is nice to be out and doing something in the sun.  The pool is chugging along.  They finished all the plumbing and concrete is all in and it looks like something.  Also, all the trenches for the plumbing are filled in, so the yard is starting to look better.  It is going to look so great and be so much more functional when it is done!
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Well, it’s late, and I have to head to bed soon.  I sat down to write this almost two hours ago, but I went on one of those Youtube journeys and went on a Dame Edna bender.  So funny.  A great The Dame Edna Experience with Lauren Bacall and Tom Jones.  When the three of them got up and started singing Cole Porter, I just about died.  Good too!  I forget how much I used to love Lauren Bacall.

My reputation’s battered, but it really hasn’t mattered

Well, that took some looking.  The title, I mean.  I got an email from Anthony today in NY, and he begged (well, I think it might have been threatened) me to get tickets to Kaye Ballard’s Going Out of Business concert.  I have dutifully bought tickets.  I am very excited.  So excited that I may buy tickets to see Lucie Arnaz and her tribute to her dad, Desi on Tuesday night!

Another quiet day, and lazy afternoon (sorry, couldn’t help it).  I spoke to my Dad this morning, and he is doing well and back in upstate NY.  Did you all know that Julianne Moore is a real person?  She was on Graham Norton, and was complaining about having to wait to watch Downton Abbey.  Having just watched tonight’s episode, I found it particularly funny when Julianne asked Graham not to give anything away, and he said, don’t worry, just a bunch of thirsty pigs.  I haven’t given anything away, and neither did he.  Tonight as we were watching Downton, I suddenly thought that my mother would have LOVED this.  I think I was reminded that when the Countess was sick. My mother and I went to see Maggie Smith in The Importance of being Earnest in London.  Anyway, good memories, and so nice to flash back once in a while.

Stayed up late last night making lemon marmalade.  Too much fruit, not enough hours in the day and nobody seems to want to try to stop me.  Well, David just looks at me funny. We had tennis today, and David is hitting well.  I really like the idea that he is balancing well.  Bill asked if he could lift his left leg and stand on his right, and I said no.  Then added that I thought he had the strength in his right leg, but he doesn’t  trust it.  After we got home, David wanted me to tell him what Bill had asked and what I said.  I told him, and as I was saying it, I thought that I have to be careful not to be pushing too much.  Be a cheerleader not the Great Santini.

I saw ‘My Fair Lady’, I sort of enjoyed it

We ended up seeing The Monuments Men, and we both liked it.  Not great, but a nice piece of history.  Both of us thought that the Cate Blanchett/Matt Damon storyline was the best, and her story could have made a movie by itself, and after a little research, it actually was.  The Train starring Burt Lancaster.  it was about the resistance trying to stop the last train filled with French art from leaving Paris.

Nothing much else to report today, just the movie, exercise, a walk and they were working on plumbing for the pool.  I think that this week they will begin the concrete work.  If they continue at this pace, the pool may be done by the end of the month, which would be great.

Gonna have the whole world on a plate

So, I was trying to remember when I started this whole quotes from musical theatre songs thing, and it was in July.  I am going to continue to try to keep it up, at least for a year.  It does get difficult and I worry that I will repeat one, or pull a different quote from the same song.  Not so many people are guessing where they are from, but I do get a response once in a while.

Finished watching West Side Story last night.  I started a few weeks ago, and fell asleep and paused it.  What a movie.  On top of the music being so incredible, visually it is stunning.  And just the thought that a few years later the location would become Lincoln Center is something.  And the movie is so theatrical, which is really nice too.  Anyway, it was great to revisit.

We have tennis tomorrow and hope to go to the movies this afternoon.  Not sure what we will see, but we have a list, and will check something off.  Maybe Monuments Men.  While this is a new one to the list, David is anxious to see it, and so am I.  Either that or The Book Thief before it disappears!

The guy sure looks like plant food to me

Had a great birthday yesterday.  We went to dinner at Spencer’s in Palm Springs.  It was David, Donovan, Blade and me.  The food was good, and the company was even better.  Also got lots of wishes on Facebook which was nice.  Anyway, it was a good day.

The pool has been moving along at a pretty good pace, so I think we will be ready by the end of the month or at the latest, early March.  Just in time for the weather to heat up.  I am looking forward to having it all done.  Now I get a sense of what it will look like, and how the spa fits into the picture.  Still a cement hole in the back yard, but coming together.

Now it is starting to look like something!
Now it is starting to look like something!

We had speech this morning with Holly, which went really well.  She started working on gestures with David and trying to pair them with words, and I think that it is helpful.  Any tools we can use to get more speech back I am game to try.  We then we went to Cedric’s group. It was a bit subdued because the sisters had to leave. There are two women who come to this group who are sisters, and one is a widow and the other one has a husband in a nursing home, and they had to leave because they called to say her husband had taken a turn for the worse, and that they should come. I was a bit depressed by this. Just sort of sad. I hope it all works out for them, and it was a false alarm.

We also had the speech group at Eisenhower, but Arlene was in NY visiting family (great timing, right??!!) so it wasn’t as smooth as it normally is.  I really like this group.  The folks are very nice, and I think it is good for David.  He did a little reading in the group, but it is tough.  I am just happy that he can follow along and does get a word or two.  The other part of the group I like is the variety of issues that folks are dealing with.  They are not all stroke survivors, but include people who had TBI (Traumatic Brain Injuries) and Parkinson’s.  Basically, anyone who has speech problems.  I also felt a little bad when one of the clients told us that his partner had given him an ultimatum after he had his stroke in July last year that he needed to be walking by New Years, or he was leaving, and he is now dealing with being alone.

There’s Xerox and lasers, the twist and the pill

“So many blessings, such wonders it has brought.  You hardly know where to begin.”  But enough about me.  Here is a little video of tennis.  I played today, and am pretty sore – 1960 was 54 years ago, you know.  And David had a lesson with Bill in the late afternoon, and it really was getting chilly.  As soon as the sun goes down behind the mountains it gets cold pretty quickly.

Anyway, here is the video.

I’m laughing out loud

Tonight we watched Episodes.  Well to be honest, I watched it a second time.  Last night, after posting, I saw it was on, and couldn’t help myself.  Sorry.  I am really enjoying it.  So funny.  I feel like I am apologizing all the time.  I really should stop it.  We were a little late for our speech with Arlene.  I thought 45 minutes would be OK to stop and grab something to eat.  One of the things I miss most about NY.  You could get something to eat in about 30 seconds.  Anyway, I apologized to Arlene, and she looked at me like I was crazy and said I shouldn’t worry.  David had two speech therapies today and reading group.

There was a little drama at the Stroke Recovery Center.  A conflict for the room where we normally meet.  The art group used to use the room for more time, but with the new reading group, they cut the amount of time they could use the room.  No blood was spilled, but there were a few angry voices.  Clayton was amused to hear the drama and wanted to know what they were saying.  I haven’t talked too much about the individuals at the SRC, have I?  Oh, except for Mr. Hatfield and Mr. McCoy, who have settled into a nervous détente.  Clayton is probably around 60 or so, has recovered pretty well, physically, but is in the reading group.  His speech is good too, but the reading is more difficult.  I am not sure where he is from, but has a slight southern accent.  He is friendly, but mostly hangs out with his gang.  God, does this sound like I am in HS, or what??!!

It is late and I am beginning to ramble, but, I am not apologizing!

A person somehow strong, in some way wise

Very quiet day and cold.  Well, by cold I mean that it didn’t get out of the 60’s.  Was industrious this morning and made cupcakes.  Chocolate with coffee icing.  I haven’t had one, but David said they were delicious, and I will trust him.  We have a busy week coming up, and I haven’t even made appointments for David’s tennis.  I am playing on Tuesday, which will be good.

We had a great walk yesterday, and I forgot to mention it.  We walked along the wash and walked slightly further than we normally do, and did it in less time.  I also changed Davids sneakers, and not sure if that is the reason, but he isn’t dragging his foot as much.  Whatever the reason, what normally takes us 25 minutes only took 15 minutes.  He was a bit exhausted at the end, but very happy at the time!
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Not much else to report.  The usual TV watching – Downton Abbey followed by Looking, so it was a very gay TV watching evening!  Am curious about what is going on with Lady Edith, but pretty sure I know.  I think we will find out next week, as long as I don’t try to find out on the internet!

Bring on the lovers, liars and clowns

Well, two out of three isn’t bad.  I have been enjoying seeing Chris Christie begin to go down in flames.  I think I touched on this in a previous entry, but he is just such a familiar  type to me from growing up in NJ.  All the stuff that is coming out about wheeling and dealing is so pathetic and in an odd way, adolescent.

We have been busy with therapy, etc.  We also had a new aide who came to help on Tuesday, and he was good.  David liked him, but I do have to say that his doing the speech exercises may be an issue.  He has a bit of an accent, and I think that David may pick it up!  There was a moment when he was trying to get David to say “scissors” and it was getting lost.  He is keen to work with David on physical exercise, which is great.

I have been a little out of sorts for the past two weeks, and not sure why.  Not so much because of anything physical, just my head.  Not totally here, I think.  But, the good news is, I feel like I am returning to my regular self.  Hopefully that will mean that I will begin writing more regularly.  David also had a quite emotional day on Wednesday.  During speech with Mary, he began to cry because she told him how great he is doing, and he doesn’t think that he is.  Then we went to reading group, and again, he got emotional because he is not satisfied with his progress.  I am thankful that these episodes are usually very sort lived, and he doesn’t get discouraged easily and just wants to get back to work.

Now, it really is a cement pond!
Now, it really is a cement pond!

They started the demolition work on the pool, and now we have a giant hole in the back yard. We moved one of the trees where the spa will go to the side yard, and I think it will do better there. It was a little crowded by the lemon and grapefruit trees that were more mature.  They were moving along at a pretty good pace, so hopefully his 4-5 week completion is pretty solid.  I just hope that he doesn’t work like every other contractor we have ever dealt with – come in like gangbusters and then leave a useless hole in the ground for weeks with no work!  The references I called said that he was accurate with his estimate both regarding time and cost, so I am hopeful.

David played tennis twice this week, and is still doing well.  One of the issues with his apraxia is that he has trouble understanding what the drill is that Bill is trying to work with him on, so I often have to get it started.  Once he gets going, all is fine, but changing gears takes a little work.  I think that the most rewarding times for me and David are when he is able to hit some volleys back and forth with Bill.  He keeps asking when I will be able to hit with him, but my tennis just isn’t good enough.  I am happy to get it over the net and in bounds, so making sure I hit it close enough for David to return is going to be impossible.

Made some biscuits this morning and tried the marmalade.  It tastes good, but is, as I was afraid, a little runny.  You live, you learn, as they say.

Carla and David looking at the progress at the pool
Carla and David looking at the progress at the pool

What’s so wonderful? First you brown an onion.

Preserved lemons and three citrus marmalade.
Preserved lemons and three citrus marmalade.

Preserved lemons.  Made paella for dinner the other night with Donovan.  It was pretty good, I thought.  Made three citrus marmalade today from lemons, oranges and grapefruit from our trees.  It was quite a time consuming endeavor, but maybe the next attempt will be shorter.  I followed the instructions, and heated the marmalade to 220°, but it seems a little runny.  We will see if it sets up by tomorrow.  I also gave it a twist and added some ginger.

David isn’t feeling well.  Congestion.  I read on that there was a pollen alert for the valley.  He didn’t want to do much today, and just went from bed to the kitchen all day.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.  The weather hasn’t been great either, so there was no sunning for David for the past two days.  Tonight, I looked  outside and it was actually raining.  That will be good for the drought and hopefully will take some of the pollen out of the air.  It’s funny, but I haven’t noticed much effect from the pollen on me, and usually I get hit pretty bad.  It might be that I just don’t notice anymore, because congestion and itchiness just seems to be an all year problem for me.
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It is sad, but I wrote this all before, but somehow it didn’t save it.  Not sure what happened.  And now, I can’t remember what I wrote for the end of the entry.  It was very clever, I am sure.  And witty.  It had something to do with not being able to focus on anything.  There are a bunch of things that I have been putting not he back burner and I need to make sure that they get some attention and don’t boil over.  Yes, I spent the day cooking.  I played tennis yesterday with a sixteen year old.  It was good, but my weary bones were not happy last night.  I do have to say that it confirmed one thing.  I never want to be sixteen again.  I would love to shave some years off, but I think I would only go back as far as forty.  Maybe thirty-five, but never sixteen.  Never.  Ever.

We have been watching some new TV – Looking on HBO, which we like, and I am also hooked on the Graham Norton Show on BBC America.  So funny.  Downton Abbey was tonight too.  This is really rambling, and I am tired, so hopefully there aren’t too many mistakes and grammatical errors above, because I am not proofreading.  Spellcheck, which we all know can be dangerous, will just have to do.

Taking just one more chance, trying for some fun

I went to do some shopping after a full day of speech, reading group, exercise, doctor’s appointment and tennis.  I needed some things to make dinner for tonight and tomorrow. So there I was at the butcher’s counter and I hear this voice that sounded familiar and standing next to me ordering some chops from the butcher was Lucie Arnez.  She looks really good, I thought to myself, but she looked like she was dressed by Lucy – pink capri pants seemed a little too “Lucy goes to Palm Springs” to me.  So, that was all the excitement for the day.

Yesterday we had a great visit from Walter and Lynne who made a stop to see us on their way to San Clemente.  We had a great chat at home and then headed off to Tropicale for something to eat.  The only sad thing was we couldn’t see them this morning for breakfast because of our busy schedule for the day.  It was very nice, and David really does seem to be getting more speech out.

What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is a general term usually used for erectile dysfunction that is the reason, to make it cured lots of medication has to order levitra online be discussed with your doctor in order to apply them for this reason. Great news for those who are suffering from anxiety now it can be cure buy taking XANAX 1MG 100 pills tablets with fast shipping and delivery and from trustable source.we are online pharmacy distributor of generic medications.try it order tadalafil once and get rid off from your anxiety problem. Co-enzyme Q10 is very safe link best viagra pills even in large doses and has a host of other health benefits of this medicine as stated above in this article that make this tablet the best choice for those facing erection dysfunctions. As these bought here online viagra herbal pills are developed with the help of natural supplements to get rid of the problem of erectile dysfunction. So, Walter and Lynne suggested that I make some preserved lemons, which sounds like a great idea.  So next project – preserved lemons and citrus marmalade.  I will start getting all the equipment ready!  Tomorrow is a slightly lighter day than today, so maybe I will get started.


My chickens just ooze

I have been staying up way too late these past few nights, and it wasn’t writing the blog as you all know. I roasted a chicken and then made stock.  Needed to use some over-ripe bananas, so I made banana bread.  Today we had a very tasty soup from leftover chicken and the stock.  Not sure why I feel compelled to do this, but, what the heck.  Have a bunch of lemons, oranges and grapefruits that I need to start doing something with, and will take suggestions!

We met with a personal trainer who will come to the house and work with David, and that starts on Monday morning.  He specializes in working with folks with physical limitations.  Should be good, I hope.  He seems like a nice fellow.  Also, in the realm of getting things started, they are supposed to drain the pool the week after next and begin work, so we will have a new pool and spa by early March.  When we met with the trainer, we ran into Miguel who did the renovation on the house here, and had a nice chat.  He emailed later that day and offered to do the pool for us.  I told him that we already contracted someone, and thanked him, but asked if he could come by and see the kitchen cabinets, which are not holding up so well.  Structurally they are fine, but the doors on the island are getting damaged from water.  Wood and water are not the best of friends, and not sure if there is much to be done, but he will take a look.  Maybe just get them refinished.

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Thursday was the speech group at Eisenhower Medical Center, and the group was very large.  Everyone is back home after the holidays I guess.  A very interesting group of folks and David and I talked afterwards about who were our favorites.  There really isn’t anyone that we don’t like, but there are a couple of folks that I like a lot.  There is this one guy who has very little speech, similar to David, who always seems on the verge of saying something that appears to be very funny, or at least he things so.  David does that all the time.  I see his face light up, and that smile on his face, and I know he has something very funny to say.  Once in a great while, I can guess what it is.  He still makes me laugh, which is a godsend!

Ford every stream

Went for a hike, not a walk!  I decided to hike one of the trails here in the desert.  I though, ever so briefly, of just walking over the ridge, but my day on the hill had come to an end.  That’s the right quote, right?  I don’t want to google it, so I will trust that the words are right, or at least close.  It was really pretty spectacular, and the views of the valley were great!

View from the highest point on the hike (or the highest point that I reached)
View from the highest point on the hike (or the highest point that I reached)

Exposure Therapy is also used to treat children with phobias on line viagra and this treatment can prove to be more useful while seeking pleasure. cheapest viagra no prescription Given below are some tips or steps of assessing the problem. In this type of therapy, the aching areas are injected with commander viagra a ploriferant solution that induces the development of tumour cells. But companies claim to use these compounds as a carrier of fragrance. sildenafil price in india We began watching the Golden Globes, but taped the rest for later.  We were going to the movies.  A documentary about Elaine Stritch called Shoot Me.  It was good and I am not sure, after seeing the movie, if I now think she is someone I would love to know or would rather die than run into her strolling up Fifth Ave.  I am leaning toward not.  The GG’s were good I thought.  Some surprises, but generally predictable.  So many movies to see now.

Have been having a good time watching more Chris Christie news.  I just hope that they find the smoking email and he gets what’s coming to him. “They say the meek are gonna get what’s comin’ to em by and by.”  The Jersey City stuff just adds to his downfall, I hope.

Forgot the title!

Chocolate cake with coffee icing
Chocolate cake with coffee icing

A great dinner with Blade and Ralph.  David said that the beef was not good, but otherwise, dinner was a success.  B&R said they enjoyed it, and Blade said that the cake may have been the best he has ever had.  Now I feel I know how David feels when Bill says he was hitting really well.  Just a little hyperbole. right?  It was good, but, well . . .  maybe it is the best cake ever!

Even when you have great health, you cannot feel india generic cialis absolutely safe. The frequency of losing an erection increases with the age; however it is necessarily a consequence of numerous mental cialis no prescription canada and physical elements. This chronic infection online levitra prescription may result in significant genital abnormalities in male offspring. Rafael Palmeiro a major league baseball player on one occasion featured in an advert featuring what is universally called “The Little Blue Pill”. viagra levitra cialis is a staple of American society – the focus of limitless tonight show monologue jokes and a popular conversation theme anywhere. It was a busy day of cooking and preparing, but I was able to fit in an hour with Joel, a local accompanist to do a little singing.  Blade asked me to sing before he even sat down, and then again at dinner.  I declined, and afterwards thought, I hope nobody ever thinks that I won’t sing because I just don’t want to, but because I am really very shy and it just seems weird to me to just sing in the living room.

Quiet day now.  Nothing planned except the movie this evening.  Hopefully this one will be better than the one we saw last week.  Also not such great weather.  It is not raining and still a little warm, but no brilliant sunshine.  There’s always tomorrow!

Going mad shooting sparks into space

David worked on the stationary bicycle without support for his knee again, which was great.  Blade was impressed and he seemed less exhausted afterwards. He also didn’t need as much reminding to keep his knee in.  We also went for an evaluation, well, actually two evaluations.  First with a trainer who might work with David and then we went to see about a device that will help keep his foot from dropping when he walks.  We worked with something like it when we left New York, and the physiatrist thought that it would be worth a look.  Actually, I suggested it, and he agreed.  It worked very well in the office, and now we need to find out if insurance will cover it.  I think it will speed up his walking speed quite a lot.

At Life Changes with Cedric there was quite a bit of drama.  I had mentioned that there was a guy who seemed to despise another member of the group, and they almost came to blows.  The guy who can’t seem to shut up started talking about some nonsense, and the other one began to wheel out of the room and Cedric asked him to stay and share what his week had been like.  He turned around and rejoined the group, and when the other one continued, he called him an a-hole, and that was it.  The talked asked him to step outside, or rather, wheel outside.  When he refused, he left with his aide to file a formal complaint.  I think the best part was when Cedric asked him to call the talker to apologize, he said over his dead body.  The most interesting part was seeing the group divided and taking sides.  Most against the talker.  Excitement at the Stroke Center!

We went to see a pretty bad movie that was part of the Film Festival.  You know you are always in trouble when a movie sounds like it is a good concept.  It was billed as a Rock and Doris style comedy with a gay twist.  Well, it was just awful.  David became quite angry when I wouldn’t leave, and every time people left, he would just say “come on!”  We stayed to the bitter end, and it was pretty bitter.  We are going on Sunday to see a documentary about Elaine Stritch, which should be better.  I hope!

I read David the Gabrielle Giffords op ed piece that was in the New York Times.  It was good, but I think David thought it would have more details about physical and speech therapy.  Speaking of politicians, I am getting great joy in seeing Chris Christie squirm.  Coming from NJ, I feel like I know him and his pals so well.

I have been playing more tennis, which is great and David began serving today.  I didn’t get to see it, but Bill said that he was hitting really well, and I have to believe him.  David said he wasn’t hitting very well, but, I believe Bill.  Dinner tomorrow night with Blade and Ralph, which I am looking forward to. Baked a cake today and Boeuf à la Bourguignonne is the project for tomorrow!

And now I know I was naive

My first attempt at a French Baguette
My first attempt at a French Baguette

Now that the New Year has started, things seem to have settled down here in Palm Springs.  It was pretty busy until lots of folks left yesterday to head home.  I am sorry to say this, but David and I are so glad to be staying here with the 75° and sunshine, and thinking of all our friends who are suffering through this arctic vortex.  While I am sure it is pretty horrible, the news certainly does come up with ways to make things sound pretty dramatic, right?  I love getting some lovely notes from people with updates on their lives around the holidays, and we have gotten some great updates in the past few days.  It is great to have things to read to David aside from this blog (which I have skipped a few times).  I am just finding it difficult to come up with things to write that seem more interesting.  I know that all my adventure in baking are fascinating, but . . . really!

In physical therapy David did his usual time on the stationery bike, but this time Blade didn’t use the strap to keep his right knee from flopping, and all the exercises we have been doing have paid off – he didn’t need the strap, just some gentle reminding to pull his knee up once in a while.  He was pretty exhausted after that, and it did take a lot out of him.  I find the same thing with speech.  When we do too many exercises, he begins to get tired, and he doesn’t do as well as when we start.  All that is to be expected.
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We are happy that we have some visits planned for this month.  We are also having Blade and his husband for dinner on Saturday.  Blade suggested that we get together for dinner, and David volunteered my cooking.  Blade thought that was pretty funny, and said that if I wasn’t up to it, we could go to a restaurant.  I am happy for the distraction of planning and cooking a dinner. Maybe I will use the paella pan I bought and tried out with some success.  I might even bake a cake.  Speaking of baking, I made a baguette this morning, which came out pretty good.  I was pleased.  Don’t think for a moment that I have thrown over the Macarons, I will make a return soon.

We also got the last of three bids on redoing the pool, and the third one is the charm.  I liked this guy better than the other two, and his bid was better by quite a bit, so we are going to start the work soon.  Once that is done, we will truly be living in paradise.