Ciccio and relax

The Marine Layer on my morning walk
The Marine Layer on my morning walk

First, I want to say that tonight, when we got ready for bed, and I went to pull up the blog from last night to read, I discovered that I never published it.  I wrote it, but didn’t hit the publish button.  User error, as they say.  Sorry.  So got that published now.

This morning I got up and took my walk (no running today) and when I got home, Alex, Theo and David were happily playing in the living room.  David tried to tell us something, and I finally figured out that he had to go to the bathroom, and Alex had helped get him up out of bed and on his way to the bathroom, which was great.  He was concerned about what he would do if Alex wasn’t there, and thinks that I shouldn’t go for my walk until after he is up and out of bed.  We will see how that works tomorrow.  He reminded me of this again tonight to make sure that I didn’t leave the house until he was up and out of bed.

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David at Ciccio
David at Ciccio

We took a walk and exercised, and then I went for coffee.  We spent the rest of the morning relaxing and playing with Theo.  Very nice day.  Made lunch, and then Alex and Theo headed back to San Francisco at about 4pm.  We talked about what to do, and David thought that we should go out for dinner.  I did a little research and finally decided on trying to go to Ciccio, which is just down the street from French Laundry.  We drove over, and there was about a 45 minute wait, but the hostess said that she would call me a bit before a table was ready, and we could come back, so that’s what we did.  The place was very, very nice, and the food was terrific.  We had fire roasted padrone peppers and roasted eggplant and peppers followed by a pizza with sausage.  All were delicious!  This will become one of our regular spots while we are here, and I can’t wait to take Alex and Claire.  While we were waiting to be seated, we ran into Marnie, the woman who gave us the tour at the CIA, and she said that this was one of her favorite spots.  She also came over during dinner to check on us, and pointed out that Thomas Keller (the owner of French Laundry) was at the bar having dinner.  Not bad at all!  Good food, comfortable and convivial atmosphere, and just around the corner!

We got home, and David couldn’t have dessert, we were pretty full.  Then bed, the blog (as I mentioned earlier) and then more Paris Reborn.  Tonight’s section was about financing and legal issues, so David was a little confused.  I tried to explain, but I think I just muddied the waters!