Come and sip your Dubonnet in the nude

Well, it was a lot less exciting than that!  We went tonight to Azul for Bella daBall’s Cabaret Variety Show.  Well, there was lots of variety but not much in the way of Cabaret or show.  One of the drag acts was actually very sad.  We had fun, while it lasted.  We didn’t stay for the entire show, and left probably about half way through.  It was nice to get out though.

We had Speech with Arlene this morning, and she gave us two technology options through Lingraphica© – one a laptop and the other a tablet.  David doesn’t seem much interested in either though, so not sure what we will do.  We are able to try them for this week, and then she will put in an order for one of the other or possibly neither.

We also had PT with Blade and as usual he made our day a little better.  He says he is feeling more movement in David’s upper right arm, which is a great sign.  David wanted to know when it was going to be better.  Questions with no answers, unfortunately.  He told us about his trip to Paris about ten years ago when he accompanied a player in the French Open.

After the “Show” we came home and watched Dancing with the Stars.  Quite a shocking ending, I have to say.  Then the blog, but no book.  David was pretty tired from a busy day.  Thanks for messages after yesterday’s blog, it makes me feel much better to hear from folks.

One thought on “Come and sip your Dubonnet in the nude

  1. Hey Scott! Thx for keeping this up, i read them everyday and enjoy hearing about all your activities. Please give David my best, and that we have just finished the visits of candidates for school head. Andrew just found out he got a job in Chicago at a new GEMS school. We should be able to hire a good person, I think by Nov 1, but tell David none of them play clarinet and none have his sense of humor! Nora is a senior and already committed to St Mary’s of Maryland. Best, John

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