Connections and Corrections

First, I just finished reading last night’s blog, and David wanted to make it clear that the OT didn’t suggest that he start doing more on his own, that was his suggestion.

Now that this is out of the way, we had a good day.  Up at 9am, and we had an aide who helped, without being too helpful, to get David showered, and dressed.  Got a call from Marjorie, and she wanted to stop by for a visit, but I told her that we had a visitor at 11, so she said she would come by for a short visit at 11:45.  David was not happy about this – he thought it would be awkward for Nan Golding and Marjorie to be there at the same time, as they never met, Nan is from Washington and there was not a connection.  Boy was he wrong.  We had a great visit with Nan, and some great chocolates from Frans in Seattle.  They were delicious, well, still are, we haven’t eaten them all yet!  Marjorie came at a little before noon, and we sat and chatted, and after a few minutes, Nan and Marjorie discovered so many connections that they have.  It was, in two people, proof that it is such a small world.

As we were getting ready for our call with Alex, Claire and Theo, they said goodbye just before 1, but before departing, we discovered another connection with Marjorie, but this time with me and David.  Ruth Cogen, who I worked with on the development of the Atlas.  They grew up together.  Went to the same school and camp, and their parents were close.  Small world!  I think we could probably have come up with about a dozen other folks from DC who were connected to Marjorie in some way!

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We watched some more of Enlightened and an episode of Ripper Street.  Then the blog, which I have corrected, and the object – Hebrew Astrolabe.

Now, for a bit of advice – please chime in.  I won’t go into too much detail, and I actually don’t remember if I mentioned this in a previous blog, but here is is from the start.  We rented this apartment with a 12 month lease (April 2012 – March 2013) with an option for a three month extension.  In the lease it states that the extension is at the same rent as the original.  We let the landlord know that we were exercising the extension, and I got a note from their agent that the extension would be with a 10+% increase in rent.  I wrote back and let him know that the lease states that the rent remains same for the three month extension.  He wrote back today that the landlord can extend the lease at his sole discretion, according to the rider, and that would be with the increase.  So, my plea for advise is – do I just bite the bullet and agree, or do something else?  I am just a little irritated because we have been ideal tenants, and I know the owner knows David’s situation and knows that it would be impossible for us to find a three month sublet somewhere else that is suitable.  Give me your thoughts, or at least commiserate with me!  Like the United incident, I feel a little helpless and that does not make me happy.

3 thoughts on “Connections and Corrections

  1. You shouldn’t bite the bullet if the lease expressly states that the extension will be at the same rental rate. Moreover, I suspect New York law has particular protections for renters who are handicapped. I would call one of the housing advocacy groups in Manhattan for information on this, for example, the Metropolitan Council on Housing, 212/979-0611.

  2. I was wondering if someone at UNIS could be helpful on this issue, Scott. And/or there is an appeal board — you certainly have reason to ask for relief. The other question is why have a “guarantee” clause if it can be overridden? Something about this doesn’t make sense. Of course lots in life doesn’t. A third thought it to go in person. Sometimes the human aspect overrides what’s easy to say in email. Love to you both, Abigail

  3. OK, I can only comment on Calif. landlord/tenant law. If your contract actually states that your 3 month extension is at the same rate, then it is. Can’t be changed without mutual consent. Nothing unilateral about a contract change. Hopefully there is also a clause that the prevailing party in a dispute pays attorney fees. If that is the case, contact one. Again, I do not know New York law, but usually a contract is a contract. If you want to send me a copy of your lease, I would be happy to look it over.

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