Cooler Day

This morning we headed to Speech Therapy, and it went very well.  David really is getting better at getting works out, and was able to talk about the Ballet and opinions about Kinky Boots, which Karen saw on Sunday.

We went home and then I headed out to our final tech rehearsal.  It went well, and we open tomorrow.  Cassie and Alec, the actors in the play I am directing, are doing really well, and the play is getting tighter.  I had to leave at 2pm to take David to Physical Therapy, and he did a lot of walking without the cane, and Caroline and I both think that he actually walks better without the cane.  After some practice and more confidence, he will be walking outside without the cane.

After PT, we headed home, and David took a nap.  He didn’t want to go to the Young Stroke Survivor’s Group, so we stayed home.  We watched So You Think You Can Dance!  It has been a while, and it was fun to watch.  Then the blog and Garrison, and now David is snoring, which he will deny.