Days may be cloudy or sunny

I heard this one this morning on my walk, and thought it was appropriate.  Like the video below, my wagon is permanently attached to David’s.

So we drove down to Albany (near Berkley) and met with Steve Schwartz who sells and customizes these trikes for folks with physical challenges.  He showed us a bunch of stuff, and then we went for a test drive.  You can’t really see it in the video, but the view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate across the bay was spectacular.  Of course, we weren’t prepared for the chill that was in the air, but it was great to be out and cycling.  We now have an estimate for the cost for a pair of trikes, and we will discuss whether it is something that David will be interested in doing.  I was worried that the mechanics might be a problem for him, but he got the brake (most important) and steering seemed to work fine for him.  He had a few moments where we had to show him the difference between pedaling forward and backward, but he got that pretty quickly.  I think it would be great for exercise and just getting out and moving.

We were home in plenty of time for a nap and then Alex, Claire and Theo arrived in the afternoon.  We went to Ciccio’s for dinner, which was great, again.  The hostess remembered us well, and was glad that we were back.  Lots of babies in the restaurant, and all very well behaved, as was Theo.  Then home, and we watched Project Runway.  So glad that Timothy is gone (along with his unicorn!)  He just irritated me.  Then sleep – no blog and no Paris Reborn.

Today, I got up and took my walk.  Ran just a little bit.  When I got home, Alex told me that David had an episode where he felt faint.  He laid down, and was much better after a little while.  We went for coffee, and then breakfast, exercise and a walk.  We then headed off to a wine tasking at Paraduxx which is nearby.  A friend of Claire’s had recommended it, and said that it was even better than Frog’s Leap.  It was very nice, but not really better than Frog’s Leap.  In very much the same style and feeling, but the porch at Frog’s Leap really is special.  After hanging out under the trees for a while and sampling the reds, we decided to head over to Mumm, which was also great.  A little noisy because there were I think two groups of bridal parties – a little bachelorette action!  Then home and Claire and Alex packed up to head back to San Francisco.  Always nice to have them visiting, and Theo is a delight.

Tonight we caught up on True Blood, I read the blog from the other night and we read a bit of Paris.  Napoleon III is sick and on his way out of the picture, and France is on the brink of war with Prussia.

5 thoughts on “Days may be cloudy or sunny

  1. The trikes sound like a fantastic idea. Biking is exhilarating and liberating. How fantastically busy, active and social your life together is !

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