Demons will charm you

So, I wrote earlier, and we did all our stuff, including a walk along the wash.  Very nice day out.  We also took a drive to Target.  We needed TP and suntan lotion for David, and I knew that Target had aisles that are wide enough to be convenient with the wheelchair.  They were, and it was good. When we got home, David took a nap, and I started dinner.  Made sort of a chicken satay and cold noodles.  We ate outside by the pool, which was very nice.  Also reproduced the cocktail that David had last night, and he was thrilled. Kamagra with 100mg sildenafil citrate assures effective treatment just alike cialis 20mg tablets . Meaning the body can heal on its own. cialis pills uk It is essential click this link levitra without prescription to get the semen analysis that is essential part of the evaluation. prescription for ordering viagra If dietary changes won’t work, talk to the doctor and not under your own wish.  It was called a Moscow Mule and has mango and ginger.  Very gingery!

Then some TV – Law & Order: SVU.  Ripped from various headlines.  It was a mashup of Paula Dean and George Zimmerman with a serial rapist thrown in the mix.  Then the blog and book. Read tonight about Clair Patterson, who doesn’t get much love, but almost single handedly took on the corporations and government to have lead removed from gasoline.  It sounds like the government and corporate america did all that they could to ruin this guy, but he stuck to it, and finally won the day.  Although, I have to say, I was surprised that leaded gas was around into the 80’s.  Sad to learn that the lead and PCP’s all stay in the atmosphere for quite a while and continue to wreak havoc.

One thought on “Demons will charm you

  1. …with a smile, for a while, but in time nothing can harm you, not while I’m around.

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