Demons will charm you

Dear Kind Readers,

I am sure someone will know what the humane solution is.  We have a gopher (or some sort of tunneling rodent) in the yard here in Palm Springs.  Now, I believe in live and let live, but these piles of soil that appear on the lawn are getting irritating.  Do I just keep filling them in, playing a desert version of Whack-a-mole?  Call an exterminator?  Or do what my father would do – get a rifle and sit out back in a rocking chair and wait?  If I go with either of those, do I need a Papal dispensation to have the varmint dispatched?  Does that make me a bad person?


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Distressed and dirt filled in the desert.

In other news, we had dinner last night with Cedric and Patrick.  Very nice.  It is so great to get out and see people.  Cedric is from the Stroke Center and he leads the Life Changes group.  Patrick is his husband.  Cedric has parkinson’s, and is a really great guy. David gets much more communicative when we are around other people.  I read an article in Stroke Smart (yes, I have a subscription) that said that people with aphasia communicate differently with people who aren’t their caregivers.  So true.  I forgot to mention that we took advantage of a Christmas gift from Alex and Claire and went to Copley’s here in Palm Springs for their cooking demonstration.  We were joined by Blade’s husband Ralph and a bunch of their friends were there as well. Blade was in Utah, so he missed the fun.  It was a very nice evening, and the restaurant, which was Cary Grant’s cottage, was very nice.  A large outdoor courtyard, surrounded by the house which was very open and typical old Palm Springs style.  A great evening, thanks Alex and Claire!

I got tickets to for the tennis at Indian Wells for Thursday night, which will be fun.  It is the quarter-finals for both the men and women, so I am pretty sure we will see some good tennis.  Also, because it is the evening, and there are no general admission tickets, the crowds will be thinner.  But the most exciting event for the week is tomorrow when we go to see Kaye Ballard’s Going Out of Business Show.  She was on TV last week promoting the show on the local news, and she seems really sharp.  Very funny, and I think it will be fun.  She also said that there will be “Special Guest Stars” as well, which could be a hoot!!

3 thoughts on “Demons will charm you

  1. Don’t you dare harm the little creature. You could have been a gopher in a previous life – you never know.

    PLANT flowers in the holes – makes a great garden. best regards Lisa

  2. You need a terrier– a little ratter, like our terrier, Harry. Does someone have one that you could borrow? I’m not a dog person, but Harry does the trick on small critters–I know we’ll never have rats which are pretty common here in DC area.

  3. The Animal Humane Society makes a few suggestions, one is making a mixture of peppermint oil & tabasco sauce but this site: came up with quite a few suggestions some of which, I doubt, can be serous – I see is Bill Murray in Caddy Shack – good luck!

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