Dentist, Congratulations and Dinner

We bookended the day with Dentist visits.  First, David went to begin his cleaning.  They have to do it in four parts, and as I said, David isn’t very happy about that!  We did the upper right part of his mouth today.  I went later in the evening, while Gwen stayed with David and made dinner.

In between, we had visits from Betsy Downes and her daughter Kathryn and Julie and Andy Klingenstein.  Their visits overlapped and it made for a great party atmosphere.  Lots of chatting and talking about wedding plans – Kathryn’s and Julie and Andy’s daughter, both September weddings.  When Betsy mentioned that Kathryn was getting married, David said, clearly Congratulations!  I was very impressed, and didn’t say anything at the time, just reveled in the word, but mentioned it later.  Everyone was impressed by the progress David has made in speech and walking, and he was very proud of himself.

While we were waiting for Betsy to arrive, we thought that she was late, and after a while, I said I would check to make sure that I hadn’t made a mistake and she was coming next week.  I found the email confirming that she would be coming at 3:30, not 2:30 as I had on the schedule.  I had put a broader range of times, but hadn’t narrowed it down when I got the final email.  This prompted a bit of outrage from David, and my response was that I didn’t want to be his private secretary.  His response we to announce to our guests that I was not only lazy, but sloppy too!

When I got home from the Dentist, I had some of the terrific dinner Gwen had made, and she was also kvelling about how great David is doing since she last saw him.  They had spent more than two hours together, and she said they were carrying on great conversations.  She also noted that his verbal stamina was much stronger, and didn’t seem to diminish as the evening went on.  Today was a very good day for talking.