Each evening I treasure the quest

So, I have been reading Dan Savage’s  American Savage, which may be coloring my opinions lately, but tonight, I went out dancing after dinner, and was a bit early for the actual dancing and one of the lame game shows that are so popular on cruise ships was still going on.  It was a bit called the liar’s club and the panel consisted of entertainers from the ship and they were to give or make up definitions for odd words.  I have to find out where Timmy is from, and I actually don’t usually do this, but I am planning on submitting a complaint about his performance.  His “bit” was being as homophobic and misogynistic as possible, always the height of hilarity!  In one of his answers he made disparaging remarks about the Greeks and how gay they were and when the woman on the panel said something to him, he told her that it was much like today – there were no intelligent women in ancient Greece.  Now, I do suppose that we should expect that an adult man who calls himself Timmy is going to be in a perpetual state of adolescence, but I question why someone would hire him to entertain adults.  I guess it is called playing to the lowest common denominator, and I can assure you, some of the denominators are pretty common and low.

On a positive note, and, who knows, it may be a reason for my irritability, there was a spectacular full moon tonight as we plowed through the Atlantic.  The sea is sparkling and I may even take a walk on deck to get the full effect.  We are heading full speed for Dover, UK, and cleared UK immigration this morning.  They told us as we were going through that we are good for a six month stay.  Not sure what we are doing in Dover, but I don’t think we are staying for six months.  Had a terrific dinner tonight, but not for the reasons you might think.  It was the company, not the food.  We were with the guys from Sydney and their friends from NYC and Buenos Aires.  Ralf, the German guy who lives in BA rents apartments in Argentina, so we might plan a visit next spring.  It is something that both of us have wanted to do, so, why not!

It has been a day now since I wrote the above.  Two very unsatisfying breakfasts.  Yesterday David stayed in bed, and I went down to have breakfast with Paul and Richard.  We ordered a a bit after 9am, and at 9:55am they had to leave to go to a lecture they wanted to attend, before their breakfast had arrived.  This morning, more or less the same story, except David ordered the salmon and it was almost 15 minutes after he had finished his breakfast that mine arrived.  I don’t think it is me, but breakfast should not take over an hour, start to finish, right?  I mean, there is the other extreme – in NY you sit down and three minutes later you have your eggs Benedict and are out the door in 15.  20 if you are lingering.  Alright, another NCL tirade, and they are getting tired, I know, but so are we.  Other folks on the ship are saying that this ship is not representative of the line, but honestly, I don’t think I would take another chance.  They may have to pay me to take another Norwegian ship.  And I keep saying, I can’t figure out what it is.  I told David this morning that the Norwegian Star should be on an episode of Restaurant Disasters on the Food Network.

In a bit of more positive news, tonight, one of the Friends of Dorothy has arranged for an evening watching the EuroVision Song competition which was on the other night.  Very exciting.  Hopefully the ship won’t screw this one up!  Dover tomorrow and then three more days and we are in Paris!

One thought on “Each evening I treasure the quest

  1. Scott,

    Have you heard of the website Cruise Critic. You can go on line and critique to your heart’s content. That will get their attention.

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