Easter Parade

One of the nice things about living on Fifth Ave is the Easter Parade.  Didn’t see too many hats this year, but I am sure they were out there!  We did take a walk, but decided to go down 32nd Street, not up the Avenue – too many people out!  It was a good day.  Onelsis was here in the morning and David really likes her.  We walked out soon after she left and when we got back home, we watched some TV, David played some Scrabble – he keeps winning – and then an afternoon nap.

Made dinner, and watched two episodes of Foyle’s War, then the blog, Julia and number 99.  I didn’t tell about number 97 and 98, Hockney’s in the Dull Village and Throne of Weapons.  The next to last object is a Credit Card.  julia has started collaborating on The Art of French Cooking.