Everybody be glad, because the sun is shining just for us

Some of you may wonder how I always seem to have a sunny outlook in this blog, and, generally, I do have a positive outlook on life.  I do, however spare my readers the gory details of day to day living.  Anyway, there were no gory details today, which was good.  I got up and took my walk, and when I got home, David was up, and I fixed him breakfast – he always wants cereal even if I offer to make eggs.  We then had exercise and a shower.  We had a good conference call with Candi to go over our finances, and everything seems to be in pretty good shape.  All good stuff.

Then we had a physical therapy session and sadly, Blade is on vacation for a week and a half, so we had a substitute.  Jeffrey was good though, so not a bad thing, and he has a slightly different approach, which is always good.  He suggested that I investigate buying a small electro stimulator to work on David’s hand and ankle.  He said they are only about $40 and would be worth the investment.  I ordered one tonight, and it is on its way.

After therapy, David was a bit tired, so he took a nap, and I ran to Trader Joe’s to do some shopping.  On my way, I stopped in The Estate Sale, a sort of high end furniture consignment store.  We are looking for two bars, one for the living room and one for by the pool.  I think that I found the one for the pool, but later, when David and I took a drive to look at it, they had closed already.  Tomorrow we will have another outing!  Then home and I took a dip in the pool, and we watched Project Runway, which was good.  It is always nice when none of the remaining designers make me crazy.  Then dinner, bed, an episode of Breaking Bad, the blog and the book.  More craziness from Sr. Isaac.  He must have been totally nuts!!  I think he would have been one of the people I would have wanted voted off the island immediately!

Oh, and more on the good news list – I got a text from Alex and they have their visas and have a flight booked for Saturday evening to Paris!  Bon Voyage!!