Filling the darkness with order and light

This morning we both slept in a little later than usual.  Actually, I am not sure if David slept later than usual, because I was on my walk.  It was slightly longer than my usual, and I had a very snappy playlist that kept me going at a pretty good pace. When I got home, we had breakfast, then a swim and some sunning (David is getting his old color back) followed by exercise.  The new exercises that Blade has given us are helping, I think.  He is working on very specific areas – ankle, wrist, forearm, shoulder, knee.  David is slowly getting more movement in his ankle and forearm.  It is a different method than we used before.  It can be repetitive, but he says that even if David isn’t doing much of the work, over time, the brain will make connections, and he will start to do more of it.  I have seen this in both the ankle and forearm, so hopefully the rest will begin to fall into place.

Then, if the afternoon, we went shopping and had lunch in Palm Desert.  We went to the Apple store, and bought a speaker and a stand for David’s iPad.  Both were excellent purchases – The speaker is great, tiny and powerful, and the stand will work very well for David.  He was having trouble working on the iPad and holding it.  We had lunch near Saks and while at dinner, we were talking about movies, and decided to go after lunch.  My Flixter ap said that The World’s End got good reviews, so we went to see that.  About 20 minutes into the movie, I was sure that David didn’t like it at all.  At the end of the movie, he confirmed my fears.  I wasn’t thrilled by it either.  It took too long to get to the plot, and as a buddy movie, it was a bit flat, I thought.  Much better when the alien plotline started, but it was too late then.

Then home and I made summer squash soup for dinner.  I couldn’t find the recipe, so I had to make it from memory.  Not sure if I left something out, but it was good, so I felt OK.  Then the very short blog from last night and more of the book.  Anthony texted me as said the he read the book, and it kinda freaked him out.  I have to say, I am finding it kinda freaky too.  Some of the numbers are just scary, and he went on more about the size of the solar system, and did some comparisons of the distances of planets based on size. If earth is a pea, pluto is the size of a bacterium and is 1.5 miles away.  How do you even begin to wrap your head around that!?