First full day

Today David had his first full complement of therapy – physical, speech and occupational.  He had an hour of each, and was exhausted by the end of the day.  He also had two visitors, and really enjoyed seeing both Jane Lang and Sheila Desmond.   Jane wrote a poem and noticed that the word that David says most clearly and strongly is “yes” and Sheila brought a card with the image of Ganesha, who, she explained, is the remover of all obstacles, so I say yes to removing obstacles!

I think that I would advise folks to plan on staying for 30 – 45 minutes at this point – he needs to save his energy for the work he needs to do every day.  We also met with the Victoria – his social worker – who said that the full team would meet tomorrow morning and set goals, and come up with a provisional timeline for David’s recovery.  Will let everyone know the outcome of that tomorrow.

I am going to end with an image that was sent by our friend Monica Miracky in Washington, DC.  All I can say is, this image is at once creepy and inspiring!  Here’s to David and me sitting atop the Matterhorn eating fondue in one year!!

Don’t you just love some melted cheese?