Fish gotta swim

OK, that is an easy one, but it is appropriate.  Today, I got a number of very nice supportive emails, so thanks for that.  I have to say, when people ask about my work, it is never in an aggressive or judgmental way, but just curious.  It is all my own baggage that I have to get over, not theirs. David, as many of you will know, is relentless, and when I told him that I was getting nice, supportive and complimentary comments from folks, he wanted to know what nice things people were saying about him!  Thus, the song lyric, and the reassuring knowledge that David is David.

I slept in late, so no walk this morning, but it was nice to get the extra shuteye.  We got up and went into the pool, and then is was time to go to Physical Therapy.  Yesterday the the electro stimulator arrived, so we brought that with us, and Jeffrey worked with it a little bit.  He has been working on David’s arm a lot.
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David is still feeling dizzy, and when we got home, he took a nap, and I ran some errands, and when I got home, I laid down for a while, but was awakened when Maria, our cleaning lady, stopped by with some delicious food.  Very good!  A little spicy, so I think it will be mostly mine!  Then dinner, a few more episodes of Breaking Bad, I had to read the blog again, and more of the book.  At a certain point while reading the book, David wanted to know what the names of the planets were in French and German.  I am not sure if I was more surprised by the question or that I was able to decipher the question.  Bravo all around, and I found out that “Sun” in Indonesian is Matahari.  Who knew?

2 thoughts on “Fish gotta swim

  1. The quality and thoughtfulness of caregiving you provide David is beyond any definition of vocation. What do you do? You sustain life and a partnership. We all learn from you, Scott. You inspire me daily to keep my priorities in line.

    So glad you are singing. Soul food. And a measure on independence.

    Carry on! Fondly, Abigail

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