Fish is my favorite perfume

Today I awoke  to a crystal clear, cold morning with snow on the mountaintops.  Needless to say, by cold, I mean somewhere in the 60’s, and it warmed up to the 70’s as soon as the sun came up.  I took my walk, but had to get back by 9am because we had speech therapy at 10am with Arlene.  Therapy went well, and Arlene says that David is saying more and more complex words.

We headed home after, and David wanted to go in the pool.  I thought it might be a little chilly, but he wanted to, and the water was nice and warm, so we stayed for a while.  David laid out in the sun for a while and then we started to get ready for Blade and PT.  That went well too.  Blade said that his husband, Ralph wants to come to the house and work with David on arranging the closets.  David will love that!

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Then home and I made Vietnamese salad rolls for dinner followed by Project Runway.  (Spoiler Alert: don’t read on if you have PR taped) So glad for Justin, and his looks were great.  Not so fond of Alexandria’s clothes, and sadly, Helen missed the mark.  I like her and her past work was often really good.  Then the blog and book.  We are in the middle of the chapters that are full of science, so hopefully David won’t throw it over too soon.