Forever more is shorter than before

I read an article this morning before leaving Paris that claims we don’t age gradually. Gracefully, as they say, but rather in two distinct drop-offs. One at 44 and one at 60. That seems right to me. I still find myself saying, “Why, all of a sudden, is everything falling apart?!” In the next four weeks I have the dentist, my eye doctor, my chiropractor, my regular doctor and a colonoscopy. Did I mention I’m falling apart? Not really. Preventative. I already fell apart.

I am not zooming anywhere, now. Just waiting at San Francisco Airport in the very crowded United Lounge. One of the benefits of age and flying a lot. It is fun to see people coming and going. People are weird.

The summer in Paris was a success, and I am on for the same next summer. I had a few bad days towards the end. Days when I wasn’t doing something and the feeling of loneliness becomes overwhelming. Fortunately Alex, Claire and the boys kept me distracted and happy the last four days.

I did a lot and saw some old friends and made some new ones. I also wrote some and thought about the past and future, both mine and the world. And yes, the meaning of life. I did visit the grave of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. But, only by chance. And I didn’t have any lipstick, so, didn’t kiss it either.

Maybe next summer, some time in Scotland and northern England. Have I mentioned that one of my ancestors, apparently, haunts a pub in Shropshire. Along with his horse. Wild Humphrey Kynaston and his trusty steed, Beelzebub. Now I know where the insane streak in my family comes from. I wouldn’t mind having a word with him.

I’ve been back for too long not to post the above. I wrote it weeks ago, while I was on my way back from Paris. Between jet lag and a little depression, it is taking me longer to get back up to speed. Just two bits of news – I am going to NY in October – specifically between October 27 and November 2. Let me know if you want to meet up in the city. I am excited that when I go back to Paris in December, Hello, Dolly! will be playing at the Lido. It will be a little like seeing the show in the Harmonia Gardens.

I’m going to write more about my impressions of this trip and also NY and back in November for a cruise.

2 thoughts on “Forever more is shorter than before

  1. I too am heading towards the second distinct drop off…..but I am gonna make damn sure its not a big drop…. more a slight hiccup on the way to older age and more carefree behaviour xx

  2. Wonderful sentiment and story of loss and transition, Scott. Keep up you love of life and spreading joy.

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