Freedom is a full time occupation

Well, that was supposed to be the title for Independence Day, but I guess I missed that!  I have missed a lot.  We did get our hair cuts.  Both of us. Donovan’s visit was very nice, and we did a bunch sightseeing, but also some relaxing.  Hatam and his family are here now, and they are out for most of the day enjoying all that Vermont has to offer.  Continue to get the house in order, but also have to relax with the fact that there will always be work to be done.

So, the other bit of news that has something to do with the title is, that an old friend, who had a run in with the law is now free.  It is a long story and some of you may know it, and the rest will just have to use your imaginations.  I just got an email from her, and with visions of Orange is the New Black in my head, I was happy to hear that she was out.  Am looking forward with catching up with her, and finding out what her next steps are.  All in all, a very sad case, and completely unwarranted, as far as I am concerned.  Hoping she survived emotionally.

Today we also went to see the lovely and talented Julie Halston in a play at Powerhouse Theatre at Vassar in Poughkeepsie.  A lovely drive, and well worth the trip.  The play was The Babylon Line by Richard Greenberg, and we both really enjoyed it.  Great play and terrific performances all around.  I will add, as an aside, I had to get up and find the tickets to get the title of the play – I was thinking, Jericho Line? Bethlehem Line? Sodom Line?  It is terrible getting old, right?  So wonderful to see Julie and Ralph too.  She begins rehearsals in a few weeks for You Can’t Take it With You on Broadway, which opens in September.

Alexandra and David at the Founders Arms in London
Alexandra and David at the Founders Arms in London

I am now going to go back in time a bit.  On one of our evenings in London, we had a UNIS reunion of sorts.  Alexandra arranged for a group to meet at a great spot on the Thames near the Tate Modern.  It was a wonderful evening with a great group of folks.  As always, I end up being envious of what a great time these folks had in their High School years.  Mine were so awful, except for the year I escaped NJ, that whenever I hear what great learning environments other folks enjoyed, I get a bit angry, but mostly jealous.  I could go on, but, it would bore you.  I Was going to go on a rant, but will spare you all.

I touched on this a little, but I am finding it very difficult to get my routine going here in Vermont.  In Palm Springs, and even to a certain extent in Paris, I was able to find time to write and do everything that I wanted to do, but here, it is much more difficult.  It may be that I feel less comfortable with leaving David alone here.  Add to that the fact that to get anywhere takes 15 minutes, minimum.  Also, David has wanted to go with me almost everywhere, which makes shopping take about twice the time and effort.  Have you ever tried to push a shopping cart and a wheelchair at the same time?  Fortunately, Aldi’s has a wheelchair with a cart attached, so that makes that store a little easier.  I am hoping that before too long I get my groove back, and begin writing every night.  Every other night?  Once a week at this point would be an improvement!!

There have been all these random things running through my head, but I can never remember them with I sit down to write, and I am sure in the middle of the night something will jolt me awake.  Maybe I will write it tomorrow.

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