Friday, August 17

So, it was another day.  David had a great Physical Therapy with his new PT York (Steph has gone on vacation to SE Asia – good for Steph and I asked her to bring back food!)   Fortunately she left our David in York’s capable, kind, strong hands!  He made David work, and work hard.  He did one exercise that made me start to think of dancing, which was fun.  Step, touch, etc – no turn – but. . . .  He also had Speech Therapy with Liat, and he is doing OK, but not as well as I might like, however at his afternoon’s session with Liat, she upgraded him to clear liquids, which was great news.  Sometimes he looked like he was having an orgasm when he would drink water, so it is a welcome relief for that to be allowed now.  Sip as much as you like, I say!  I just want to hear his stories.  I see a lot in his smile, but it takes so long, and I could never, even pre-stroke, tell his stories the way he would.  Today, it took quite a while to get this one out:

When we arrived this morning the guard at the front desk asked me, “who is this David Shapiro that so many people come to see?  I think I will need to go upstairs and see him”.  I told him that he was a celebrity at the front desk because he got so many visitors, and what the guard said.  When I came back from having lunch, he wanted me to find the nurse to tell me something that had happened, and I had the nurse paged so he could tell me what happened while I was gone that David thought was very funny.  Finally Carson, his nurse, came in and I asked what had happened.  He looked puzzled and said, “he ate lunch?”  An impatient David said “come on!!” (one of his favorite phrases), and Carson remembered, a guard from downstairs came up to meet the famous David Shapiro who EVERYONE wanted to visit.  So it was true, even in his current state, he is the most popular person in the building.  He certainly is for me.

Many of you have seen this, but want to share this picture from our wedding.  My favorite now.

He makes me laugh
My favorite – he makes me laugh

3 thoughts on “Friday, August 17

  1. It is Susan, Lynda Crawford’s sister again. Bravo! to both of you. I just caught up with the progress. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and laughter. It is a wonderful picture.
    I am thinking how often my mom gets mad at me cause she is asking for a pillow and she really means a pen. The brain does strange things but at lease she can speak and ask for something. I can figure it out.

    I hope to one day, meet the both of you. Aloha, Susan

  2. I had a great visit with David tonight, we laughed a bit and in the middle of communicating, when the hand gestures were going too fast, I held his hand to slow him down. It was great. The smile, the twinkle in his eye, the increased number of words and the connection…powerful stuff.

    I have known David such a short time, and yet he has touched me profoundly. I can’t wait to see him again soon.

  3. Great picture and great story! If I were in NYC I’d visit; please let him know I’m there in spirit.

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